I have a question about the use of the DYnamics NAV mobile app.
I haev already running the WebClient in my NAV2018 machine, but when I'm trying to connect with the app, i get the "Cannot connect to the server error".
I have a certificate installed on the instance, with its thumbprint, that it is used to conenct the webClient with a URL like this:
I am trying to connect the app to the same URL, but it doesn't work. What should be like the URL to connect the app? Should I creaet a new instance, or new site in the IIS of the server?
Thank you very much
Did you try to connect to your WebClient with browser?
Yes, it works perfectly
Was solved when i reissued certificate based on the external ip of the server not the URL.
I am using quite standard certificates.
Wha I understand from what you are saying, is that I should create a new certificate (self signed???) for this exact URL, and install it?
What I've done with the certificates from the URL, is this:
I installed them on my MMC, and use their thumbprint on my NAV instance. In my site for the webClient in the IIS,I created an HTTPS binding, pointing to the certificate, and that's all. SO, I use the "NavServiceCert" certificate, first in the MMC, after the thumbprint in the instance (and the web.config file), and in the HTTPS binding of the site in IIS.
So, should I creat a new certificate, and make again the whole process with that?
Thank you very much
Service should be configured with credential type NavUserPassword or different than Windows.
First install that certificate in your phone after that,
Try with certificate name, instead using of server address.
https://<<Certificate Name>>/DynamicsNAV110/
eg. https://NavCert/DynamicsNAV110
Thanks for your answer.
I've downloaded de *.cer certificate in one iphone, and an android phone, and still getting the same error...
I am using both:
https://xxx.xxx.xxx.x:8081/DynamicsNAV110 and
In NAV2018 WebClient there are no aspx files in the webClient, is totally different to previous versions...
I'm getting mad with this issue
when you are creating self signed certificate according to this:
New-SelfSignedCertificateEx –Subject “CN=<Full Computer Name>” –IsCA $true –Exportable –StoreLocation LocalMachine
use IP Number instead of "Full Computer Name".
And - Yes, you need to redo the whole process again for new certificate.
Thank you. I will work on it!!