I have one FactBox on the Service Order and that FactBox has a ProviderID that it is linked to the "Service Item Line". I want to filter by two fields in the "Service Item line: like in the picture
I'm getting just one record on the FactBox. How I can make to see both of them (I need logical OR on the SubPageLink)
Any advice,
Thanks a lot
You cannot do that with SubPageLink.
You can handle that by code when OnAfterGetCurrRecord occurs.
Create a record on your table and filter like that :
MyRec.SETFILTER("PFC No.",'%1|%2',"Provisioning PFC","Preprovisioning PFC")
Then, send the filter to your factbox
CurrPage."Service Item Provisioning".PAGE.SETTABLEVIEW(MyRec)
Best Regards,