It is out, a new name for Microsoft Business Solutions.
Microsoft Dynamics.
And on PartnerSource
Looks like Luc has to change his url name again

No more
We can prepare some funeral for the word "Navision".
It will be hard to know, if someone is talking about Navision, Axapta or something other when you say "Microsoft Dynamics". I can see it:
"We are thinking about the Microsoft Dynamics"
"Which version?"
"Ah, you mean Navision..."
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Is it right?
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
MVP - Dynamics NAV
If you decide in the future to rename this community, you must hold the domain!
I've also registered a further domain for but the old will be kept.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
I agree to keep the MiBuSo name, I was only making a joke.
Keep up the good work.
To all others, just wait what the future brings...
Yep, a lot of marketing blabla, no answer to functional and technical interrogation from partners ...
Personally, I think it will be good NOW to have an idea of the technical direction to take, so we could prepare our technical teams...
I suppose we will go to some .NET-like world, but any informations ??
Functionally, everything will strongly be focussed around workflows and user roles.
Starting Navision 5.0 (dynamics nav 5.0???) the IDE should be Visual Studio. The language will still be C/AL.
For the version after that, the language should be C#... Don't ask, I don't know how this will affect upgrades...
I have a couple of screenshots from 5.0. They should also be available via partnersource (so I've been told). If you can't find them, maybe I can post them somehow here...
I was a C# developer, after join this company, picked up C/AL. Now it seems like going back to C# huh... Wasting my time and effort in picking up the programming. #-o Doesn't shine my resume.
I better cancel the plan to certified in Navision, wait for Dynamics NAV certification. Or else wasted the bond for 1 year. :-k
Peter Ng
Regarding to the language, I think once they get the Visual Studio IDE in, you could program Navsion in any .NET language available, as it all compiles down to MSIL. I suppose there will be a Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav namespace in which the Navision code will live.
Really ... ? i stongly doubt that; these 2 (VS IDE and C/AL) don't see compliant with each other 2 me. :?
My bet is still that for noww we will still have a C/AL IDE.
If they would go to a VS IDE they will probably change language to C/AL . It doesn't sound impossible to me to create automatic routines that convert C/AL object type to C# for maybe 70%.
But true microsoft should by now be more clear about where we are going in more detail.
Personally i already attend to the Microsoft MCAD C# training but when i really need to use it (besides now it is good fun) i don't know.
If I can choose, of course I will go for C# coding rather than C/AL code. Unless C/AL can perform something C# cannot (But this won't be happening in .net environment).
I was thinking might as well come out the C# version earlier, if want to change, it's better to change it earlier. Next release should be in C#. Or else all potential customers might wait for the C# version, because they all know the pain of migration. From their old system to Navision, and Navision (C/AL) to Dynamics Nav (C#). 2 times migration. #-o
Of course, these changes is good, in order to make Navision as a great product.
Peter Ng
I did not say we would get C/AL.NET or anything, just our editor will be VS... that's it... nothing more. Instead of developing in C/SIDE, we will develop in VS.
The front end will change, not the core technology. That should come later (but will come).
But to be honest, I can't see how they are going to do this without converting the entire Navision runtime so that it wil run MSIL instead of FOBs. That would likely mean that they would also have to recompile/redesign the forms. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Nav 5.