There are some new Settings for the RTC Client and i haven't wrote an update Routine for the Settings.
I think the deserializer runs into an error and has Problems to read the new Settings from the old Settings that not exist.
I will look into the next Version to solve this Problem.
But it should work if you have set the Settings again.
some ideas for the next version:
1. implementing the "Report PDF Font Embedding" for NAV 2013 R2 and NAV 2015.
2. a function to update the NAV- Installation from the CU- DVD
Service Tier Administration Tool v2.3.0
A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.
The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.
Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.
Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.
Version 2.3.0 (2015-06-23):
- NEW: Version Manager.
NEW: Global Settings.
RTC Settings, NST Settings and Classic Settings works together with the new global Settings, but don't need to be configured anymore.
- NEW: Generate NAV Version
- FIX: Settings for 2015 and 2013 R2
Please setup your versions correctly in the Settings to work with the new Version Manager.
Default Navision Base Folder should be the path to all your Navision installations.
Default Base Version Folder should be the path to the base Installation of Navision like 60,70,71.
It could be the program folder or a folder with the copied installations. But u need an installation to register the default dll's by Navision on your machine.
It could be the same path like Default Navision Base Folder.
Build Update Folder must be a path that contains the Build Updates from Microsoft. The folder must be in format x.x.xxxx in this folder.
All configuration settings has documentation in the Settings, too.
Can you please explain the Structure of the diretories in the new folder- settings . Currently i'm a little bit confused about their meaning. What means installation? The path from which the files are copied for setup, or the path where the new Service is installed?
Navision Base Folder - That is the directory for the Version Manager. The version Manager checks this directory for all installations / navision versions.
The default should be:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV" or
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV"
Base Versions Folder - That is the directory for the Navision Base Versions. After installation you have folder like 60,70,71,80.
This directory is the copy template to Generate a navision version. If u use "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV" then looks the Service tier Administration tool into the folder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV" too, for services greater than 6.0.
You must have installed all components for RTC, NST and Classic in this versions.
Or you can generate a base version on net drive too, like this:
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
and setup the "Base Versions Folder" to this folder. Use UNC path.
Build Update Folder - That is the directory which contains all build updates.
This folder will be used for Generate Build Version and Create Service.
- Application server
- Classic Client
- Nav server
- Application server
- Classic Client
- Nav server
- Outlook Addin
- RoleTailored Client
- Service
- HelpServer
- WindowsPowerShellScripts
If you have only DVD than create a folder with x.x.xxxxx and copy the content from the CD /RoleTailored Client/program files/Microsoft Dynamics NAV/80/RoleTailored Client in the x.x.xxxxx folder. So you have a base version. For the update the Service Tier Administration Tool looks into the build update folder and version and looks for (RTC or RoleTailored Client), (NST or NAV Server), CLASSIC or Classic Client) folder for the update.
We use this in our company for all users and have the "Build Update Folder" and "Navision Base Folder" on net drive.
It's very easy to Generate a new NAV Version or delete it if you don't need it anymore.
All need to have the same settings.
Now i understand a little more. But there is one problem. On a 64bit- machine we have per probably two installation Directories on a Servicetier "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\" AND "c:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\". First for the Servicetier and WebClient, second for RTC and others.
Currently i am not able to setup a new service because ServiceTierAdmin gives always an error.
First : "No Navision base version found for the choosen build update 8.0.40938." when i try to copy from a different directory than the
Sencond: "Create Service Error: There are problems to copy Files from the Base Version to the Destination folder." After copying the correct files to the new service- directory
I can't say excactly which configuration produces which error.
It would be a nice idea to have a tutorial, which describes how to setup a new NST after i installed NAV 2015 with the default Options (NST,RTC,...) and a fresh install of ServiceTierAdmin.
Going to encourage my company to hold off on upgrading to this release for the time being. I'm trying to get the hang of this, but it's not super great, though I understand how it will useful going forward.
In my case, I updated today, didn't know this big of a change was coming. I came to here, not understanding what the program was now looking for. I was spinning up a new 2009 service tier, just an old 29626 in prep for an upgrade. I was expecting the STA to simply copy the installed 6.0.29626 as usual. No dice, I *had* to use the new method.
So, I setup a new folder on my machine. \NAV\Version and \NAV\Builds. I put my 6.0.29626 into \NAV\Version as 60. So, I had \NAV\Version\60\ with Classic, RoleTailored Client and Service folders.
I then selected Create Service but the Base Folder list was blank, entirely. It wasn't until I made an exact copy of the above and plopped it into \NAV\Builds\ as 6.0.29626 that I could Create Service.
I think this will be of help for some people, but it's going to take some adjusting. It's also a lot more effort if you're using this just to manage 2 identical service tiers, such as when you're setting up a new 2015 install at a client, and you want to have the STA tool on the server for easy management of the Production and UAT systems.
Bear with me for a moment, and see if this makes sense.
I use the STA in 2 main scenarios:
1) within our local dev shop environment, extensively. Many servers, many versions, many service tiers. We're updating, creating and removing all the time.
2) When setting up clients, I typically will install this tool on their server as well, to spin up testing service tiers, or manage multiple service tiers for multiple platforms / departments.
In Scenario 1, the changes to the configuration - using source folders to create builds, autodetecting installed versions, etc - are wonderful, once you've adjusted to them. I think the changes are great in that way.
In scenario 2, the client rarely has multiple versions within the environment, except during upgrades. In that usage scenario, the new method is more work to setup than simply pointing the Service Tier Settings to one version, then making 2-10 copies. This is true since, for most clients, we're now just putting the build specific DVD in their environment, not a base + builds.
Is there any possibility of splitting the functionality into 2 configuration modes to support those 2 scenarios? The "new" way (maybe called "Professional Mode") and the "old", pre-2.3.0 way (maybe called "Deployment Mode")? This could be toggled in settings, then the ribbon and dialogs could be tied to the Mode. You could also default to "Deployment Mode" for a few versions, so anyone upgrading has time to plan their setup to support Professional Mode.
Alternatively, you can also say "Nope, this is the new way it will work, supporting multiple usage scenarios is excessive, particularly for a free tool I have been kind enough to build and support".
I've been trying to get this to work (v2.4.1.0) with multiple build numbers on the same major version. It works very well with existing installed service tiers (including the "Instances" directories). But I've having trouble with installing non-default build numbers.
For a default build number I put two identical copies of an installed version into the the "Base Versions Folder" and the "Build Update Folder" with the name X.Y and X.Y.ZZZZZ respectively. This works.
But if I put build X.Y.AAAAA into the "Base Versions Folder" as X.Y and put X.Y.BBBBB into the "Build Update Folder". Then attempt to install the only available version X.Y.BBBBB the STA installs version X.Y.AAAAA. This cannot be right, it didn't install the version it identified that I requested.
If I replace the contents of X.Y with the contents of X.Y.BBBBB I get the correct version installed.
The current setup is also rather confusing IMO, instead of the current two directories with a 'default' version and the rest can we please have two directories that contain (a) Complete installed versions in X.Y.ZZZZZ (or XY) directories and (b) "Build Updates" files in X.Y.ZZZZZ directories. The STA should prefer the complete installs, but if a version is only available in the partial variant a suitable complete one should be nominated in the initial "create service" box where it can be overridden.
I think this single setup would work well in both of @JDVyska's use-cases.
FYI, it's still been mostly smooth sailing with the new setup.
However, 2016 seems to be confusing it. I have setup 9.0 and one of the 9.0 updates to match my 2015 setup (which works). In the Create New Version list, I don't even see 9.0 as a Base Version. I have 9.0 versions on my local machine and in the Classic/RTC/NST settings lists.
What should I dig into that a Base Version isn't being detected?
The "Report PDF ..." option is availailable now in versions 2013 R2 CU 16, 2015 CU 4 and higher.
Some missing options in STA for 2015 added.
Database Name and Database Server are available as Columns now.
(You can hide columns over the Field chooser on the left upper corner if you don't need this.)
The Service List can now be filtered over the columns.
If you don't use the new feature with the "Base Version Folder" and "Update Version Folder" and you will work like the old version 2.3 or lower then leave these two settings empty.
The Tool must be run as Administrator anymore, because you cannot install a service without these rights. I have test it with WMI Implementation and with OpenSCManager. That's the point why the STA run as Administrator.
You can download the actual Version from this location manually or you use the Auto Update functionality. I haven't found an option to Update the Version on mibuso atm.
I feel very bad reporting this issue, since you continue to be nice enough to help improve a great tool but....
After upgrading to 2.5.1, my Create NAV Client Version lists are 100% blank. Not sure how I could troubleshoot that. If it makes any difference, my Base Versions and Build Updates are UNC paths to a share (\\server\STA\). This had worked for up to NAV2015.
Service Tier Administration Tool v2.5.2
A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.
The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.
Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.
Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.
Version 2.5.2 (2015-01-12):
NEW: Fix „Create NAV Client Version“ for Version 2016
How do I get the Category column to stay filled in? I can manually edit that field in the list but closing/reopening the tool causes the field to be blanked out.
Service Tier Administration Tool v2.5.3
A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.
The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.
Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.
Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.
Version 2.5.3 (2015-01-26):
NEW: Fix „Create Service“ and „Update Service“ for Navision Version 2016
Looks like, that for NAV 2016 Default Company parameter saved not in NAV config variable "ServicesDefaultCompany", but in ServiceTierAdministration user.config
Sorry, found that there are "Default Company" and "Service Default Company". Second is right one and stored correctly.
thanks for the Update.
I am not 100 % sure. But i think that the Update deletes then "Default Company" Setting in the "RTC- Default Client User Settings" Section.
It could be that u must set the Settings again.
There are some new Settings for the RTC Client and i haven't wrote an update Routine for the Settings.
I think the deserializer runs into an error and has Problems to read the new Settings from the old Settings that not exist.
I will look into the next Version to solve this Problem.
But it should work if you have set the Settings again.
Best Regards
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
some ideas for the next version:
1. implementing the "Report PDF Font Embedding" for NAV 2013 R2 and NAV 2015.
2. a function to update the NAV- Installation from the CU- DVD
the second Point i have implement since 2 Month but i have time Problems to finish my implementation.
There is a Version Manager in the new Version. I will look to finish the code in the next 2-3 weeks.
Best Regards
The only thing missing is global settings, for example you could set up versions globally instead of having to set them for each login individually.
Keep up the great work on this tool
Or a version of the Admin PowerShell that works for all builds.
A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.
The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.
Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.
Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.
Version 2.3.0 (2015-06-23):
- NEW: Version Manager.
NEW: Global Settings.
RTC Settings, NST Settings and Classic Settings works together with the new global Settings, but don't need to be configured anymore.
- NEW: Generate NAV Version
- FIX: Settings for 2015 and 2013 R2
Please setup your versions correctly in the Settings to work with the new Version Manager.
Default Navision Base Folder should be the path to all your Navision installations.
Default Base Version Folder should be the path to the base Installation of Navision like 60,70,71.
It could be the program folder or a folder with the copied installations. But u need an installation to register the default dll's by Navision on your machine.
It could be the same path like Default Navision Base Folder.
Build Update Folder must be a path that contains the Build Updates from Microsoft. The folder must be in format x.x.xxxx in this folder.
All configuration settings has documentation in the Settings, too.
Discuss this download here.
thanks for the new Version.
Can you please explain the Structure of the diretories in the new folder- settings . Currently i'm a little bit confused about their meaning. What means installation? The path from which the files are copied for setup, or the path where the new Service is installed?
Thanks Fiddi
ok i will explain you the settings.
Navision Base Folder - That is the directory for the Version Manager. The version Manager checks this directory for all installations / navision versions.
The default should be:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV" or
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV"
Base Versions Folder - That is the directory for the Navision Base Versions. After installation you have folder like 60,70,71,80.
This directory is the copy template to Generate a navision version. If u use "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV" then looks the Service tier Administration tool into the folder "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV" too, for services greater than 6.0.
You must have installed all components for RTC, NST and Classic in this versions.
Or you can generate a base version on net drive too, like this:
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
- Classic
- Role Tailored Client
- Service
and setup the "Base Versions Folder" to this folder. Use UNC path.
Build Update Folder - That is the directory which contains all build updates.
This folder will be used for Generate Build Version and Create Service.
- Application server
- Classic Client
- Nav server
- Application server
- Classic Client
- Nav server
- Outlook Addin
- RoleTailored Client
- Service
- HelpServer
- WindowsPowerShellScripts
If you have only DVD than create a folder with x.x.xxxxx and copy the content from the CD /RoleTailored Client/program files/Microsoft Dynamics NAV/80/RoleTailored Client in the x.x.xxxxx folder. So you have a base version. For the update the Service Tier Administration Tool looks into the build update folder and version and looks for (RTC or RoleTailored Client), (NST or NAV Server), CLASSIC or Classic Client) folder for the update.
We use this in our company for all users and have the "Build Update Folder" and "Navision Base Folder" on net drive.
It's very easy to Generate a new NAV Version or delete it if you don't need it anymore.
All need to have the same settings.
Best Regards
Now i understand a little more. But there is one problem. On a 64bit- machine we have per probably two installation Directories on a Servicetier "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\" AND "c:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\". First for the Servicetier and WebClient, second for RTC and others.
Currently i am not able to setup a new service because ServiceTierAdmin gives always an error.
First : "No Navision base version found for the choosen build update 8.0.40938." when i try to copy from a different directory than the
Sencond: "Create Service Error: There are problems to copy Files from the Base Version to the Destination folder." After copying the correct files to the new service- directory
I can't say excactly which configuration produces which error.
It would be a nice idea to have a tutorial, which describes how to setup a new NST after i installed NAV 2015 with the default Options (NST,RTC,...) and a fresh install of ServiceTierAdmin.
Thanks Fiddi
In my case, I updated today, didn't know this big of a change was coming. I came to here, not understanding what the program was now looking for. I was spinning up a new 2009 service tier, just an old 29626 in prep for an upgrade. I was expecting the STA to simply copy the installed 6.0.29626 as usual. No dice, I *had* to use the new method.
So, I setup a new folder on my machine.
I then selected Create Service but the Base Folder list was blank, entirely. It wasn't until I made an exact copy of the above and plopped it into \NAV\Builds\ as 6.0.29626 that I could Create Service.
I think this will be of help for some people, but it's going to take some adjusting. It's also a lot more effort if you're using this just to manage 2 identical service tiers, such as when you're setting up a new 2015 install at a client, and you want to have the STA tool on the server for easy management of the Production and UAT systems.
CEO, Spare Brained Ideas, Göteborg, Sweden
New (April 2021) Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Available: "Your First 20 Hours with Business Central"
sorry that some people have problems with the new version.
I have found a bug that prevent the usage of the old "NST Settings".
I will create an update today or monday.
First of all the old Settings should works like before. If you configure the tool with the NST Settings, RTC Settings and Classic Settings.
The services of the "NST Settings" will not listed in the "Create Service" functionality at the moment.
I will fix it a soon i can.
Best Regards.
Thanks for a great utility!
I use the STA in 2 main scenarios:
1) within our local dev shop environment, extensively. Many servers, many versions, many service tiers. We're updating, creating and removing all the time.
2) When setting up clients, I typically will install this tool on their server as well, to spin up testing service tiers, or manage multiple service tiers for multiple platforms / departments.
In Scenario 1, the changes to the configuration - using source folders to create builds, autodetecting installed versions, etc - are wonderful, once you've adjusted to them. I think the changes are great in that way.
In scenario 2, the client rarely has multiple versions within the environment, except during upgrades. In that usage scenario, the new method is more work to setup than simply pointing the Service Tier Settings to one version, then making 2-10 copies. This is true since, for most clients, we're now just putting the build specific DVD in their environment, not a base + builds.
Is there any possibility of splitting the functionality into 2 configuration modes to support those 2 scenarios? The "new" way (maybe called "Professional Mode") and the "old", pre-2.3.0 way (maybe called "Deployment Mode")? This could be toggled in settings, then the ribbon and dialogs could be tied to the Mode. You could also default to "Deployment Mode" for a few versions, so anyone upgrading has time to plan their setup to support Professional Mode.
Alternatively, you can also say "Nope, this is the new way it will work, supporting multiple usage scenarios is excessive, particularly for a free tool I have been kind enough to build and support".
CEO, Spare Brained Ideas, Göteborg, Sweden
New (April 2021) Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Available: "Your First 20 Hours with Business Central"
For a default build number I put two identical copies of an installed version into the the "Base Versions Folder" and the "Build Update Folder" with the name X.Y and X.Y.ZZZZZ respectively. This works.
But if I put build X.Y.AAAAA into the "Base Versions Folder" as X.Y and put X.Y.BBBBB into the "Build Update Folder". Then attempt to install the only available version X.Y.BBBBB the STA installs version X.Y.AAAAA. This cannot be right, it didn't install the version it identified that I requested.
If I replace the contents of X.Y with the contents of X.Y.BBBBB I get the correct version installed.
The current setup is also rather confusing IMO, instead of the current two directories with a 'default' version and the rest can we please have two directories that contain (a) Complete installed versions in X.Y.ZZZZZ (or XY) directories and (b) "Build Updates" files in X.Y.ZZZZZ directories. The STA should prefer the complete installs, but if a version is only available in the partial variant a suitable complete one should be nominated in the initial "create service" box where it can be overridden.
I think this single setup would work well in both of @JDVyska's use-cases.
TVision Technology Ltd
However, 2016 seems to be confusing it. I have setup 9.0 and one of the 9.0 updates to match my 2015 setup (which works). In the Create New Version list, I don't even see 9.0 as a Base Version. I have 9.0 versions on my local machine and in the Classic/RTC/NST settings lists.
What should I dig into that a Base Version isn't being detected?
CEO, Spare Brained Ideas, Göteborg, Sweden
New (April 2021) Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Available: "Your First 20 Hours with Business Central"
The new Version supports Navision 2016.
The "Report PDF ..." option is availailable now in versions 2013 R2 CU 16, 2015 CU 4 and higher.
Some missing options in STA for 2015 added.
Database Name and Database Server are available as Columns now.
(You can hide columns over the Field chooser on the left upper corner if you don't need this.)
The Service List can now be filtered over the columns.
If you don't use the new feature with the "Base Version Folder" and "Update Version Folder" and you will work like the old version 2.3 or lower then leave these two settings empty.
The Tool must be run as Administrator anymore, because you cannot install a service without these rights. I have test it with WMI Implementation and with OpenSCManager. That's the point why the STA run as Administrator.
You can download the actual Version from this location manually or you use the Auto Update functionality. I haven't found an option to Update the Version on mibuso atm.
Still have the issue where NAV2016 does not show in the list when Creating NAV Client Version.
Senior Dynamics NAV Developer, Update Affärssystem, Göteborg, Sweden
Remember: If you use Ask a Question, it can be marked as Answered and will be more visible!
Creating NAV Client Version for NAV 2016 is now available.
After upgrading to 2.5.1, my Create NAV Client Version lists are 100% blank. Not sure how I could troubleshoot that. If it makes any difference, my Base Versions and Build Updates are UNC paths to a share (\\server\STA\). This had worked for up to NAV2015.
CEO, Spare Brained Ideas, Göteborg, Sweden
New (April 2021) Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Available: "Your First 20 Hours with Business Central"
A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.
The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.
Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.
Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.
Version 2.5.2 (2015-01-12):
NEW: Fix „Create NAV Client Version“ for Version 2016
Discuss this download here.
CEO, Spare Brained Ideas, Göteborg, Sweden
New (April 2021) Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Book Available: "Your First 20 Hours with Business Central"
Senior Dynamics NAV Developer, Update Affärssystem, Göteborg, Sweden
Remember: If you use Ask a Question, it can be marked as Answered and will be more visible!
A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.
The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.
Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.
Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.
Version 2.5.3 (2015-01-26):
NEW: Fix „Create Service“ and „Update Service“ for Navision Version 2016
Discuss this download here.
Version 2.5.4 (2015-02-11):
FIX: Category will be saved now.
FIX: Update columns „Database Name“ and „Database Server“ on changes.
Discuss this download here.
Looks like, that for NAV 2016 Default Company parameter saved not in NAV config variable "ServicesDefaultCompany", but in ServiceTierAdministration user.config
Sorry, found that there are "Default Company" and "Service Default Company". Second is right one and stored correctly.