Navision AdvancedImage.Net v1.1

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2013-07-18 in Download section
Navision AdvancedImage.Net v1.0
This is the embedded Image object you can use in your Navision forms, written as .Net DLL.

Unlikely standard Navision's Image,

- AdvancedImage supports many formats:
Bmp - bitmap image format
Emf - enhanced Windows metafile image format
Exif - Exchangeable Image File format
Gif - Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image format
Ico - Windows icon image format
Jpg - Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format
Png - W3C Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format
Tif - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) image format
Wmf - Windows metafile (WMF) image format

- supports transparent GIF images
- supports dynamic stretch of image
- supports dynamic loading
- supports images of unlimited file size and resolution

Discuss this download here.


  • JohnJohn Member Posts: 43
    Looks good. I would be very happy with a SizeMode that would allow me to resize the PictureBox but keep the original ratio.
  • tyrexxxtyrexxx Member Posts: 13
    I've added GetImageWidth and GetImageHeight methods to the component, so you could keep aspect ratio like this:

    CurrForm.SubForm.WIDTH := AdvancedImage.GetImageWidth*10;
    CurrForm.SubForm.HEIGHT := AdvancedImage.GetImageHeight*10;

    Wait for 2.0 version
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    Navision AdvancedImage.Net v1.1
    This is the embedded Image object you can use in your Navision forms, written as .Net DLL.

    Unlikely standard Navision's Image,

    - AdvancedImage supports many formats:
    Bmp - bitmap image format
    Emf - enhanced Windows metafile image format
    Exif - Exchangeable Image File format
    Gif - Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image format
    Ico - Windows icon image format
    Jpg - Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format
    Png - W3C Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format
    Tif - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) image format
    Wmf - Windows metafile (WMF) image format

    - supports transparent GIF images
    - supports dynamic stretch of image
    - supports dynamic loading
    - supports images of unlimited file size and resolution

    Version 1.1:

    - added GetImageWidth, GetImageHeight and SetAspectRatio methods
    - added "Keep ratio" size mode

    Discuss this download here.
  • Jaap_TempelmanJaap_Tempelman Member Posts: 2

    Nice piece of software (and fast).
    Can you tell me if it is possible to show two (or more) images on one form ?

  • tyrexxxtyrexxx Member Posts: 13
    It is possible.

    For example open form 80004, make a copy of subform and set its name to 'image2'.
    Create a global variable AdvancedImage2 and change
    'AdvancedImage' to 'AdvancedImage2' in OnActivate trigger of subform 'image2'.
    Create an alternative button with code "CurrForm.img2.ACTIVATE;".
    Compile form

    So when you click alternative button you will get two images on one form
  • Jaap_TempelmanJaap_Tempelman Member Posts: 2
    Oke, I got that.

    But you "link" the image to a subform . Is it possible to create a report with an image on it ?

    Thanks !
  • tlarsontlarson Member Posts: 27
    Is it possible to store the image in the database (such as in a BLOB) and then display it using this DLL?

    What code would this require to store an image and to retrieve an image?


    Tim Larson
    Mission to the World
  • tyrexxxtyrexxx Member Posts: 13
    It's possbile using C/AL:

    1) import an image into BLOB-field of table

    2) retrieving an image
  • Soft_TodSoft_Tod Member Posts: 43
    This control look promising. Though after trying to use it in a report, I had to disassamble your code (!! thanks MS for .NET :D ) to enquire possibillities. It seems there has to be a Subform acting as container and therefore bound to be used in forms. :(

    I recon most people urging for a control like this but wants (or has!) to use it in Reports as well as in Forms.

    If you intend to improve the control, I have some topics for consideration:
    - Named Hooking. Couldn't it be possible to use f.ex. a Shape as container. The container name could then get it's own property or be passed to the Init function.
    - Alignment Properties. HorAlign (Left, Center, Right) and VerAlign (Top, Center, Bottom). It would then be possible to f.ex. center a "Keep Ratio"-mode picture.

    Nice to see that innovation hasn't stopped! Great work..
    It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so ingenious.
  • navnavnavnav Member Posts: 16
    Nice tool !.

    What I would like to see is that, when you print a word doc as eg tiff you could use this tool to see the doc in Navision.
    For some reason, the pagebreaks are not supported. I only see the first page if I do so.

    Are there eny intentions to integrate this ?

    Thanks !
  • alderoaldero Member Posts: 7

    Is it possible to browse for a file and put that in the subform instead of the filename sample.jpg

    This would be a great feature

    Thanks in advance

    Alexader de Rooij
  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    We have many computers.
    Can I avoid registering NavAdvancedImage.dll on evry comp.
    (we are do not use Citrix etc)/
  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
  • cnavarrecnavarre Member Posts: 3
    There's some specification about running Navision AdvanceImage Net 1.X over Navision 4.0

    I can't run it.

  • SaroSaro Member Posts: 58
    is there a way to clear the image from the subform using a command ??
  • SaroSaro Member Posts: 58
    I'm sorry i'm asking my questions in chunks, but i'm having a problem as to which form will contain the picture that is being loaded into the system, is there a way that we can direct the control to a certain subform on the form?
  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    Saro wrote:
    I'm sorry i'm asking my questions in chunks, but i'm having a problem as to which form will contain the picture that is being loaded into the system, is there a way that we can direct the control to a certain subform on the form?

    If i got it right, Subform have Handle. So, when subform is activated, it fires triger OnActivate
    In this triger AdvancedImage.Init transmit Handle. And then, on top of window (subform) draws picture
    AdvancedImage.LoadImage("Path to Pictures")

    For example I have 2 tabs with SubForm1 and SubForm2. OnActivate:
    X - 1 or 2 ( depends on which SubForm)
    MESSAGE('Cannot create AdvancedImage component');
    AdvancedImageX.LoadImage("Path to Pictures X");

    So, when I swich tab control - I have 2 pictures.
  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    to tyrexxx

    Is it real to add new mode. Which fit image to subform and preserve aspect ratio of image sides. I thought it mode=0, but it dosen't works.
    For example
    subform w*h = 100 x 300
    image w*h = 400 x 800

    AdvancedImage can confert image to 100 x 200 and put it on subform.
  • SaroSaro Member Posts: 58
    To RAndrews

    First of all thank you for taking the time to answer this

    Well i understand but the form i will be using on is the main item card in navision 3.6, so i cannot wait till the box is activated so that the subform shows the picture, plus with this case the second the control leaves the subform, the images opened will cover the whole item card, or sometimes the main menu; it's a bit unstable when you want to open a picture in that subform lets say in the onaftergetrecord trigger of the subform,
    i wonder if there is a way to pass the handle as a parameter, but then again we would have to actually know the handle of each trigger, also it might be during runtime that a handle is generated, if so then doesn't it mean that there would be no way we can assign the actual subform as a parameter to the dll file,

    I wonder if i can experiment with GUIDs the problem is i'm not familiar with DLL files, how to read the classes and/or modify them.
  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    Saro wrote:
    i wonder if there is a way to pass the handle as a parameter, but then again we would have to actually know the handle of each trigger, also it might be during runtime that a handle is generated, if so then doesn't it mean that there would be no way we can assign the actual subform as a parameter to the dll file,

    I wonder if i can experiment with GUIDs the problem is i'm not familiar with DLL files, how to read the classes and/or modify them.
    First of all, I am not autor of dll. See top of the topic - autor is TYREXXX.
    Saro wrote:
    Well i understand but the form i will be using on is the main item card in navision 3.6, so i cannot wait till the box is activated so that the subform shows the picture, plus with this case the second the control leaves the subform, the images opened will cover the whole item card, or sometimes the main menu; it's a bit unstable when you want to open a picture in that subform lets say in the onaftergetrecord trigger of the subform
    1 . You can make control so that subfurm will activate it first.
    2. You can use function Activate to activate subform

    Cover main menu... Hm... I am using dll of tyrex on a form with 2 tabs. On each tab diferent images. Covering was not apear...
    IF FItem."No." <> "Item No." THEN BEGIN
    OnActivate - see code in answer above.
    I'm using client 3.7B, base 3.6
  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    randrews wrote:
    to tyrexxx

    Is it real to add new mode. Which fit image to subform and preserve aspect ratio of image sides. I thought it mode=0, but it dosen't works.
    For example
    subform w*h = 100 x 300
    image w*h = 400 x 800

    AdvancedImage can confert image to 100 x 200 and put it on subform.

    SizeMode = 4 and SetAspectRatio(SetImageWidth/SetImageHeight)
    helps me
  • ccyrilccyril Member Posts: 1
    i want to know the procedure to bind .net control in navision form ....
  • jksjks Member Posts: 277
    Really very good tool.

    I want to link AdvancedImage with a picturebox. How can I do that?
    i.e I have placed one picturebox on the report. currently I import data in SalesLine.Picture and picturebox has sourceexpr = SalesLine.Picture.
    My picture is .bmp.

    Now can I link AdvancedImage with this picturebox.

    Thanks for any help.
  • jadetunjijadetunji Member Posts: 26
    I am having problems displaying an adobe illustrator file (*.ai) vector graphic file within this application capable of doing just that? If so, how? need all help not a ca/l guru.
  • tentacletentacle Member Posts: 27
    So 18 months later.....

    is there now a way to print transparent images on a report?

    This creamy-gray-white background behind our logo doesnt look that good :(
  • mavmav Member Posts: 7
    What about images stored in SQl will this work for that?
  • starrestarre Member Posts: 1
    Thanks, it works fine, but can you also add the PDF format?
  • MaciMaci Member Posts: 65
    tentacle wrote:
    So 18 months later.....

    is there now a way to print transparent images on a report?

    This creamy-gray-white background behind our logo doesnt look that good :(


    More later ... :)

    Anyone done it? (print in a report an image in another format, i.e. tif, not a bmp)


    PD: Good tool!
  • clemboclembo Member Posts: 122
    to tyrexxx

    I use your control. It's great. But I'have a strange situation.
    I use it in two different form. When I switch from one to other and return to first form the image appears very small in a box in wich appears 123 numers!!
    Why this?What I do to solve this problem?
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