Small feature request, regarding Create NAV Client Version. Would it possible to make it valid to select a blank Build Version, thus only copying the Base Version?
Working with some old databases, I had installed 2009 as 6.0.32012. The STA Create source has a 6.0.29626 has the "base" 2009 version. I would like to be able to select just the Base version and click install.
Sure it's a manual copy/paste, but then I have to add the versions of the stack to the Settings manually as well. Across multiple machines, that time adds up.
Another small feature request for your great tool ;-)
When clicking Stop or Restart, I would like to have a message popping up asking me if the service should be restarted.
Justification: working with in-house development at an end-user, we are handling quite some services now. Both dev/test and production. So it happened to me that I had not seen right which service was selected when I pressed Restart. It happened to be a production service. Ouch.
Having a confirm popping up which states which service I am going to restart, gives me the change to rethink my action. And surely the default button should be no.
First of all thanks guys for this program (this is a mile stone for every NAV developers!!!).
I've 2 suggestion for you:
1) insert in grid column the SQL instance and ports number.
2) insert a button to run SQL server management studio.
With this informations we can view if we have some "duplicated" service (i.e. we have 2 stopped service on port 7046) and with button we can directly connect to DB.
Service Tier Administration Tool v2.5.5
Version 2.5.5 (2016-03-17):
NEW STA Setting "Default Startup RTC" 32 or 64 bit. This is for 2016 Default Client Startup. Some issues with 32 Bit Addin to start old 32-Bit client as default.
NEW STA Setting "Warning". This warns before stop or restart a service.
NEW Function to Start "SQL Server Management Studio" directly to the selected service database. (Must be installed)
ADD config setting "Run NAS services with admin rights" to 2016 services.
ADD new columns DatabaseInstance, ClientPort, SoapPort
Service Tier Administration Tool v2.5.5
Version 2.5.5 (2016-03-17):
NEW STA Setting "Default Startup RTC" 32 or 64 bit. This is for 2016 Default Client Startup. Some issues with 32 Bit Addin to start old 32-Bit client as default.
NEW STA Setting "Warning". This warns before stop or restart a service.
NEW Function to Start "SQL Server Management Studio" directly to the selected service database. (Must be installed)
ADD config setting "Run NAS services with admin rights" to 2016 services.
ADD new columns DatabaseInstance, ClientPort, SoapPort
First of all: Great job! This is an amazing tool, thank you!
I have one little feature request: adding a new computer (service tier server) with the option to use another user. My local user account does not have the privileges to administrate the service tiers on the server. And: we have 3 systems -> development, testing, live. And for all of these we have separate service tier server with separate administrator accounts.
Might have found a bug. Just created a new version of 80 with CU22 (8.0.46580). Everything seems to work and run, however, when you attempt to sync the table schema between the service tier and the client, there is a server mismatch. It seems like the Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.dll does not get updated during the creation process. That dll is a part of the CU22 update folder, but seems to be skipped.
I love your tool - it has been a lifesaver.
Is there a setup option to link the developer build with the RTC build in the tool?
I would like to be able to run tables from the developer and also start the debugger and use it, but this is not working for me.
Hi, I am new to this tool and was wondering if there is any documentation or hints as to how to get started? I have been using the standard Administration plugins. I have recently come across the need to use multiple builds of 2016 on the same server and haven't had any luck doing it... I believe this tool will allow me to set this up? But I am not sure at all how to get started using the tool.
I've a suggestion for you. When we create a service with ServiceTierAdministration we specified target folder, but this information cannot be found into the program settings. When we need to install addin into NAV we must put dll files into client folder and service folder. Unfortunately, we don't remember service folder's path. Can you add this information into "Configuration"?
I have been using it with NAV 2017.
Thanks for your product.
Now all we need is a build independent version of PowerShell. Right now you have to jump thru hoops to get it pointing to a new build.
Does anyone have information on the developer? There have been no updates for sometime for this tool, which is unfortunate but at the moment I am more concerned with the person.
First of all, STAT is a great tool. Our development team is using it almost on a daily basis to start/stop/restart NST's all over our server park.
Our Dynamics landscape consists of a complete Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production setup where each part consists of multiple servers which in turn may contain multiple NST's.
Our production tree for example consists of 8 servers, running a total of 10 NST's which all need to be stopped and started during an update.
To make STAT even better in facilitating such actions, i would like to make the following suggestions:
1. Make it possible to group the computers in the Computer List under a category and perhaps even a subcategory. That way it becomes visually clear which NST belongs to which functional group.
2. Make it possible to Start/Stop/Restart a group of NST's with one push of a button. Let the user define groups of NST's (which may be located on different computers) and create a Group Action button that will show a dialogue in which a user first selects the Group of NST's (from the defined groups list) and then selects which action to perform (Start/Stop/Restart) on that group.
I know the current version of STAT will Start/Stop/Restart the selected NST's in the Navision Service List, but AFAIK it is not possible to show the NST's of multiple computers in that list at the same time. Beside that it is also a tedious and error prone process of selecting the correct NST's by hand every time.
Again, these are just suggestions to make an already great tool even better in my opinion.
I hope Luc Van Vught isn't correct on this
And I'm in favour of Lourens'request : even for local testing it would be nice to be able to select which user to use to connect to a servicetier.
Aha, just starting up the tool I was informed version 3.0.0 was available. Yessssss. And thanx.
Could you give a short resume on what has exactly been added? I am asking as I am missing the possibility to set DisableWriteInsideTryFunctions. See for example
Yes that could be, because we have changed the company parameter from tegos GmbH to Simova GmbH. The settings will be stored in a different folder now. Sorry for that.
This should only be a problem after the update. Reconfigure it only one time.
I will check the missing property. It could be that this property is added in a CU or a build update.
I have add many properties for 2017 and 2018. I don't know exactly which one i have added.
I compare all parameter with the Administration Snap-In. It could be that this parameter is not configurable from the snap-in. I will make an update today again.
I have the same problem. And here is my workaround.
In your folder ...\AppData\Local you can find a folder "Simova..." and a folder "tegos...". In there subfolders you can find user.config files. In this files you can find the section "Machine_List". If you copy your list of machines from the file in the last subfolder in "tegos..." to the file in the subfolder "" in "Simova..." then you see all of the machines in the new version.
Working with some old databases, I had installed 2009 as 6.0.32012. The STA Create source has a 6.0.29626 has the "base" 2009 version. I would like to be able to select just the Base version and click install.
Sure it's a manual copy/paste, but then I have to add the versions of the stack to the Settings manually as well. Across multiple machines, that time adds up.
CEO, Spare Brained Ideas, Göteborg, Sweden
New (April 2021) Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Available: "Your First 20 Hours with Business Central"
Once again: I love your tool.
Now with NAV 2016 it seems to miss some new features:
1. "Run NAS services with admin rights" on the NAS Services tab.
2. "Compile and Load Business Application" on the General tab
When are you to add it?
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
CEO, Spare Brained Ideas, Göteborg, Sweden
New (April 2021) Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Available: "Your First 20 Hours with Business Central"
When clicking Stop or Restart, I would like to have a message popping up asking me if the service should be restarted.
Justification: working with in-house development at an end-user, we are handling quite some services now. Both dev/test and production. So it happened to me that I had not seen right which service was selected when I pressed Restart. It happened to be a production service. Ouch.
Having a confirm popping up which states which service I am going to restart, gives me the change to rethink my action. And surely the default button should be no.
Thanx in advance.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
I have do some changes and i will do my best to implement your wishes.
I think i can do an update in the next 2 weeks.
Sry i have less time at the moment. Family and many projects and changes in other projects.
Best Regards
I've 2 suggestion for you:
1) insert in grid column the SQL instance and ports number.
2) insert a button to run SQL server management studio.
With this informations we can view if we have some "duplicated" service (i.e. we have 2 stopped service on port 7046) and with button we can directly connect to DB.
I wish you good work!
Version 2.5.5 (2016-03-17):
NEW STA Setting "Default Startup RTC" 32 or 64 bit. This is for 2016 Default Client Startup. Some issues with 32 Bit Addin to start old 32-Bit client as default.
NEW STA Setting "Warning". This warns before stop or restart a service.
NEW Function to Start "SQL Server Management Studio" directly to the selected service database. (Must be installed)
ADD config setting "Run NAS services with admin rights" to 2016 services.
ADD new columns DatabaseInstance, ClientPort, SoapPort
Discuss this download here.
Realy nice job!!!
I have one little feature request: adding a new computer (service tier server) with the option to use another user. My local user account does not have the privileges to administrate the service tiers on the server. And: we have 3 systems -> development, testing, live. And for all of these we have separate service tier server with separate administrator accounts.
Can anyone else confirm this?
Senior Dynamics NAV Developer, Update Affärssystem, Göteborg, Sweden
Remember: If you use Ask a Question, it can be marked as Answered and will be more visible!
Thanx for adding them. Only today I noticed you had.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
Is there a setup option to link the developer build with the RTC build in the tool?
I would like to be able to run tables from the developer and also start the debugger and use it, but this is not working for me.
We have a server running the services.
Now I try to make a 2017 version, but get the following error, when trying create a new service :
"No Navision base version found for the choosen build update 10.0"
BASE folder : \Base\10.0
UPDATES Folder : \Updates\10.0
Any ideas
I've a suggestion for you. When we create a service with ServiceTierAdministration we specified target folder, but this information cannot be found into the program settings. When we need to install addin into NAV we must put dll files into client folder and service folder. Unfortunately, we don't remember service folder's path. Can you add this information into "Configuration"?
Thanks, I wish you good work!
When can we expect NAV 2017 features to be available in the he tool?
b rg and keep up the good work,
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
Thanks for your product.
Now all we need is a build independent version of PowerShell. Right now you have to jump thru hoops to get it pointing to a new build.
First of all, STAT is a great tool. Our development team is using it almost on a daily basis to start/stop/restart NST's all over our server park.
Our Dynamics landscape consists of a complete Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production setup where each part consists of multiple servers which in turn may contain multiple NST's.
Our production tree for example consists of 8 servers, running a total of 10 NST's which all need to be stopped and started during an update.
To make STAT even better in facilitating such actions, i would like to make the following suggestions:
1. Make it possible to group the computers in the Computer List under a category and perhaps even a subcategory. That way it becomes visually clear which NST belongs to which functional group.
2. Make it possible to Start/Stop/Restart a group of NST's with one push of a button. Let the user define groups of NST's (which may be located on different computers) and create a Group Action button that will show a dialogue in which a user first selects the Group of NST's (from the defined groups list) and then selects which action to perform (Start/Stop/Restart) on that group.
I know the current version of STAT will Start/Stop/Restart the selected NST's in the Navision Service List, but AFAIK it is not possible to show the NST's of multiple computers in that list at the same time. Beside that it is also a tedious and error prone process of selecting the correct NST's by hand every time.
Again, these are just suggestions to make an already great tool even better in my opinion.
With kind regards,
Jack Reitsema
Thank you for creating this very helpful tool, I use it on a daily basis!
I have the following 2 feature requests/suggestions:
Is it possible to add database login setup for a service?
And is it possible to add the ability to set credentials to be used to connect to a computer, to allow cross-domain management?
Kind regards
Lourens Vlaanderen
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
And I'm in favour of Lourens'request : even for local testing it would be nice to be able to select which user to use to connect to a servicetier.
Great tool btw !
I have send an update. Which will support 2017 and 2018.
Could you give a short resume on what has exactly been added? I am asking as I am missing the possibility to set DisableWriteInsideTryFunctions. See for example
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
- All my service tier machines I had added to the Machine List are gone.
- The property Service Warning is unchecked, while I had it checked (was my request to have this property).
Could you fix this?Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
This should only be a problem after the update. Reconfigure it only one time.
I will check the missing property. It could be that this property is added in a CU or a build update.
I have add many properties for 2017 and 2018. I don't know exactly which one i have added.
Best Regards
I compare all parameter with the Administration Snap-In. It could be that this parameter is not configurable from the snap-in. I will make an update today again.
Best Regards
Version 3.0.0 (2017-11-17):
Support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 and all settings.
Support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 and all settings.
Discuss this download here.
I have the same problem. And here is my workaround.
In your folder ...\AppData\Local you can find a folder "Simova..." and a folder "tegos...". In there subfolders you can find user.config files. In this files you can find the section "Machine_List". If you copy your list of machines from the file in the last subfolder in "tegos..." to the file in the subfolder "" in "Simova..." then you see all of the machines in the new version.