Hi everyone,
I'm trying to connect a windows client to a remote server, and I'm finding issues. It's my frist time I'm not using clickOnce, so any help will be really appreciated.
The instance in the server is configured like this:
The publi IP for the server is XX.XX.XX.XX
I'm trying to connect from the vlient to this direction:
And I see this error:
"Cannot find any server in "net.tcp://......" The URL is incorrect or the server os not available actually"
Am I trying correctly? Have I forgot any configuration?
Thnak you very much
I've just realized of one thing that it's really driving me crazy. I've noticed that when I introduce a correct NAV user/password, it is validating against the server, because I can see it in the server's event viewer. But the connection can't be established. In the other hand, if I introduce an invalid user/password, I get the invalid user error.
So, it seems that I'm reaching correctly the server, but the client isn't abble to open a connection... Really strange
Are you using a AD to validate user?
I am using NasvUserPassword credentials...
I'm waiting the OK to restart the service into the customer's server, see what happens....
How can be that the user is being validated by the server, but the connection cannot be openned?