Object Manager Light v1.01
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are ready.
Collaborate with you colleague programmers if you work in the same database.
How it works:
1. Create one or more projects.
2. Start the modification tracer.
3. Assign the modifications to the project.
4. Create a transport and include the projects that are ready to release.
5. Press F11 and the objects will have a new Version List Identifier.
6. Save the objects on your drive and mail it to your customer.
The Object Manager Advanced is available soon. It will include better workflow tools, advanced FOB’s (which can include eg masterdata and settings), a more sophisticated Object Designer and you can analyse changes on objects in Beyond Compare. Please contact
rmolenaar@juicypear.nl for more information or look at
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Where can I get the documentations about Object Manager Light?
We are working on it.
I'll get back to you soon as it is ready.
Object Manager
Keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are ready.
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality! (demo-video)
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed! (demo-video)
Track & Trace Object Modifications
- Changes on objects can be traced. When, which and by who.
- Possibility to transport changes (objects) safely to your customer db.
- You can see how long you worked on a particular project.
- You get a warning if there are pending conflicting modifications. (overlapping objects)
Transporting of Objects
- With one press on the button a FIB (a fob with actions) will be saved. (Adv. Only)
- The version list and date/time stamp of the objects will be changed automatically.
- This FIB can easily be imported in the customer db with a wizard. (Advanced Only)
- You will be working from out projects.
- A project has a workflow which indicates who has to take action in the project.
- Every status can have its own responsible person/role.
Action management / FIB
- It is possible to add actions/jobs (for data manipulation) to a FIB. (Advanced Only)
- You can, for example, include master data in the FIB. (Advanced Only)
- Other examples of actions are: Deleting of data, run a report/codeunit or dataport.
- It is possible to record permissions and include them in the FIB. (Advanced Only)
- Changing and deleting of data without validation, for testing purposes. (Advanced Only)
Locking of Objects
- If objects are changed with the Object Explorer they will be locked. (Advanced Only)
- Other users can not change these objects. (Advanced Only)
Object History
- NEW: A version of the current C/AL code will be saved at each modification. (dll needed)
- It is possible to export changes to Beyond Compare where you can analyze them.
- This is possible for a particular period, project or transport.
- NEW: When you transport your objects an old version of the objects will be saved.
- This makes it possible to do a rollback.
Where-Used Functionality
- NEW: Where-Used functionality of Objects, Triggers (modify etc), Fields and Functions.
- NEW: Where-Used functionality of Keys and SumIndexFields. (Advanced Only)
- NEW: Track down unused Variables, Keys and Fields.
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can you give a little bit info about "CGS4ObjectManagerSetup.exe" file included in the light package? Purpose? Usage?
The setup installs an automation control which makes it possible to export the C/AL code of an object to a file.
This is used for Version Control and to analyse the code for the Where-Used functionality.
I have a problem with the "where used"- function. If there are local textconstants in a function of a table the update-function will break with an error
is there a solution for this problem ?
Could you please send me a fob and txt file of the table?
rmolenaar at juicypear dot nl
Object Manager
I have found the bug and fixed it.
I have uploaded a new version in the Download Section.
Object Manager
What's New in v2.11
- Bugfixes
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality! (demo-video)
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed! (demo-video)
Track & Trace Object Modifications
- Changes on objects can be traced. When, which and by who.
- Possibility to transport changes (objects) safely to your customer db.
- You can see how long you worked on a particular project.
- You get a warning if there are pending conflicting modifications. (overlapping objects)
Transporting of Objects
- With one press on the button a FIB (a fob with actions) will be saved. (Adv. Only)
- The version list and date/time stamp of the objects will be changed automatically.
- This FIB can easily be imported in the customer db with a wizard. (Advanced Only)
- You will be working from out projects.
- A project has a workflow which indicates who has to take action in the project.
- Every status can have its own responsible person/role.
Action management / FIB
- It is possible to add actions/jobs (for data manipulation) to a FIB. (Advanced Only)
- You can, for example, include master data in the FIB. (Advanced Only)
- Other examples of actions are: Deleting of data, run a report/codeunit or dataport.
- It is possible to record permissions and include them in the FIB. (Advanced Only)
- Changing and deleting of data without validation, for testing purposes. (Advanced Only)
Locking of Objects
- If objects are changed with the Object Explorer they will be locked. (Advanced Only)
- Other users can not change these objects. (Advanced Only)
Object History
- NEW: A version of the current C/AL code will be saved at each modification. (dll needed)
- It is possible to export changes to Beyond Compare where you can analyze them.
- This is possible for a particular period, project or transport.
- NEW: When you transport your objects an old version of the objects will be saved.
- This makes it possible to do a rollback.
Where-Used Functionality
- NEW: Where-Used functionality of Objects, Triggers (modify etc), Fields and Functions.
- NEW: Where-Used functionality of Keys and SumIndexFields. (Advanced Only)
- NEW: Track down unused Variables, Keys and Fields.
Discuss this download here.
Is there a manual/tutorial available?
I gues that would come in handy in order to use it to it's full intent.
Very interesting tool, the last missing point is translation
The Object Manager is a tool for developers and consultants. You can keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are ready. Combine all modifications in a transport and import them safely with a wizard in your customer database.
What's New in v3.01
- Documentation!
- Renumber Objects!
- Delete Unused Variables!
- Sort Variables!
- Translation Tool!
- Client Monitor Analyzer!
- License Checker!
- Bitmap Overview!
What's New in v2.11
- Bugfixes
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analyzed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Get the advanced version at http://www.idyn.nl/objectmanager
Discuss this download here.
this tool is awesome! You've done a really good job! 8)
The only problem i've got is: if I have selected a table in the Object Explorer and push the "Run"-button, it always starts the "OM - Show Table Data" with SourceTable "OM - Setup" instead of the marked table in the OE.
The Object Manager creates a object file in text format with the name dataform.txt in your temp directory.
In my case it is:
Could you please send me this file.
And the table object you try to open in text format please.
rmolenaar at idyn dot nl
Object Manager
truly great tool!
I'm interesting about the limitations of the demo version (it resides in "Commercial Demo's & Trial Versions", so I guess it should have some limitations).
We have a matrix on our website where you can see what's available in the Advanced version.
Light vs. Advanced
And in the manual all functionalities are explained in detail:
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Object Manager
one more questions: in version matrix is stated that "Renumbering Fields" functionality is also available in light version. I couldn't find it. Can you tell me where I can find it.
It will come available in the next light version. I think I will upload it somewhere late august.
It will also include a module to downgrade objects to previous NAV versions.
Object Manager
You can even renumber fields with data in it.
If you cannot wait till late august you will have to buy the Advanced version!
Object Manager
I am a bit behind schedule. :oops:
And since yesterday I want to implement the new 2009 sp1 functions:
EXPORTOBJECTS(FileName, ObjectRecord [, Format])
IMPORTOBJECTS(FileName [, Format])
I will try to upload the light version next week...
Object Manager
The Object Manager is a tool for developers and consultants. You can keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are ready. Combine all modifications in a transport and import them safely with a wizard in your customer database.
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields! (video)
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v3.01
- Documentation!
- Renumber Objects!
- Delete Unused Variables!
- Sort Variables!
- Translation Tool!
- Client Monitor Analyzer!
- License Checker!
- Bitmap Overview!
What's New in v2.11
- Bugfixes
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Get the advanced version at http://www.idyn.nl/objectmanager
Discuss this download here.
For people who have difficulty creating the trigger,
try changing Id to ID in sql script.
Hi Lyot,
Can you please send me your trigger.
Then I will adjust it in the Manual and sql file and upload a new version.
Object Manager
But there seems to be another problem when I try to activate the sql-trigger in the setup.
I received your (two) fixes.
I didn’t know that SQL was case sensitive.
I will upload a new version of the Object Manager this weekend.
Object Manager
Automatic creation of a fob or/and text file is also part of the advanced version?
A FIB file is like a fob file and can contain actions you want to execute in your customer database.
When you have e.g. deleted a field in a table you can add an action that empties that field before the objects are imported.
It can also contain data. E.g. master data that is needed to execute your code.
Object Manager
The Object Manager is a tool for developers and consultants. You can keep track of the NAV objects you change and update the version list when you are ready. Combine all modifications in a transport and import them safely with a wizard in your customer database.
What's New in v4.02
- Bugfix in SQL trigger
What's New in v4.01
- Renumber Fields! (video)
- Save objects in old NAV formats (Downgrade to 5.0, 4.0, 3.6)!
- Trace modifications with SQL trigger!
- Analyse Table Relations!
- Backup / Restore!
- Compress C/AL History!
- FOB for each NAV version!
What's New in v3.01
- Documentation!
- Renumber Objects!
- Delete Unused Variables!
- Sort Variables!
- Translation Tool!
- Client Monitor Analyzer!
- License Checker!
- Bitmap Overview!
What's New in v2.11
- Bugfixes
What's New in v2.01
- Where-Used Functionality!
- Automatic C/AL code saving when objects are changed!
Trace Modifications
Modifications on objects can be traced. You assign them to a project. Projects are combined in a transport and imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Popup Mode
Demo Video: Trace Modifications in Save Mode
Locking of Objects
You can lock objects (checkout objects) so your colleague developers can see that you are working on a particular object.
Demo Video: Object Locking
Transport objects to your customer database
A new generation FOB named FIB is used to transport objects to your customer database. It can include master data, actions for data manipulation, permissions and more. You import this FIB in your customer database with a wizard. Before importing the FIB you will be warned if your customer has changed one or more objects by itself.
Demo Video: Create Transport
Demo Video: Import Transport in Customer Database
Demo Video: Transport With Action
Demo Video: Import Transport With Action in Customer Database
Action Worksheet
90% of your conversion reports are becoming obsolete cause to the Action Worksheet. You can easily create actions like empty fields, copy data and even transfer data between databases. Other examples of actions are "Run report", "Run codeunit", etc. Actions can be included in your transport so they are also executed in your customer database.
Demo Video: Action Worksheet
Version and Source Control
Your source code can be saved automatically every time you make a change. This makes it possible to do a rollback or compare your code to a previous version. Changes can be analysed in e.g. Beyond Compare.
Demo Video: Source Control
Record Permission Wizard
It is possible to record permissions with a wizard. Simply start the wizard, do all the things your customer has to execute and the wizard creates a role. This permissions can be included in a transport and automatically imported in your customer database.
Demo Video: Record Permission Wizard
Where-Used Functionality
Find out where objects, keys, triggers, fields, functions etc are used. Easily track down unused variables, keys and fields.
Demo Video: Where Used Functionality
Renumber Objects
Renumber objects directly in your database. Exporting and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these objects will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Objects
Renumber Fields
Renumber fields directly in your database. Emptying your tables and ex- and importing a text file is no longer needed. All references to these fields will also be updated.
Demo Video: Renumber Fields
Update Variables
Sort and delete unused variables. Objects will be updated directly in your database.
Demo Video: Sort Variables
Demo Video: Delete Unused Variables
Translation Tool
Change easily the names and captions that are used in your objects.
Demo Video: Translation Tool
Client Monitor Analyzer
Show the client monitor data in a datagrid and zoom in to the executed code.
Demo Video: Client Monitor Analyzer
Edit Table Data
Change your data without validation.
Demo Video: Edit Table Data
Get the advanced version at http://www.idyn.nl/objectmanager
Discuss this download here.