I've been using OM Light for a few weeks and it is a great tool indeed!
However, I've been seeking for a solution/idea for a smart C/AL code versioning. Although OM has such abilities I must admit I find it a little inconvenient: every time I save an object I get a new 'modification' entry which then goes to C/AL history and gets attached to a project. After a few hours work (testing, debugging, trying out various designs, optimization) on an object sometimes I produce even a hundred (sic!) modification entries where most of it doesn't often reflect actual code improvements.
So my suggestion is: couldn't OM at some point work like Subversion - the changes in objects are commited (as a package of objects probably, not every object separately) to the project only when user decides to? Then, along with a short description to the 'commit', the whole thing would be much more useful and readable.
Or maybe have you already thought about fastening OM together with Subversion? Wow, that would be really something!
Well, after all this is of course just my point of view...
I never worked with Subversion but if I read your suggestion about the committing of a bunch of objects it is maybe possible with some other settings.
First of all you need to set the “Trace modifications” method to “Timer” and disable the “Trace modifications” flags. Then after a while (100 of modifications) you open the “Assign Modifications” form. Now the Object Manager sees every changed object as 1 modification. Here you can ‘commit’ your modifications to a project. This results in 1 modification per object and 1 “C/AL History” record.
Only the “Short description” functionality is missing. I will add that to my to-do list for a future release!
Is this a workable procedure for you?
Otherwise maybe the “Compress C/AL Functionality” of the Advanced version where you can compress the c/al history and modifications can help you out…
Yes, that's a good advice - if I disable the “Trace modifications” flags it really works close to CVS/SVN functionality in commiting changes made in code.
What I meant with OM cooperating with SVN was also actually allowing different members of the dev team to work on the same set of objects. In case of SVN you simply setup a repository somewhere on a distant server and all modifications to the code are commited to that place, not locally in each database/computer. So such solution has some functional advantages, like centralized code/project management, constant access to the newest projects' code, improved security with user access control list for each project and so on. Of course, I am not a SVN developer and it is not simply another ad - I just have a good experience working with SVN and now for me it is just the most important dev team-tool. And now I am only looking for such 'magic' possible in Navision...
Object Manager Light v5.01
The Object Manager is a tool for developers and consultants. You can keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are ready. Combine all modifications in a transport and import them safely with a wizard in your customer database.
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool! (video)
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
In a previous post, it is a broken link.
I would like to know the difference between the light and Advanced, You said that you have a matrix: Light vs. Advanced, do you have a new link?
Is it possible to install Object Manager Light/Advanced with a native database container (.fdb) or will it work only for SQL databases?
(the tracer which depends on a SQL trigger modification script will surely not be available for a native container, but what about the other features?)
I've been reading through the documentation and must say that I'm really enthusiast about it - what a wonderfull tool!
Must be the only one here, caus I'm still a kinda noob with NAV (but willing to learn a lot), but when I install the Light version, it installs the objects in the 90000 series. Those are out of my license, allthough my license contains the 7200 and 7300 granule. What would be the best way to use the Light version on my DB('s)? Because if I should extend my license, that would be just as "expensive" as buying the full (Advanced) version (which I intend to do if the Light version works out fine in RL together with my NAV dealer).
Could some please give me an advice, or should I just try to rename te objectnumbers in the text-file?
You have two options to solve this. Either you get hold of a partner license (if you have a co-operation with an NAV partner) or you work with the Cronus license in a company of which the name starts with “Cronus”. In the second case you have the date and transaction volume limitations that go with the Cronus database as usual.
We would not advise you to try to rename the object numbers, because then you would be violating our IP rights to the solution, which of course is not allowed.
...We would not advise you to try to rename the object numbers, because then you would be violating our IP rights to the solution, which of course is not allowed.
Sorry... I cannot help myself smiling when I read these sentences in one post.
Object Manager Light v6.01
The Object Manager - an outstanding toolkit for developers and consultants.
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are done. Combine all modifications in a transport and use the wizard to import them into your live database. It boasts some useful utilities such as where-used functionality, renumber objects, update variables, check guidelines and a translation tool.
Using Object Manager means better co-operation, higher quality, lower cost and more satisfied customers.
With the Object Manager, time-consuming error and conflict resolution is relegated to the past. Errors and conflicts simply don't occur. As a result, your work is of far higher quality and completed sooner. You will find that much less testing is required and that you no longer need to switch back and forth between development and live database. In other words, you can work at a lower cost. And the final result? More satisfied customers, opening the door to opportunities for new business.
What's New in v6.01
- Check Transferfields! (video)
- Repository: Integrate Source Control with VSS, TFS or SVN!
- New Improved Locking Mechanism!
- Pick Color Form!
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool!
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
With the repository module you can use an external source base. Simply check-out an check-in objects from the repository. This makes it possible to develop in separated databases at the same time. Integration with Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server and Subversion is possible.
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Check Transferfields
Check if your database has conflicting fields which will cause the TRANSFERFIELDS command to fail.
Demo Video: Check Transferfields
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Object Manager Light v6.02
The Object Manager - an outstanding toolkit for developers and consultants.
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are done. Combine all modifications in a transport and use the wizard to import them into your live database. It boasts some useful utilities such as where-used functionality, renumber objects, update variables, check guidelines and a translation tool.
Using Object Manager means better co-operation, higher quality, lower cost and more satisfied customers.
With the Object Manager, time-consuming error and conflict resolution is relegated to the past. Errors and conflicts simply don't occur. As a result, your work is of far higher quality and completed sooner. You will find that much less testing is required and that you no longer need to switch back and forth between development and live database. In other words, you can work at a lower cost. And the final result? More satisfied customers, opening the door to opportunities for new business.
What's New in v6.02
- Test Framework!
- Bugfixes!
What's New in v6.01
- Check Transferfields! (video)
- Repository: Integrate Source Control with VSS, TFS or SVN!
- New Improved Locking Mechanism!
- Pick Color Form!
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool!
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
With the repository module you can use an external source base. Simply check-out an check-in objects from the repository. This makes it possible to develop in separated databases at the same time. Integration with Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server and Subversion is possible.
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Check Transferfields
Check if your database has conflicting fields which will cause the TRANSFERFIELDS command to fail.
Demo Video: Check Transferfields
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
I'm currently trying to use OMA6.02 on a (fresh) Demo Database of NAV2009 SP1, but when I try to Update C/AL History (as the manual suggests), it only updates a couple of objects and then freezes at 100% CPU (actually 100% of one core).
If I kill the Classic Client, restart it and try again, it will update a couple more and freeze again.
I'm on a Win 7 x64 machine with a local SQL Server.
Do you have any idea how I might solve this problem?
I had the same when I tried NAV2009 SP1 for the first time.
It was because NAV used a fob file of my previous NAV2009 installation.
So maybe deleting your fob file will solve it.
To verify it's not related to custom modifications of the NAV db, I uninstalled Dynamics NAV from my computer and dropped the DemoDB from my local SQL Server. Then I reinstalled it using the Developer profile, and installed OMA on top of it.
By the way, I am not using the SQL Trigger script, since the one time I used it OMA didn't work (couldn't even be imported into NAV) but without it the import process works fine. Don't think that should be related, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
To verify it's not related to custom modifications of the NAV db, I uninstalled Dynamics NAV from my computer and dropped the DemoDB from my local SQL Server. Then I reinstalled it using the Developer profile, and installed OMA on top of it.
But then the same fob file will still be on your computer I think. Have you already tried to delete it?
By the way, I am not using the SQL Trigger script, since the one time I used it OMA didn't work (couldn't even be imported into NAV) but without it the import process works fine. Don't think that should be related, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
Yes, the sql-trigger uses object manager tables. If the object manager tables are not present in your database any object change will fail. So first import the objects and then add the sql-trigger.
To verify it's not related to custom modifications of the NAV db, I uninstalled Dynamics NAV from my computer and dropped the DemoDB from my local SQL Server. Then I reinstalled it using the Developer profile, and installed OMA on top of it.
But then the same fob file will still be on your computer I think. Have you already tried to delete it?
Sorry if I'm being rather dense here, but I'm not finding any .fob files on my computer except the OMA fobs, some fobs I exported myself and the ones from the install folder (i.e. the dump of the install CD). Which fob file do you mean?
By the way, I am not using the SQL Trigger script, since the one time I used it OMA didn't work (couldn't even be imported into NAV) but without it the import process works fine. Don't think that should be related, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
Yes, the sql-trigger uses object manager tables. If the object manager tables are not present in your database any object change will fail. So first import the objects and then add the sql-trigger.
Sorry if I'm being rather dense here, but I'm not finding any .fob files on my computer except the OMA fobs, some fobs I exported myself and the ones from the install folder (i.e. the dump of the install CD). Which fob file do you mean?
Oh sorry! I mean your zup file.
Sorry if I'm being rather dense here, but I'm not finding any .fob files on my computer except the OMA fobs, some fobs I exported myself and the ones from the install folder (i.e. the dump of the install CD). Which fob file do you mean?
Oh sorry! I mean your zup file.
Okay, with a little more experience I might have guessed that myself. Ah well, I'm still a noob
/edit: aaand that's done it! Thank you, your quick help is much appreciated.
Updating the C/AL history went through fine now except for three tables: 3-Tier Dataport Mgt., Export Phys. Invt. Rec. Lines and Import Phys. Invt. Rec. Lines. For those three I get an error message saying "Not all objects were updated. Are you using the right development license?". I'm using a standard developers license.
Is this usual behavior, or did I neglect to do something again?
You get this error because these objects cannot be exported in text format. Please try to export these objects in the object designer (in text format) and you can find out why.
If it is a license problem you can add them to the “Known Object Export Errors” list.
Then you will not get this message anymore.
I've been using OM Light for a few weeks and it is a great tool indeed!
However, I've been seeking for a solution/idea for a smart C/AL code versioning. Although OM has such abilities I must admit I find it a little inconvenient: every time I save an object I get a new 'modification' entry which then goes to C/AL history and gets attached to a project. After a few hours work (testing, debugging, trying out various designs, optimization) on an object sometimes I produce even a hundred (sic!) modification entries where most of it doesn't often reflect actual code improvements.
So my suggestion is: couldn't OM at some point work like Subversion - the changes in objects are commited (as a package of objects probably, not every object separately) to the project only when user decides to? Then, along with a short description to the 'commit', the whole thing would be much more useful and readable.
Or maybe have you already thought about fastening OM together with Subversion? Wow, that would be really something!
Well, after all this is of course just my point of view...
Thanks anyway.
Michael Orlik
Wroclaw, Poland
I never worked with Subversion but if I read your suggestion about the committing of a bunch of objects it is maybe possible with some other settings.
First of all you need to set the “Trace modifications” method to “Timer” and disable the “Trace modifications” flags. Then after a while (100 of modifications) you open the “Assign Modifications” form. Now the Object Manager sees every changed object as 1 modification. Here you can ‘commit’ your modifications to a project. This results in 1 modification per object and 1 “C/AL History” record.
Only the “Short description” functionality is missing. I will add that to my to-do list for a future release!
Is this a workable procedure for you?
Otherwise maybe the “Compress C/AL Functionality” of the Advanced version where you can compress the c/al history and modifications can help you out…
Thanks for the input!
Object Manager
thanks for your quick reply!
Yes, that's a good advice - if I disable the “Trace modifications” flags it really works close to CVS/SVN functionality in commiting changes made in code.
What I meant with OM cooperating with SVN was also actually allowing different members of the dev team to work on the same set of objects. In case of SVN you simply setup a repository somewhere on a distant server and all modifications to the code are commited to that place, not locally in each database/computer. So such solution has some functional advantages, like centralized code/project management, constant access to the newest projects' code, improved security with user access control list for each project and so on. Of course, I am not a SVN developer
Michael Orlik
Wroclaw, Poland
The Object Manager is a tool for developers and consultants. You can keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are ready. Combine all modifications in a transport and import them safely with a wizard in your customer database.
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool! (video)
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v3.01
- Documentation!
- Renumber Objects!
- Delete Unused Variables!
- Sort Variables!
- Translation Tool!
- Client Monitor Analyzer!
- License Checker!
- Bitmap Overview!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Get the advanced version at http://www.idyn.nl/objectmanager
Discuss this download here.
In a previous post, it is a broken link.
I would like to know the difference between the light and Advanced, You said that you have a matrix: Light vs. Advanced, do you have a new link?
If you download the OMA here in the download section you see a manual.
On page 164 you can find the "Light vs. Advanced" table.
Object Manager
The table is now also available on our website:
Object Manager
Is it possible to install Object Manager Light/Advanced with a native database container (.fdb) or will it work only for SQL databases?
(the tracer which depends on a SQL trigger modification script will surely not be available for a native container, but what about the other features?)
Yes, the Object Manager is fully compatible with a native database.
All the other features will work!
Object Manager
Must be the only one here, caus I'm still a kinda noob with NAV (but willing to learn a lot), but when I install the Light version, it installs the objects in the 90000 series. Those are out of my license, allthough my license contains the 7200 and 7300 granule. What would be the best way to use the Light version on my DB('s)? Because if I should extend my license, that would be just as "expensive" as buying the full (Advanced) version (which I intend to do if the Light version works out fine in RL together with my NAV dealer).
Could some please give me an advice, or should I just try to rename te objectnumbers in the text-file?
(Running NAV 5.0 SP1 native with PFS)
You have two options to solve this. Either you get hold of a partner license (if you have a co-operation with an NAV partner) or you work with the Cronus license in a company of which the name starts with “Cronus”. In the second case you have the date and transaction volume limitations that go with the Cronus database as usual.
We would not advise you to try to rename the object numbers, because then you would be violating our IP rights to the solution, which of course is not allowed.
Object Manager
Sorry... I cannot help myself smiling when I read these sentences in one post.
The Object Manager - an outstanding toolkit for developers and consultants.
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are done. Combine all modifications in a transport and use the wizard to import them into your live database. It boasts some useful utilities such as where-used functionality, renumber objects, update variables, check guidelines and a translation tool.
Using Object Manager means better co-operation, higher quality, lower cost and more satisfied customers.
With the Object Manager, time-consuming error and conflict resolution is relegated to the past. Errors and conflicts simply don't occur. As a result, your work is of far higher quality and completed sooner. You will find that much less testing is required and that you no longer need to switch back and forth between development and live database. In other words, you can work at a lower cost. And the final result? More satisfied customers, opening the door to opportunities for new business.
What's New in v6.01
- Check Transferfields! (video)
- Repository: Integrate Source Control with VSS, TFS or SVN!
- New Improved Locking Mechanism!
- Pick Color Form!
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool!
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v3.01
- Documentation!
- Renumber Objects!
- Delete Unused Variables!
- Sort Variables!
- Translation Tool!
- Client Monitor Analyzer!
- License Checker!
- Bitmap Overview!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
With the repository module you can use an external source base. Simply check-out an check-in objects from the repository. This makes it possible to develop in separated databases at the same time. Integration with Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server and Subversion is possible.
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Check Transferfields
Check if your database has conflicting fields which will cause the TRANSFERFIELDS command to fail.
Demo Video: Check Transferfields
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Get the advanced version at http://www.idyn.nl/products/objectmanageradvanced.aspx
Discuss this download here.
Are there any plans to support more languages than ENU and NLD? (e. g. DEU, FRA, ...)
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997
MSDynamics.de - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
No, we do not have any plans for adding more languages.
Are you volunteering?
Object Manager
But that would only make sense if I have access to the advanced version because of potential TextConsts in the deleted functions of the light version.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997
MSDynamics.de - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
The Object Manager - an outstanding toolkit for developers and consultants.
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are done. Combine all modifications in a transport and use the wizard to import them into your live database. It boasts some useful utilities such as where-used functionality, renumber objects, update variables, check guidelines and a translation tool.
Using Object Manager means better co-operation, higher quality, lower cost and more satisfied customers.
With the Object Manager, time-consuming error and conflict resolution is relegated to the past. Errors and conflicts simply don't occur. As a result, your work is of far higher quality and completed sooner. You will find that much less testing is required and that you no longer need to switch back and forth between development and live database. In other words, you can work at a lower cost. And the final result? More satisfied customers, opening the door to opportunities for new business.
What's New in v6.02
- Test Framework!
- Bugfixes!
What's New in v6.01
- Check Transferfields! (video)
- Repository: Integrate Source Control with VSS, TFS or SVN!
- New Improved Locking Mechanism!
- Pick Color Form!
What's New in v5.01
- Check Guidelines Tool!
- Check Coding and GUI standards!
- Auto Indent C/AL Code!
- Auto Format C/AL Code!
- Easily Replace Old FIND Statements!
- And 40 other checks to improve the quality of your development!
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields!
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v3.01
- Documentation!
- Renumber Objects!
- Delete Unused Variables!
- Sort Variables!
- Translation Tool!
- Client Monitor Analyzer!
- License Checker!
- Bitmap Overview!
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
With the repository module you can use an external source base. Simply check-out an check-in objects from the repository. This makes it possible to develop in separated databases at the same time. Integration with Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server and Subversion is possible.
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Check Guidelines Tool
Check if your development meets the coding and GUI standards. Auto indent your C/AL code. Auto apply most coding guidelines and standards. Easily track down where the old FIND statement is used and replace them with the new statements.
Demo Video: Check Guidelines Tool
Check Transferfields
Check if your database has conflicting fields which will cause the TRANSFERFIELDS command to fail.
Demo Video: Check Transferfields
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Get the advanced version at http://www.idyn.nl/products/objectmanageradvanced.aspx
Discuss this download here.
I'm currently trying to use OMA6.02 on a (fresh) Demo Database of NAV2009 SP1, but when I try to Update C/AL History (as the manual suggests), it only updates a couple of objects and then freezes at 100% CPU (actually 100% of one core).
If I kill the Classic Client, restart it and try again, it will update a couple more and freeze again.
I'm on a Win 7 x64 machine with a local SQL Server.
Do you have any idea how I might solve this problem?
I had the same when I tried NAV2009 SP1 for the first time.
It was because NAV used a fob file of my previous NAV2009 installation.
So maybe deleting your fob file will solve it.
Object Manager
thanks for your quick reply!
To verify it's not related to custom modifications of the NAV db, I uninstalled Dynamics NAV from my computer and dropped the DemoDB from my local SQL Server. Then I reinstalled it using the Developer profile, and installed OMA on top of it.
By the way, I am not using the SQL Trigger script, since the one time I used it OMA didn't work (couldn't even be imported into NAV) but without it the import process works fine. Don't think that should be related, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
Dynamics NAV Enthusiast
Yes, the sql-trigger uses object manager tables. If the object manager tables are not present in your database any object change will fail. So first import the objects and then add the sql-trigger.
Object Manager
Sorry if I'm being rather dense here, but I'm not finding any .fob files on my computer except the OMA fobs, some fobs I exported myself and the ones from the install folder (i.e. the dump of the install CD). Which fob file do you mean?
Oh. Okay. That does make sense, thanks :oops:
Object Manager
Oh sorry! I mean your zup file.
Object Manager
Okay, with a little more experience I might have guessed that myself. Ah well, I'm still a noob
/edit: aaand that's done it! Thank you, your quick help is much appreciated.
Object Manager
Is this usual behavior, or did I neglect to do something again?
Thanks for your patience and your help
If it is a license problem you can add them to the “Known Object Export Errors” list.
Then you will not get this message anymore.
Object Manager