In Object Manager there is a number of Objects locked for my USERID in the header although there are no Objects marked as locked in the lines. How can I reset the No. of Objects locked for me in Object Manager Header?
"Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
Is it possible to have TFS and the Repository located on another server than where the SQL server resides, when using TFS as the integrated source control?
it would be very helpful in future versions, if older objects of OMA could work with newer versions of the DLL.
We use OMA in all our current and future projects, but not all projects are always on the current release.
In my position (as developer) I have to do so with many different databases with different OMA versions.
Currently, we must update all databases at the next connection to the current objects, because at least one project is running 6.03 which needs the 5.00 DLL.
Databases with an older object version of OMA (e. g. 6.01, 6.02) will not accept the 5.00 DLL :-(
Please make future DLLs and objects compatible, so that an older object version will work with newer DLLs.
Further more, I would appreciate it, if you could add following features to future releases of OMA:
You can press the print button on the project card. What functionality do you miss?
The "Print" function is known. I want to print the attached documents, which are uploaded in the documents. Please see my Example, than you can imagine, what I mean.
Version list is already there. You mean the object caption in all existing languages?
It would be enough, if the captions of one language (e. g. specified in OMA Setup) will be stored additionaly.
An other way could be to store the caption of the current active language.
There will be a merge option in a future release. Not as fancy as the Mergetool but it will work with external tools like “Beyond Compare”.
The integration of Beyond Compare is still present. (It also work with other freeware Compare-Tools like WinDiff, ...)
I thought about a full integrated merge tool like the linked PM-Mergetool.
Why reinvent the wheel if there is a good tool?
It would be a waste of time to reinvent an object modification tracing and analyzing tool because there is Object Manager Light / Advanced, so it would be a waste of time to reinvent an integrated merge tool.
if you fix the e-mail notification, could you please add some more informations to the e-mail, such like the servername, databasename, Project No., last active user?
E. g.: Subject: Project P4711 has reached status 30-TESTING Body: User DEV01 has switched the project P4711 to status 30-TESTING.
Servername: NAV-DEV-SRV01
Database: DevProject601
Further more, it would be a cool feature, if it would be possible to send a notification to more than one receipient (e. g. Consultant|ProjectManager or Developer|ProjectManager).
Additional, it would be very nice, if it would be possible to import/export fob files from OMA
(EXPORTOBJECTS(FileName, ObjectRecord [, Format])
IMPORTOBJECTS(FileName [, Format]))
Yes, I know, this would be only possible with NAV2009 and newer, but it would fill one missing file format.
As always: It's your choice, whether or not to make this new features availible in OML or exclusively in OMA.
I love this great tool! :thumbsup:
Oh, sorry! It isn't a tool - it is a large toolbox! \:D/
Thanks for the suggestions.
I will implement them in version 7.
Unfortunately the fob-format is not supported by the EXPORTOBJECTS command. You can only export in txt and xml format. It would be great if they added this format.
Hi Reijer,
I try to use a repository (TFS): type=TFS, enter tf.exe path, local path (assiged by VS2010 as working folder), select Use Repository flag on Repository Panel, try to Test Connection, but I receive a automation error
"An exception was raised in method AddCode. The OLE Control or Automation server has returned error (HRESULT)
How to fix it?
I use VS2010
NAV2009SP1 russian
Andrew Pikunov
We will fix it in the next release of the "Object Manager".
For now I suggest you look at the repository "File System" type.
The principle is the same.
No, I am sorry, the light-era has ended.
But if you are depending on the Object Manager and want a longer trial period I will create a new one.
Send me a PM.
I like the idea of this tool =D>
But it should not be sold with so many bugs.
The things I tried and didn't work:
1. Translation
2. Where used whit 4.03
"Where used" function does not work with special characters. If there is special char in function title, I won't be able to find where the function is used. I use Object Manager Light 601. Here is code example:
OBJECT Codeunit 91231 Test1
Version List=;
PROCEDURE µŲuolas@1000000000();
OBJECT Codeunit 91232 Test2
Version List=;
Cu@1000000000 : Codeunit 91231;
Object Manager Advanced v6.03 (trial till 15-3-2011)
The Object Manager - an outstanding toolkit for developers and consultants.
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are done. Combine all modifications in a transport and use the wizard to import them into your live database. It boasts some useful utilities such as where-used functionality, renumber objects, update variables, check guidelines and a translation tool.
Using Object Manager means better co-operation, higher quality, lower cost and more satisfied customers.
With the Object Manager, time-consuming error and conflict resolution is relegated to the past. Errors and conflicts simply don't occur. As a result, your work is of far higher quality and completed sooner. You will find that much less testing is required and that you no longer need to switch back and forth between development and live database. In other words, you can work at a lower cost. And the final result? More satisfied customers, opening the door to opportunities for new business.
What's New in v6.03
- Bugfixes!
What's New in v6.02
- Test Framework!
- Bugfixes!
What's New in v6.01
- Check Transferfields! (video)
- Repository: Integrate Source Control with VSS, TFS or SVN!
- New Improved Locking Mechanism!
- Pick Color Form!
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool!
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
With the repository module you can use an external source base. Simply check-out an check-in objects from the repository. This makes it possible to develop in separated databases at the same time. Integration with Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server and Subversion is possible.
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Check Transferfields
Check if your database has conflicting fields which will cause the TRANSFERFIELDS command to fail.
Demo Video: Check Transferfields
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Is it possible to upgrade from Object Manager Light 5.01 to a licensed version of OMA6.03. As far as I can see the objects in 6.03 is in the area 11102035.. and the light version objects start at 91800..
Yes, you can.
It is explained in chapter 2.8 of the manual:
2.8. Upgrading Trial to Full Version
When you were using the trial version of the Object Manager and you purchased the full version you will get a fob with other object numbers. The trial objects have numbers starting at 91800. The full version objects are starting at number 11102035.
Importing the full version fob in a database with trial objects will result in the following error.
This is because the objects have the same name. There are two methods to upgrade from the trial to the full version. It depends if you license allows you to create objects in the full version object range.
2.8.1. Upgrading with a Partner License
Start codeunit 91829 - OM - Upgrade to Full Version.
Choose “I have a partner license”.
All objects are renumbered to the full version object range. You now can import the fob with the full version objects without any problems.
2.8.2. Upgrading with Customer License
If you do not have the permission to create objects in the full version object range you will have to choose “I have a customer license”.
The following options have to be executed one by one.
Steps 1, 3 and 4 are done automatically. Step 2 is a manual task.
NOTE: Step 3 and 4 have to be executed with codeunit 11102064 instead of codeunit 91829.
Will be added to version 7.
But what you can do is remove your locks with the form "Object Locks".
Object Manager
Yes this is possible.
The Object Manager uses a location on you hard drive which you can connect (with e.g. visual studio) to any TFS location.
Object Manager
it would be very helpful in future versions, if older objects of OMA could work with newer versions of the DLL.
We use OMA in all our current and future projects, but not all projects are always on the current release.
In my position (as developer) I have to do so with many different databases with different OMA versions.
Currently, we must update all databases at the next connection to the current objects, because at least one project is running 6.03 which needs the 5.00 DLL.
Databases with an older object version of OMA (e. g. 6.01, 6.02) will not accept the 5.00 DLL :-(
Please make future DLLs and objects compatible, so that an older object version will work with newer DLLs.
Further more, I would appreciate it, if you could add following features to future releases of OMA:
- BLOBs on OM Comment Line (e. g. for Screen Shots)
- Print BLOBs on Project Report
- Possibility to Print Project Documents (Example)
- Show Captions and Version List everywhere
- Store Captions and Version List in History
- Show Properties on Objects and Fields
- Integration of the PM-Mergetool
- Translation for other languages (DEU[1031], ESP[1034], FRA[1036], ITA[1040], ...)
It's your choice to put the one or other feature to OML.Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
Yes, you’re right. We will make them compatible from now on.
Did you see the little file buton next to the comment button? There you can add screenshots or other documents.
Do you want import bmp’s and print them on the project report? There will be trouble with the sizing I am afraid…
You can press the print button on the project card. What functionality do you miss?
Ok. I will look where they can be added.
Version list is already there. You mean the object caption in all existing languages?
Where exactly. Do you mean the lookup form of the field table?
There will be a merge option in a future release. Not as fancy as the Mergetool but it will work with external tools like “Beyond Compare”.
Will think about it. Maybe with the help of the Microsoft Language Portal…
Thanks for the input!
Object Manager
Yes, but they were not printed on the project summary report.
I know that, but it's better to have the possibility to print in a fixed size than not to print ;-)
The "Print" function is known. I want to print the attached documents, which are uploaded in the documents. Please see my Example, than you can imagine, what I mean.
It would be enough, if the captions of one language (e. g. specified in OMA Setup) will be stored additionaly.
An other way could be to store the caption of the current active language.
E. g. in the "Where used" Card on object level as well as on field level (the subform).
The integration of Beyond Compare is still present. (It also work with other freeware Compare-Tools like WinDiff, ...)
I thought about a full integrated merge tool like the linked PM-Mergetool.
Why reinvent the wheel if there is a good tool?
It would be a waste of time to reinvent an object modification tracing and analyzing tool because there is Object Manager Light / Advanced, so it would be a waste of time to reinvent an integrated merge tool.
Whatever way you choose... - Only the result matters!
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
On the Project Card, when a change status the system says "Do you want to send an email to?".
I expected to see either the name of the active user? How to accomplish that?
Otherwise the spelling is incorrect. It should be "Do you want to send an email, too?"
Yes you're right. This is a bug.
It will be fixed in the next release.
Object Manager
if you fix the e-mail notification, could you please add some more informations to the e-mail, such like the servername, databasename, Project No., last active user?
E. g.:
Subject: Project P4711 has reached status 30-TESTING
Body: User DEV01 has switched the project P4711 to status 30-TESTING.
Servername: NAV-DEV-SRV01
Database: DevProject601
Further more, it would be a cool feature, if it would be possible to send a notification to more than one receipient (e. g. Consultant|ProjectManager or Developer|ProjectManager).
Additional, it would be very nice, if it would be possible to import/export fob files from OMA
(EXPORTOBJECTS(FileName, ObjectRecord [, Format])
IMPORTOBJECTS(FileName [, Format]))
Yes, I know, this would be only possible with NAV2009 and newer, but it would fill one missing file format.
As always: It's your choice, whether or not to make this new features availible in OML or exclusively in OMA.
I love this great tool! :thumbsup:
Oh, sorry! It isn't a tool - it is a large toolbox! \:D/
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
Thanks for the suggestions.
I will implement them in version 7.
Unfortunately the fob-format is not supported by the EXPORTOBJECTS command. You can only export in txt and xml format. It would be great if they added this format.
Object Manager
I try to use a repository (TFS): type=TFS, enter tf.exe path, local path (assiged by VS2010 as working folder), select Use Repository flag on Repository Panel, try to Test Connection, but I receive a automation error
"An exception was raised in method AddCode. The OLE Control or Automation server has returned error (HRESULT)
How to fix it?
I use VS2010
NAV2009SP1 russian
Andrew Pikunov
The TFS codeunit uses the ‘Microsoft Script Control 1.0'.ScriptControl.
It’s probably not registered on your computer.
Object Manager
Script Control registered (version I re-register it, but nothing changed.
Andrew Pikunov
Strange that it is working on many other machines though.
We will fix it in the next release of the "Object Manager".
For now I suggest you look at the repository "File System" type.
The principle is the same.
Object Manager
No, I am sorry, the light-era has ended.
But if you are depending on the Object Manager and want a longer trial period I will create a new one.
Send me a PM.
Object Manager
But it should not be sold with so many bugs.
The things I tried and didn't work:
1. Translation
2. Where used whit 4.03
Can you please give a bit more info so we can fix them.
Object Manager
If we purchase the product, can we read and edit code lines in objects?
Yes, if you have a developer license you can.
Object Manager
This is fixed in the upcomming release.
Object Manager
The Object Manager - an outstanding toolkit for developers and consultants.
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are done. Combine all modifications in a transport and use the wizard to import them into your live database. It boasts some useful utilities such as where-used functionality, renumber objects, update variables, check guidelines and a translation tool.
Using Object Manager means better co-operation, higher quality, lower cost and more satisfied customers.
With the Object Manager, time-consuming error and conflict resolution is relegated to the past. Errors and conflicts simply don't occur. As a result, your work is of far higher quality and completed sooner. You will find that much less testing is required and that you no longer need to switch back and forth between development and live database. In other words, you can work at a lower cost. And the final result? More satisfied customers, opening the door to opportunities for new business.
What's New in v6.03
- Bugfixes!
What's New in v6.02
- Test Framework!
- Bugfixes!
What's New in v6.01
- Check Transferfields! (video)
- Repository: Integrate Source Control with VSS, TFS or SVN!
- New Improved Locking Mechanism!
- Pick Color Form!
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool!
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v3.01
- Documentation!
- Renumber Objects!
- Delete Unused Variables!
- Sort Variables!
- Translation Tool!
- Client Monitor Analyzer!
- License Checker!
- Bitmap Overview!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
With the repository module you can use an external source base. Simply check-out an check-in objects from the repository. This makes it possible to develop in separated databases at the same time. Integration with Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server and Subversion is possible.
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Check Transferfields
Check if your database has conflicting fields which will cause the TRANSFERFIELDS command to fail.
Demo Video: Check Transferfields
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Get the advanced version at
Discuss this download here.
Have you checked the cables?
Have you released the filters?
Is it possible to upgrade from Object Manager Light 5.01 to a licensed version of OMA6.03. As far as I can see the objects in 6.03 is in the area 11102035.. and the light version objects start at 91800..
Yes, you can.
It is explained in chapter 2.8 of the manual:
Object Manager
It was not included in the 6.3 manual.
Object Manager