- Subform cant be in subform, it gives error when running
- There are 15 levels of menusuite total: MBS, Region, Country, Partner, Company and add-ons 1-10
- Can you run a menusuite object: No, cant run them
- What does 03 stand fore in NAVW13.00.03: its world wide service pack
- You can turn visible in runtime
- Optimistic concurrency means that you lock table late as possible and only when needed
- You can indent max 10 levels in report dataitems, no more than 1 next to each other
- The file which is not in the language folder is the database file cause its by default in the client folder *.fdb
- CurrReport.Skip: skips a process
- CurrReport.Quit: leaves the report without committing anything
- CurrReport.Break: leaves from the loop
Customer.FIND('+'); Finds the last one (6000)
Customer.NEXT('-3'); Steps 3 back (3000)
Customer.FIND('='); Returns the (3000)
In table the following records are prensent: 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000.The result of previous instructions is:
b)3000 *
Customer.FIND('+'); Finds the last one (6000)
Customer.NEXT('3'); Stays in the last one cause there is no more after (6000)
Customer.FIND('='); Returns the (6000)
In table the following records are prensent: 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000.The result of previous instructions is:
e)6000 *
- Subform usually has table box (not always cause also tabs and other items work on it but not another subform)
- For SumIndexFields: CalcSums
- For FlowFields: CalcFields
- To get subform working you must add the SubformID
I remeber a question from the exam i really couldn't anwer ....
I've already searched the forum but i couldn't find a clear answer ... There were many diffrent answers about this question ... :-k
I hope anyone can help me
Which of the following functional area has more than one master table
a) Fixed Assets <-- i choose this
b) General Ledger
c) Inventory
d) Sales and receivable
There was also another question I'm not sure about ...
Which of the following is true regarding the table Realtion between Master and Ledger Tables ?
a) A Field in the master table is related ti the Ledger table
b) A FIeld in the Ledger table is related to the Master Table
c) Master and ledger each have a field that is related to the other ...
d) they're not related ...
I would have answered with b and i often read it in posts in this topic but ...
in Nav 50 Introduction at the part about tables theres a description which makes me worry about my answer ...
Generally, many other tables are related to a Master table and the Master table
itself is related to many other (usually Supplemental) tables. There is usually a
Ledger table that is related to a Master table. Master tables also contain many
FlowFilters and FlowFields, most of which relate to its corresponding Ledger
I'm not sure what the correct anser is
If we divide db in tables cat. The Master would be the core.
any transaction that we make hits the master in one way or another.you are right in respect that masters are attached with supplement tables.but the last line of the reference you used says::
"Master tables also contain many
FlowFilters and FlowFields, most of which relate to its corresponding Ledger
and thats where the answer lies.See master is the consolidated version for ledger in some respect for ex. table 27(item) has inventory field that is calculated using 32(ile). but how these two relate???
they relate via "item No."
so, A FIeld(Quantity) in the Ledger table is related to the Master Table(27) Inventory . and the relation is via "item no." field
I want to share some questions, which I didn't find in the Internet or on this forum. Actually, it was just my preparation to the microsoft exam - I took internal company testing, which was compilated from official one. Below you can find this questions with variants of choice in the brackets:
- What of the following is used to get access to Navision database (C/COAST, OLE, Impuls Workbench, C/SIDE, ACX, C/OBCD)
- What of the following is used to get access to C/AL code
(C/COAST, OLE, Impuls Workbench, C/SIDE, ACX, C/OBCD)
- What is a virtual table in Nav (company, date, time, ...)
Also, I would like to notice that it is stated mostly everywhere that Fixet Assets module has more then one Master Table, but it is the wrong answer. G/L has more then one table.
I am not sure about the following questions - could you please advice?:
- You have written some code in OnLookup trigger in the table, which set up a filter for the city. It appeared then that in one form it is necessary to lookup for all of the cities from this table. How to procees? (set option UseDefaultLookup, modify onlookup trigger, do not worry at all because form trigger blocks table trigger, not possible at all)
- What method is used to copy from Header to Header History (list of :=, TRANSFERFIELDS, or COPY).
- What should you do to ensure that developed report works fine (run reports with the client's license, run report on the clien't database, ...)
I passed DevI, but failed with DevII previous week... I've re-read all documentation and full topic with all answers, but I still can't find the certain answers for several questions. Please help, as I will re-take exam this week. Thanks in advance.
Some questions already were mentioned in this topic, but there were some controversial opinions...
1) You must verify the empty row in the journal when you post. What do you do? the code must be reusable
a) you create a codeunit and pass it a record
b) ..
c) You can't, because the table don't acccept function
d) you put function in the form
2) if you set the sourceexpression of a textbox to a bigtext variable, what will be the result ?
a: error
b: text will be truncated
3) Almost like the #2, If you have varText := varBigText;
a: error
b: varText will be truncated
4)Report with cusomer and cust.ledger entry as dataitems and cust ledger entry indented under customer. which of time following would be easiest way to filter both tables to the same date range
a)use SETRANGE on prereport
b)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem
and link the posting date field of the cust.ledger entry dataitem to the Date filter field of the customer table using the dataitemlink property
c)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem and,use the set SETFILTER cmd to Filter the posting date field cust.led.entry
d)use SETFILTER on predataitem
5) How can an element of object can be addressed in Code?
a)Using Instance of class definition
b)Using normal syntax of structure language
c)Using dot operator
d)Using pointer reference
6) What is a typical instruction in a check line routine ? (TESTFIELD?)
7) How to implement optimistic concurrency (I don’t remember the server type) ?
A: Set a maximum of filters. The server will lock the table (implicit) during the update
B: Set a maximum of filters and explicitly call the LOCKTABLE
8) What is meant by optimistic concurrency?
a) It means that we lock the table as soon as possible to ensure that we will be able to make our change.
b) It means that we lock the record as soon as possible to ensure that we will be able to make our change.
c) It means that we do not lock the record before we read it for an update
d) It means that we don't lock the records at all hoping that no changes will be made at the same time because of our efficient use of filters.
9) When create card form using for wizard, what code is added automatically
A. OnAfterGetRecord(), SetRange("No."); (No Code Generated) <=
B. OnNextRecord();
C. OnDeleteRecord();
D. OnAfterGetRecord(), Validate("No.");
10) A client make a mailing with microsoft word combinated with MBS, We use for this.
d)Automation Microsoft Word
11) You need to import data from a legacy system into Navision with the following scenarios:
- Some data has been verified and already checked
- Some data needs to be validated before going into the new system
- You don't have to import open lines
What standard code do you need to place in your dataport:
A) Validate triggers Modify triggers
C) Inserting records into the table
12) If two programmers are working on the one object with different changes, what methodology would you use:
A) Both work on it the same time One programmer does the changes, the other one tells him what changes need to be made
C) One programmer implements their change, checks in, then the other programmer implements their change
13) You have written some code in OnLookup trigger in the table, which set up a filter for the city. It appeared then that in one form it is necessary to lookup for all of the cities from this table. How to procees? (set option UseDefaultLookup, modify onlookup trigger, do not worry at all because form trigger blocks table trigger, not possible at all)
14) What method is used to copy from Header to Header History (list of :=, TRANSFERFIELDS, or COPY).
15) What should you do to ensure that developed report works fine (run reports with the client's license, run report on the client's database, ...)
I've re-read all documentation and full topic with all answers, but I still can't find the certain answers for several questions.
What documentation is that? All of your answers can be found in the course work or by actually coding an example yourself. You can even do a search on the PDF files to find the keywords you're looking for.
Despite this thread's near 300+ posts you shouldn't expect people to answer the questions from the exam for you. That's what studying and hard work are for. Honestly I wish we could just delete this entire thread. It serves no purpose other than to help people cheat.
I agree with you, but I would not say that you are absolutely right. There are some questions, which are quite controversial and couldn't be checked by actual coding.
For example, question 9 - there is no code generated after creation in the form. For question 10 - several options can be used. For 11 - I am absolutely sure that the answer is A, but this is not correct, and I really wonder why.
This is not cheating, this is a willing to knowledge.
I've re-read all documentation and full topic with all answers, but I still can't find the certain answers for several questions.
What documentation is that? All of your answers can be found in the course work or by actually coding an example yourself. You can even do a search on the PDF files to find the keywords you're looking for.
Despite this thread's near 300+ posts you shouldn't expect people to answer the questions from the exam for you. That's what studying and hard work are for. Honestly I wish we could just delete this entire thread. It serves no purpose other than to help people cheat.
This is not cheating, this is a willing to knowledge.
I'm sure you do want to know, but I have to ask...Where'd you get the questions from? Many of the questions you are asking are actual exam questions (I remember). Based on the fact that you are posting questions with incomplete answer choices I don't think you just made them up. It would appear that you either memorized questions from the exam as best you could or got an incomplete cheat guide from somewhere. If either of those is not the case feel free to explain.
This is not cheating, this is a willing to knowledge.
I'm sure you do want to know, but I have to ask...Where'd you get the questions from? Many of the questions you are asking are actual exam questions (I remember). Based on the fact that you are posting questions with incomplete answer choices I don't think you just made them up. It would appear that you either memorized questions from the exam as best you could or got an incomplete cheat guide from somewhere. If either of those is not the case feel free to explain.
I've memorized few questions from the exam, and asked for the advice for, actually, two very unclear questions. Also, some other questions are from intercompany testing (already passed), and others - from this topic, summarized. That's my explanation
I have some questions about the DevII exam..
There were some Questions about run and run modal...
I've searched for a while but i still don't get it...
Wheres the diffrence ??
.. this is just an example -->
When do I use which one?
I understand the diffrence between run and runmodal...
but wheres the diffrence between FORM.RUN(number,rec) and FormVar.RUN ???
I have some questions about the DevII exam..
There were some Questions about run and run modal...
I've searched for a while but i still don't get it...
When do I use which one?
I understand the diffrence between run and runmodal...
but wheres the diffrence between FORM.RUN(number,rec) and FormVar.RUN ???
Hope you can help me... :?
When you use formvariable, you still have it in the memory after execution of FormVar.RUN command, so, you can call form's functions. Also, values of the Form's global variables will be stored in the memory.
I still can't understand TransactionType field.
In my understanding, if I am designing a report, which will read the data I do not need to change this field for both Nav Server and SQL, is it correct? But for report, which will write the data, which should I choose?
- Subform cant be in subform, it gives error when running
- There are 15 levels of menusuite total: MBS, Region, Country, Partner, Company and add-ons 1-10
- Can you run a menusuite object: No, cant run them
- What does 03 stand fore in NAVW13.00.03: its world wide service pack
- You can turn visible in runtime
- Optimistic concurrency means that you lock table late as possible and only when needed
- You can indent max 10 levels in report dataitems, no more than 1 next to each other
- The file which is not in the language folder is the database file cause its by default in the client folder *.fdb
- CurrReport.Skip: skips a process
- CurrReport.Quit: leaves the report without committing anything
- CurrReport.Break: leaves from the loop
Customer.FIND('+'); Finds the last one (6000)
Customer.NEXT('-3'); Steps 3 back (3000)
Customer.FIND('='); Returns the (3000)
In table the following records are prensent: 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000.The result of previous instructions is:
b)3000 *
Customer.FIND('+'); Finds the last one (6000)
Customer.NEXT('3'); Stays in the last one cause there is no more after (6000)
Customer.FIND('='); Returns the (6000)
In table the following records are prensent: 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000.The result of previous instructions is:
e)6000 *
- Subform usually has table box (not always cause also tabs and other items work on it but not another subform)
- For SumIndexFields: CalcSums
- For FlowFields: CalcFields
- To get subform working you must add the SubformID
I've already searched the forum but i couldn't find a clear answer ... There were many diffrent answers about this question ... :-k
I hope anyone can help me
Which of the following functional area has more than one master table
a) Fixed Assets <-- i choose this
b) General Ledger
c) Inventory
d) Sales and receivable
There was also another question I'm not sure about ...
Which of the following is true regarding the table Realtion between Master and Ledger Tables ?
a) A Field in the master table is related ti the Ledger table
b) A FIeld in the Ledger table is related to the Master Table
c) Master and ledger each have a field that is related to the other ...
d) they're not related ...
I would have answered with b and i often read it in posts in this topic but ...
in Nav 50 Introduction at the part about tables theres a description which makes me worry about my answer ...
Generally, many other tables are related to a Master table and the Master table
itself is related to many other (usually Supplemental) tables. There is usually a
Ledger table that is related to a Master table. Master tables also contain many
FlowFilters and FlowFields, most of which relate to its corresponding Ledger
I'm not sure what the correct anser is
no one who knows the answer ????
If we divide db in tables cat. The Master would be the core.
any transaction that we make hits the master in one way or another.you are right in respect that masters are attached with supplement tables.but the last line of the reference you used says::
"Master tables also contain many
FlowFilters and FlowFields, most of which relate to its corresponding Ledger
and thats where the answer lies.See master is the consolidated version for ledger in some respect for ex. table 27(item) has inventory field that is calculated using 32(ile). but how these two relate???
they relate via "item No."
A FIeld(Quantity) in the Ledger table is related to the Master Table(27) Inventory . and the relation is via "item no." field
i thought so too but i was not very confident about my answer so i wanted to be sure
I want to share some questions, which I didn't find in the Internet or on this forum. Actually, it was just my preparation to the microsoft exam - I took internal company testing, which was compilated from official one. Below you can find this questions with variants of choice in the brackets:
- What of the following is used to get access to Navision database (C/COAST, OLE, Impuls Workbench, C/SIDE, ACX, C/OBCD)
- What of the following is used to get access to C/AL code
(C/COAST, OLE, Impuls Workbench, C/SIDE, ACX, C/OBCD)
- What is a virtual table in Nav (company, date, time, ...)
Also, I would like to notice that it is stated mostly everywhere that Fixet Assets module has more then one Master Table, but it is the wrong answer. G/L has more then one table.
I am not sure about the following questions - could you please advice?:
- You have written some code in OnLookup trigger in the table, which set up a filter for the city. It appeared then that in one form it is necessary to lookup for all of the cities from this table. How to procees? (set option UseDefaultLookup, modify onlookup trigger, do not worry at all because form trigger blocks table trigger, not possible at all)
- What method is used to copy from Header to Header History (list of :=, TRANSFERFIELDS, or COPY).
- What should you do to ensure that developed report works fine (run reports with the client's license, run report on the clien't database, ...)
I passed DevI, but failed with DevII previous week... I've re-read all documentation and full topic with all answers, but I still can't find the certain answers for several questions. Please help, as I will re-take exam this week. Thanks in advance.
Some questions already were mentioned in this topic, but there were some controversial opinions...
1) You must verify the empty row in the journal when you post. What do you do? the code must be reusable
a) you create a codeunit and pass it a record
b) ..
c) You can't, because the table don't acccept function
d) you put function in the form
2) if you set the sourceexpression of a textbox to a bigtext variable, what will be the result ?
a: error
b: text will be truncated
3) Almost like the #2, If you have varText := varBigText;
a: error
b: varText will be truncated
4)Report with cusomer and cust.ledger entry as dataitems and cust ledger entry indented under customer. which of time following would be easiest way to filter both tables to the same date range
a)use SETRANGE on prereport
b)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem
and link the posting date field of the cust.ledger entry dataitem to the Date filter field of the customer table using the dataitemlink property
c)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem and,use the set SETFILTER cmd to Filter the posting date field cust.led.entry
d)use SETFILTER on predataitem
5) How can an element of object can be addressed in Code?
a)Using Instance of class definition
b)Using normal syntax of structure language
c)Using dot operator
d)Using pointer reference
6) What is a typical instruction in a check line routine ? (TESTFIELD?)
7) How to implement optimistic concurrency (I don’t remember the server type) ?
A: Set a maximum of filters. The server will lock the table (implicit) during the update
B: Set a maximum of filters and explicitly call the LOCKTABLE
8) What is meant by optimistic concurrency?
a) It means that we lock the table as soon as possible to ensure that we will be able to make our change.
b) It means that we lock the record as soon as possible to ensure that we will be able to make our change.
c) It means that we do not lock the record before we read it for an update
d) It means that we don't lock the records at all hoping that no changes will be made at the same time because of our efficient use of filters.
9) When create card form using for wizard, what code is added automatically
A. OnAfterGetRecord(), SetRange("No."); (No Code Generated) <=
B. OnNextRecord();
C. OnDeleteRecord();
D. OnAfterGetRecord(), Validate("No.");
10) A client make a mailing with microsoft word combinated with MBS, We use for this.
d)Automation Microsoft Word
11) You need to import data from a legacy system into Navision with the following scenarios:
- Some data has been verified and already checked
- Some data needs to be validated before going into the new system
- You don't have to import open lines
What standard code do you need to place in your dataport:
A) Validate triggers
C) Inserting records into the table
12) If two programmers are working on the one object with different changes, what methodology would you use:
A) Both work on it the same time
C) One programmer implements their change, checks in, then the other programmer implements their change
13) You have written some code in OnLookup trigger in the table, which set up a filter for the city. It appeared then that in one form it is necessary to lookup for all of the cities from this table. How to procees? (set option UseDefaultLookup, modify onlookup trigger, do not worry at all because form trigger blocks table trigger, not possible at all)
14) What method is used to copy from Header to Header History (list of :=, TRANSFERFIELDS, or COPY).
15) What should you do to ensure that developed report works fine (run reports with the client's license, run report on the client's database, ...)
What documentation is that? All of your answers can be found in the course work or by actually coding an example yourself. You can even do a search on the PDF files to find the keywords you're looking for.
Despite this thread's near 300+ posts you shouldn't expect people to answer the questions from the exam for you. That's what studying and hard work are for. Honestly I wish we could just delete this entire thread. It serves no purpose other than to help people cheat.
I agree with you, but I would not say that you are absolutely right. There are some questions, which are quite controversial and couldn't be checked by actual coding.
For example, question 9 - there is no code generated after creation in the form. For question 10 - several options can be used. For 11 - I am absolutely sure that the answer is A, but this is not correct, and I really wonder why.
This is not cheating, this is a willing to knowledge.
I'm sure you do want to know, but I have to ask...Where'd you get the questions from? Many of the questions you are asking are actual exam questions (I remember). Based on the fact that you are posting questions with incomplete answer choices I don't think you just made them up. It would appear that you either memorized questions from the exam as best you could or got an incomplete cheat guide from somewhere. If either of those is not the case feel free to explain.
How do you know it's not correct? Unless they've changed the testing engine you don't see which questions you've missed.
Maybe you do really want to learn, but the way you are presenting does not make it look that way.
I've memorized few questions from the exam, and asked for the advice for, actually, two very unclear questions. Also, some other questions are from intercompany testing (already passed), and others - from this topic, summarized. That's my explanation
I know it because I've got 100% for one of the areas, but about 60 for the others.
I have some questions about the DevII exam..
There were some Questions about run and run modal...
I've searched for a while but i still don't get it...
Wheres the diffrence ??
.. this is just an example -->
Cust.SETRANGE.... // some filters...
When do I use which one?
I understand the diffrence between run and runmodal...
but wheres the diffrence between FORM.RUN(number,rec) and FormVar.RUN ???
Hope you can help me... :?
When you use formvariable, you still have it in the memory after execution of FormVar.RUN command, so, you can call form's functions. Also, values of the Form's global variables will be stored in the memory.
thx, i havent' thought about that
In my understanding, if I am designing a report, which will read the data I do not need to change this field for both Nav Server and SQL, is it correct? But for report, which will write the data, which should I choose?
PS I've already passed Dev I and Dev II