Service Tier Administration Tool v3.4.0



  • ebsoftebsoft Member Posts: 81
    Even if I'm running the last version (, I do have this problem:
    all services stated are frozen, I cannot either start/restart/stop or change account on all of these services.

    And when I try to start / restart them manually, I encounter the attached error.
    Please light me with a solution.

    Many thanks.

    MBS Specialist since NAV 2.0
    My experiences on Linkedin
  • sebsidsebsid Member Posts: 28
    Still high CPU - if 3-4 users start servicetieradmin on the same (VM) server (4cpu), the CPU hits 90-100%. I don't know if it's because of the graphics in the program or if it's something else but there must be a reason for this. Isn't it possible to have a more classical layout with 4 colors or if there's something else causing this. Isn't anyone else experiencing this issue? :(
  • zacrzacr Member Posts: 19
    I installed NAV 2013 R2 today and the Classic client's (finsql.exe) version tag is 7.1.35473.0, however when I add this to the STA Classic Version Setting, the version number displays as 7.10.35473.0 (7.10 instead of 7.1), which is causing the Classic client not to be able to run from the STA.

    I can't find where the version number is stored. It doesn't seem to be in the registry or in the STA's user.config file. Any ideas on how to change the version tag to 7.1.35473.0?
  • jens_DEBERjens_DEBER Member Posts: 3
    Hi, same problem as zacr.

    if I want start the classic Version for 2013 R2 the message apear:

    No Classic Version declared in the Classic settings for 7.1.35473.0

    But instead i have declared the Version! Not complete the truth, I am only declared the Version 7.10.35473.0

    So is it possible to fix this problem?

    Best Regards Jens
  • thorjthorj Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I have the same issue with the classic version for R2 as zacr and jens_DEBER.
    Plus I would like to see the MultiTenants property, and being able to view the Tenants in a Database.

    Thanks for a great tool, but it needs update.
  • clienauclienau Member Posts: 57
    Hello, the Problem with the Version of 7.10 is a Problem that generates Microsoft.

    I have implement the functionality to an override version to the NST_Setting and Classic_Setting.
    Change the version to anything that you want. This new override version will be checked.

    Best Regards
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Service Tier Administration Tool v2.1.0
    A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
    All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
    Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.

    The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.

    Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.

    Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.

    Version 2.1.0 (2013-11-26):
    - NEW: Navision 2013 R2 support.
    - NEW: RTC_Settings and Classic_Settings versions can be override manually.
    - NEW NAV 2013 R2 settings.
    - EventlogViewer can be update with F5.
    - Start Routine of Classic and RTC changed. The programs starts in UserContext now and not under AdminContext. The classic Client can now be target of NavObjectEditor.
    Attention: The Applications could not be start in foreground.

    Version 2.0.13 (2013-06-13):
    - NEW: Grid hoverless stlye implemented for better performance on remote sessions.
    - FIX: Setting ClientCredentialType on 2009 NST are available now and removed from ClientSettings.

    Version 2.0.12 (2013-05-24):
    - NEW: Default Startup Type of installed service is configurable now.
    - UPDATE: Set default executables names in "RTC Settings", "NST Settings" and "Classic Settings".
    - FIX: "Create Instance" issues on remote machine.
    - FIX: "Delete Instance" issues on remote machine.
    - FIX: Problem with 2013 Instances.
    - FIX: For "Create Service" and "Create Instance" the target folder cannot be the location of a UNC drive for "LOCALHOST" (Local System)
    - FIX: "Start Classic" parameter with Database Instance of the NST.

    Version 2.0.11 (2013-05-23):
    - FIX: ClientServicesIdleClientTimeout issue for Navision 2013 NST.
    - FIX: "Start Classic" parameter language problem.
    - ADD: Remote Desktop graphic improvements.
    - ADD: Computer list.
    - ADD: Last Computer will be connected at startup.
    - UPDATE: Performance of EventlogView improved.

    Version 2.0.10 (2013-03-14):
    - NEW: Start Developer Environment(Classic) based on NST

    Version 2.0.9 (2013-02-07):
    - NEW: Application Eventlog filtered to Navision messages
    - NEW: Direct open configuration file with notepad.
    - FIX: ClientServicesIdleClientTimeout issue.
    - FIX: minor UI and handling issues.

    Version 2.0.8 (2013-01-28):
    - NEW: Client User Settings configuration section. The StartRTC functionality will generate an client config setting file and use this instead of the standard ClientUserSettings.config. These settings get the parameter from the selected NST automatically and from the "RTC - Client User Setting" configuration section. If no settings configured the default settings will be used.
    - FIX: Company settings. Company settings will be saved only for the BaseService now. The WS will use the the BaseService configurations for 2009 NST.

    Version 2.0.6 (2012-12-07):
    - NEW: NST that are detected with errors will now be marked with error flag and the Service Tier Administration Tool continue working without an error message.
    - NEW: Column "Error".
    - NEW: NST with errors can be deleted now.
    - FIX: "Update Service" functionality works correct now with NST 2013.
    - FIX: "Update Service" functionality checks Major Version.
    - FIX: Change Account functionality doesn't show an InvalidOperationException anymore. The password will be changed now correctly.

    Version 2.0.5 (2012-11-22):
    - FIX: RTC and NST Version Settings

    Version 2.0.4 (2012-11-22):
    - FIX: string constants like filename will not compare for case sensitive anymore.
    - Default name works now for creation of 2013 Instances.

    Version 2.0.3 (2012-11-19):
    - Columns can be hide with the FieldChooser Button in the Left Upper Corner of the Service List.
    - Default Display Service Name can be configured in the Settings.
    - Default Display WS Service Name can be configured in the Settings.
    - Auto collapse disabled. Only after grouped or connect to a machine the auto collapse functionality will be triggered.
    - Company button visibility fixed.

    Version 2.0.2 (2012-11-11):
    - Update routines improved.
    - Company can now be saved for selected service.

    Version 2.0.1 (2012-11-08):
    - Only one Header line for grouping.
    - Fix a bug for installing an Instance of 2013 in folder with spaces

    Version 2.0.0 (2012-11-07):
    - Completly Redesign.
    - Full support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    - Full support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
    - Auto insert/update/remove acl and firewall ports over netsh.
    - Create Instances for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    - All new configuration settings integrated with Description.
    - All configured Grid settings will be reapply after restart.
    - New setup and update routine.

    IMPORTANT: No acl and firewall support for OSVersion < 6 at the moment. Use httpcfg manually.

    *HINT* Use the GroupBy functionality of the datagrid.
    Drag a column to the Group Header for grouping.
    Example: This functionality has great effect on column "Base Service Name".

    Version 1.5.5 (2012-07-03):
    - Fix Update problem. Build Version corrected.

    Version 1.5.4 (2012-07-02):
    - Fix NAV 2013 problems.
    - Fix some wrong button status.
    - Multi selection for some functionalities available.
    - Set default file Name in NST Settings and RTC Settings.

    Version 1.5.2 (2012-04-26):
    - Windows 8 compatible
    - New Setting for "ServicesCultureDefaultUserPersonalization"

    Version 1.5.1 (2012-03-05):
    - Fix service list update bug.
    - Update process stops now when an error occurs and shows a Message with the problem.

    Version 1.5.0 (2012-02-23):
    - Fix problem with service state.
    - Update of service states improved.

    Version 1.4.3 (2012-02-10):
    - Fix config problem with remote machines

    Version 1.4.2 (2012-02-09):
    - Fix crash in "NST Settings" and "RTC Settings" after double click the column seperator for auto arrange the columns.
    - PortSharing Service will be checked before a NST will be start with Port Sharing enabled.
    - Fix a Bug when the Microsoft Default Services will be remove.
    - Remove the direct import from the CustomSettings.config file. Now the NST Settings will be checked for the correct config file in the AppSettings Section.

    Version 1.4.1 (2012-01-16):
    - Fix crash after use the "Create Service" or "Update Service" function without configured the NST Settings.

    Version 1.4.0. (2012-01-16):
    - Save button removed. Autosave configuration settings.
    - NEW "NST Settings" to configure different NST Versions as base for "Create Service" and "Update Service" function.
    - NEW "Update Service" function. Easy Updating of NST's with the configured NST's in the "NST Settings"

    Version 1.3.0. (2011-11-24):
    - Default Company for RTC connection can be configured.
    - More settings available.
    - Update routines don't crash anymore when the connection to a server is lost.
    - Tooltip integrated for settings on label and textbox.

    Discuss this download here.
  • zacrzacr Member Posts: 19
    Brilliant! Thanks for the new version, specifically the version override. Now I can use this with 2013 R2.


    - Zac
  • FiddiFiddi Member Posts: 46
    Very nice tool.
    But one nice feature of the older versions was the possibilty to start multiple clients on different ServiceTiers. With the current Version 2.1.0 you can only start one RTC and one Development Client.

    To start multiple Clients again would be a nice feature of the next version. :)

    Thanks, Fiddi
  • clienauclienau Member Posts: 57

    i don't use Process.Start anymore to start the RTC or Classic Client.
    The Problem is that the ServiceTierAdministration Tool runs in Admin Context.
    Any application that will be start with Process.Start runs in Admin Context, too.
    That was a Problem in some Addins and my NavObjectEditor.
    The other Applications must be start in Admin Context, too, to access the classic or the RTC Client.

    That's the Point y i change the start methods.

    Now a Task Schedule will be created with the names "RUN_RTC" and "RUN_CLASSIC" and this Tasks will automatically deleted after run.

    I have no Problems to start multiple Clients on different NST.

    Please uninstall the application and install it again.
    If this doesn't solve the Problem u can delete the user settings found in
    There could be a Config update Problem.

    Best Regards
  • FiddiFiddi Member Posts: 46
    Hello clienau,

    thank you for your reply.

    This helped me to locate the problem. On my Computer RUN_CLASSIC does not terminate after starting the client. So i think that you can't start RUN_CLASSIC again until the first job terminates.

    When i configure a job manualy, there is an option in the Job properties in the german Win7 under "Einstellungen" called "folgende Regel anwenden falls diese Aufgabe bereits ausgeführt wird". This option ist set to "keine neue Instanz starten" by default.

    Is this option set by ServiceTierAdministration?

    Thanks, Fiddi
  • clienauclienau Member Posts: 57

    thanks for your response.

    I have test it. I have comment out the delete task code to reproduce your Problem.

    OK i have found the Problem but i don't know exactly why the Task will not be deleted.

    I have extend the task with the MutlipleInstance to Parallel.

    This will solve the Problem. The only minor Problem is that the RUN_RTC and RUN_CLASSIC is still present in the task list when the tool can't delete the task.

    Best Regards
  • FiddiFiddi Member Posts: 46

    one second thing i found in the new version is that the settings were modified, so that if you configure a new service the string does not contain the service name by default. You have to extend the settings before you configure a new service.

    Regards Fiddi
  • clienauclienau Member Posts: 57
    Yes, i know.

    The default value has been reseted after the last code changes.

    I have fix this, too.

    Next version will be released today or tomorrow.

    Beste Regards
    First of all, very nice tool and thank you for that!

    With the v2.1.0; if you change the port of SOAP Services, it doesn't save the change to the config. But the same works for the port of Client Services. I don't know about the rest of the fields, this is what I noticed.

    A nice to have would be to check for new versions. It doesn't have to download the update by itself, but a link here would make it easier.

    Thanks again, and I hope these would get into the new release (at least the bug) so that I would not have go through 10 services' SOAP ports manually. (Use of NAV WS is going live on 10 DBs this week.)

    Edit: Also there seems to be problems for users with Turkish Regional Settings. When I try to delete service, it only deletes the folder but not the service registration. And if I try to selected that service again, an exception is thrown (because the folder does not exist). You can check here for the possible reason for this bug: Does your code pass Turkey test?
  • FiddiFiddi Member Posts: 46

    Thank you for Version 2.1.1.

    My reported errors are now fixed. It seems to run very fine.

    Regards Fiddi
  • TheofTheof Member Posts: 1
    Nice utility, practical and good UI.

    It would be nice to have some tooltips in some "important" forms.
    e.g.: in Create Service dialog form it would be nice to have a tooltip for Base Folder and Target Folder to make clear that the files will be copied in the Target Folder. It's not instantly clear, that's why I'm mentioning it.

    Well done! =D>
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Service Tier Administration Tool v2.1.1
    A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
    All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
    Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.

    The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.

    Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.

    Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.

    Version 2.1.1 (2013-12-12):
    - NEW: Start Debug
    - NEW: Start Object
    - FIX: Save settings for "RTC - User Client Settings" and 2009 "Soap Services".
    - FIX: Default Settings corrected.
    - FIX: Multiple starts of RTC, Classic.

    Version 2.1.0 (2013-11-26):
    - NEW: Navision 2013 R2 support.
    - NEW: RTC_Settings and Classic_Settings versions can be override manually.
    - NEW NAV 2013 R2 settings.
    - EventlogViewer can be update with F5.
    - Start Routine of Classic and RTC changed. The programs starts in UserContext now and not under AdminContext. The classic Client can now be target of NavObjectEditor.
    Attention: The Applications could not be start in foreground.

    Version 2.0.13 (2013-06-13):
    - NEW: Grid hoverless stlye implemented for better performance on remote sessions.
    - FIX: Setting ClientCredentialType on 2009 NST are available now and removed from ClientSettings.

    Version 2.0.12 (2013-05-24):
    - NEW: Default Startup Type of installed service is configurable now.
    - UPDATE: Set default executables names in "RTC Settings", "NST Settings" and "Classic Settings".
    - FIX: "Create Instance" issues on remote machine.
    - FIX: "Delete Instance" issues on remote machine.
    - FIX: Problem with 2013 Instances.
    - FIX: For "Create Service" and "Create Instance" the target folder cannot be the location of a UNC drive for "LOCALHOST" (Local System)
    - FIX: "Start Classic" parameter with Database Instance of the NST.

    Version 2.0.11 (2013-05-23):
    - FIX: ClientServicesIdleClientTimeout issue for Navision 2013 NST.
    - FIX: "Start Classic" parameter language problem.
    - ADD: Remote Desktop graphic improvements.
    - ADD: Computer list.
    - ADD: Last Computer will be connected at startup.
    - UPDATE: Performance of EventlogView improved.

    Version 2.0.10 (2013-03-14):
    - NEW: Start Developer Environment(Classic) based on NST

    Version 2.0.9 (2013-02-07):
    - NEW: Application Eventlog filtered to Navision messages
    - NEW: Direct open configuration file with notepad.
    - FIX: ClientServicesIdleClientTimeout issue.
    - FIX: minor UI and handling issues.

    Version 2.0.8 (2013-01-28):
    - NEW: Client User Settings configuration section. The StartRTC functionality will generate an client config setting file and use this instead of the standard ClientUserSettings.config. These settings get the parameter from the selected NST automatically and from the "RTC - Client User Setting" configuration section. If no settings configured the default settings will be used.
    - FIX: Company settings. Company settings will be saved only for the BaseService now. The WS will use the the BaseService configurations for 2009 NST.

    Version 2.0.6 (2012-12-07):
    - NEW: NST that are detected with errors will now be marked with error flag and the Service Tier Administration Tool continue working without an error message.
    - NEW: Column "Error".
    - NEW: NST with errors can be deleted now.
    - FIX: "Update Service" functionality works correct now with NST 2013.
    - FIX: "Update Service" functionality checks Major Version.
    - FIX: Change Account functionality doesn't show an InvalidOperationException anymore. The password will be changed now correctly.

    Version 2.0.5 (2012-11-22):
    - FIX: RTC and NST Version Settings

    Version 2.0.4 (2012-11-22):
    - FIX: string constants like filename will not compare for case sensitive anymore.
    - Default name works now for creation of 2013 Instances.

    Version 2.0.3 (2012-11-19):
    - Columns can be hide with the FieldChooser Button in the Left Upper Corner of the Service List.
    - Default Display Service Name can be configured in the Settings.
    - Default Display WS Service Name can be configured in the Settings.
    - Auto collapse disabled. Only after grouped or connect to a machine the auto collapse functionality will be triggered.
    - Company button visibility fixed.

    Version 2.0.2 (2012-11-11):
    - Update routines improved.
    - Company can now be saved for selected service.

    Version 2.0.1 (2012-11-08):
    - Only one Header line for grouping.
    - Fix a bug for installing an Instance of 2013 in folder with spaces

    Version 2.0.0 (2012-11-07):
    - Completly Redesign.
    - Full support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    - Full support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
    - Auto insert/update/remove acl and firewall ports over netsh.
    - Create Instances for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.
    - All new configuration settings integrated with Description.
    - All configured Grid settings will be reapply after restart.
    - New setup and update routine.

    IMPORTANT: No acl and firewall support for OSVersion < 6 at the moment. Use httpcfg manually.

    *HINT* Use the GroupBy functionality of the datagrid.
    Drag a column to the Group Header for grouping.
    Example: This functionality has great effect on column "Base Service Name".

    Version 1.5.5 (2012-07-03):
    - Fix Update problem. Build Version corrected.

    Version 1.5.4 (2012-07-02):
    - Fix NAV 2013 problems.
    - Fix some wrong button status.
    - Multi selection for some functionalities available.
    - Set default file Name in NST Settings and RTC Settings.

    Version 1.5.2 (2012-04-26):
    - Windows 8 compatible
    - New Setting for "ServicesCultureDefaultUserPersonalization"

    Version 1.5.1 (2012-03-05):
    - Fix service list update bug.
    - Update process stops now when an error occurs and shows a Message with the problem.

    Version 1.5.0 (2012-02-23):
    - Fix problem with service state.
    - Update of service states improved.

    Version 1.4.3 (2012-02-10):
    - Fix config problem with remote machines

    Version 1.4.2 (2012-02-09):
    - Fix crash in "NST Settings" and "RTC Settings" after double click the column seperator for auto arrange the columns.
    - PortSharing Service will be checked before a NST will be start with Port Sharing enabled.
    - Fix a Bug when the Microsoft Default Services will be remove.
    - Remove the direct import from the CustomSettings.config file. Now the NST Settings will be checked for the correct config file in the AppSettings Section.

    Version 1.4.1 (2012-01-16):
    - Fix crash after use the "Create Service" or "Update Service" function without configured the NST Settings.

    Version 1.4.0. (2012-01-16):
    - Save button removed. Autosave configuration settings.
    - NEW "NST Settings" to configure different NST Versions as base for "Create Service" and "Update Service" function.
    - NEW "Update Service" function. Easy Updating of NST's with the configured NST's in the "NST Settings"

    Version 1.3.0. (2011-11-24):
    - Default Company for RTC connection can be configured.
    - More settings available.
    - Update routines don't crash anymore when the connection to a server is lost.
    - Tooltip integrated for settings on label and textbox.

    Discuss this download here.
  • afarrafarr Member Posts: 287
    This is a very useful tool for NAV developers.

    One improvement that I would suggest is to display the connection string somewhere, i.e. machine:port/servicename so we can just copy and paste it.
    Alastair Farrugia
  • FiddiFiddi Member Posts: 46

    i used the new version of Service Tier Administration Tool for several time and i have often the Problem that the tool does not start the clients for sure, or they are startet delayed.

    Wouldn't it be easyer to use the "runas" command or an equivalent system call to start the clients in the users environment. It seems to be much faster and works every time.

    The Command would then be for example like this: "runas /trustlevel:0x20000 'COMMAND' 'PARAMETER'"

    Regards Fiddi
  • GreatScott000GreatScott000 Member Posts: 40
    Seems that the "version" for the NAV 2013 R2 (7.1.36035) Development Environment picked up as 7.10.36035. See images.
    Is there a place I can edit to change the version in the Version list?
  • clienauclienau Member Posts: 57
    Use Override Version for this Problem.

    Best Regards
  • FiddiFiddi Member Posts: 46

    I think i identified the cause, why the latest version of the Servicetier Administration Tool does sometimes not start the clients when click on the client- buttons.

    The Problem apears only if you did not specify a "Default Company" on the selected service.

    Regards, Fiddi
  • wicwic Member Posts: 96
    Hi guys,
    with the latest 2013R2 build 32681, the tool doesn't create service correctly. It copies the entire folder, not only the .config files like on other build/version.
    Does someone has same problems?

    #### Only one can survive ######
  • GreatScott000GreatScott000 Member Posts: 40
    For 71 (build 36035) where does the STA get the value of the HelpServer?
    This is what is ClientUserSettings.config in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\71 and in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\71
          Name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Help Server to connect
          to. The value of the "Server" setting is used as the default.
        <add key="HelpServer" value="spoon"/>
    It appears to be picking up the default setting (which is the service's "server" name of OIL).

    Is STA not getting this value from the one of the above locations and therefore not setting the value and the default is used?

    I don't see an entry for HelpServer when I click "View Config".
  • elmarfvelmarfv Member Posts: 53
    Hi there,

    This is an excellent tool that I use every day, thank you for it.
    I was wondering if you had any plans to add a ZUP file support? Before this tool I used the ZUP files to keep my personalisation separate and allow me to create shortcuts for each of the many db I need to work with as a developer.
    Even with 2013 it's useful when I am exporting mods so I get directed to the last directory I saved changes for each DB.
    Might be something worth considering.

    Thank you.
    Elmar Vidisson
    Elmar F. Vidisson
    Certified Navision Attain Developer
  • gerdhuebnergerdhuebner Member Posts: 155
    First of all this is really a valuable tool. Many thanks to the author.
    But I've got one major problem, when setting up multiple Builds on one server.
    1. This is the structure of my program folders

    For each program folder 71_xxxxx, I added (manually, not with the tool) several instances in the corresponding Instances folder.
    2. Within the ServiceTierAdministration tool, the services are displayed like this

    For one reason or another, the last two services are recognized as Instances, which prevents me from adding more instances to these Build number, because the "Create Instance" button is only available, when the service is not already an instance.
    What could I do?
  • lvanvugtlvanvugt Member Posts: 774
    As with various others above I say: great tool.

    Now having been working somewhat with NAV 2015 already I am hoping you will be able to update your tool soon (after NAV 2015 has been released at the start of October) as some new options have been added, like f.e. UIElementRemovalOption (or should I say that RemoveUnlicensedUIElements has been changed?).

    One of the great things is that it can be used (so far) for all different versions of the service tear instead of having to access the MMC for every version separately.

    Keep the good work going.
    Luc van Vugt,
    Never stop learning
    Van Vugt's dynamiXs
    Dutch Dynamics Community
  • clienauclienau Member Posts: 57

    i release a new Version in the future. I have some time Problems but i do the best to update this Version in Oktober or November.

    I have fixed some Problems like missing EventLogMessage in the Registry now.

    But there are many little things that i must check. There are some Settings that are missed in 2013 R2 too.

    Best Regards
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Service Tier Administration Tool v2.2.0
    A free Service Tier Administration Tool.
    All functionalities are working on LOCAL and REMOTE machines when you have the administration rights to that machine.
    Installing, Uninstalling, Start, Stop, Restart and dynamic change of settings like Portsharing, Account, start mode and settings in the CustomSettings.config of the Service Tier.

    The version informations of the different Services Tiers are listed.

    Direct connect with a configured Role Tailored Client to a selected Service Tier.

    Auto update functionality integrated when a newer version will be available.

    Version 2.2.0 (2014-10-15):
    - NEW: Service Settings for 2015 added.
    - NEW: Registry entries for EventMessageFile will be set for the installed service.
    - NEW: Missing 2013 R2 settings added.
    - NEW: RTC Client Settings added (HelpServer, ... )
    - NEW: New Setting "Start as Current User". If this Setting is disabled, the ServiceTierAdministrationTool change back to the old start methods and the rtc and classic starts with higher privileges.
    - FIX: ACL Registration for certification Thumbprint added.
    - FIX: Service user will be added to "Log on as a Service".
    - FIX: Refresh of selected Service and buttons on State changes.

    Discuss this download here.
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