GDT Where Used Tool v1.0.0.20

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2017-01-18 in Download section
GDT Where Used Tool
Analyze your NAV objects NAV 5, NAV2009, NAV2013
All objects, functions and fields will be listed.
See connection by "where used"

Free of charge

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  • jwikmanjwikman Member Posts: 25
    Any plans of supporting NAV 2015 and 2016? It seems to work on 2013R2, but hangs on 2015 and 2016. The last thing written in the progress dialog is "save nav fob... " and the time, then nothing.
  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    Supporting NAV 2015 and 2016 not for now, maybe later.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Looks like it is not able to handle Attribute nodes on XMLPort. The parser crashes.

    Does not handle Objects with an object name having a blank appended properly. The exported text object looks something like
    OBJECT [Page 50000 Name with trailing blank ]
    (Strange way of quoting, I know, but it's a given.)

    The UI creates a tree node for objects of type [Page, with it's child having a name of "Name with trailing blank ]"

    The order of where used nodes for one object is reversed, i.e. starting from the bottom of the object.

    When I jump to some location in an object selecting a tree node, the displayed portion on the text pane frequently jumps to some other place within that object when i click into the text pane.

    The analyzer is amazingly fast, but needs some resilience or at least an error message telling where within the file it can't cope, rather than a crash.

    The UI is the bare minimum and leaves a lot to be wished for.

    But regardless: I am glad that you published it. It is usefull!
  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    wow, glad you reported this. totally missed this download.. :) Hope they update it.
  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    Upload a new version.

    Looks like it is not able to handle Attribute nodes on XMLPort. The parser crashes.

    Attribute nodes on XMLPorts should work. Please send an example, so we can fix this.

    Does not handle Objects with an object name having a blank appended properly. The exported text object looks something like
    OBJECT [Page 50000 Name with trailing blank ]
    (Strange way of quoting, I know, but it's a given.)

    The UI creates a tree node for objects of type [Page, with it's child having a name of "Name with trailing blank ]"
    Strange that Dynamics supports trailing blanks. Fixed it.

    The order of where used nodes for one object is reversed, i.e. starting from the bottom of the object.

    Fixed it.

    When I jump to some location in an object selecting a tree node, the displayed portion on the text pane frequently jumps to some other place within that object when i click into the text pane.

    The analyzer is amazingly fast, but needs some resilience or at least an error message telling where within the file it can't cope, rather than a crash.
    Put in an error handler (it shows the Objekt and line of the error in a new window) Hopefully it helps to locate the XML Attribute error too.

    The UI is the bare minimum and leaves a lot to be wished for.

    But regardless: I am glad that you published it. It is usefull![/quote]
    Thank you for your great support and your detailed error desrciption. croc
  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    Send a new version to mibuso too.
  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    can I request an option?:
    Make an option to show all text (from all objects) on the right. And add a search textbox.

    Then when I scroll down on the right the window on the left shows the location where I am, or right click "Show location".

    Same function I have in visual studio. When I am editing a file, sometimes I don't know where is it in the project. I then right click and choose "Show location in explorer".

  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    The Idea is very good, we see a potential also for finding Comments and Text Messages.
    But first, we have to Support 2015 and 2016
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    GDT Where Used Tool
    Analyze your NAV objects NAV 5, NAV2009, NAV2013
    All objects, functions and fields will be listed.
    See connection by "where used"

    Update 26/01/2016:

    Fixed : "Quoting, with trailing blank"
    Fixed: Order of where used nodes for one Object

    Discuss this download here.
  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    Excellent tool.

    you now have a group for "Where used", "Function", "Fields", etc.

    When I click you open 1 level.

    Request: When I ctrl-click you open up 2 levels. So in one step I can see all details..
  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    Now we support NAV2015 and NAV2016
    check it!
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    GDT Where Used Tool
    Update 14/02/2016:

    Now supporting NAV2015 and NAV2016

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    GDT Where Used Tool
    Update 16/02/2016:

    Bugfix empty caption; empty Field name;

    Discuss this download here.
  • jwikmanjwikman Member Posts: 25

    I just tested this tool out and stumbled upon an error.

    We heavy users of Microsofts PowerShell cmdlets for NAV, so I used this tool on files split and joined through PowerShell. It seems as if the Join-NAVApplicationObjectFile cmdlet touches the files a bit, which are causing issues with this tool.

    Codeunit 412 works just fine in "GDT Where Used" if exported directly from finsql.exe
    But if the same object file is run through the Join-NAVApplicationObjectFile cmdlet, a blank line is removed. And this causes an error in "GDT Where Used".

    I'm not allowed to attach txt files here, so just ping me if you want me to send the object files or if you need any help to repro the issue.

    You can see the differences of the object file before and after PowerShell cmdlet in below image


  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    Hi Johannes,

    thank you for testing and reporting.
    There seems to be a bug with your PowerShell, producing a blank line, when you remove it to GDTWhere Used.

    The real bug was the very long text constant, combined with a blank line.

    We fixed both issues.
    new Version is online

  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    GDT Where Used Tool
    Update 19/02/2016:

    Bugfix "very long" text constant, combined with blank lines;

    Discuss this download here.
  • jwikmanjwikman Member Posts: 25
    tom66tom wrote: »
    Hi Johannes,

    thank you for testing and reporting.
    There seems to be a bug with your PowerShell, producing a blank line, when you remove it to GDTWhere Used.

    The real bug was the very long text constant, combined with a blank line.

    We fixed both issues.
    new Version is online


    Thanks for the fast fix!

    I don't think it's my PowerShell having a bug, it's Microsofts NAV cmdlets doing that stuff to a standard object. And yes, it's related to that extreme lengthy text constant. Anyway, great that you fixed a workaround for their strange behavior!

  • RyckutisRyckutis Member Posts: 13
    edited 2016-02-26
    Hi, It is very good tool ,which I wish could replace developer toolkit.
    I have several comments on version
    1. Functions are not shown as used in the same object where it is declared (created). A little bit misleading as you think function is not used at all.
    2. When I am trying point cursor (to copy code or function name) on the right hand side, cursor jumps to the end of the object. Workaround: If I point cursor not on the code (text), but on blank space first, then I am able to point cursor on text and copy it without jumping cursor to the end of object.
    2. Could it be implemented Find function in object list and field list. It would very handful to quickly find object or field function in question.

  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    Hi Ryckutis,
    thank you for your comment. :)
    We fixed both issues and put Nr. 3 on the wishlist.
    You will find new version in the download section and of course on our website


  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    GDT Where Used Tool v1.0.0.6
    Update to

    fixed (cursor jumps to the end of object)
    fixed (Functions are shown as used in the same object where it is declared)

    Discuss this download here.
  • RyckutisRyckutis Member Posts: 13
    GDT Where Used Tool v1.0.0.6
    Update to

    fixed (cursor jumps to the end of object)
    fixed (Functions are shown as used in the same object where it is declared)

    Discuss this download here.

    Thank you for those fixes! Hope you will introduce more features. It Is really great useful tool!
  • RyckutisRyckutis Member Posts: 13
    Another issue which I have encountered is, if you are looking where Field is used, it does not show as used if field is used in a code like Record.VALIDATE(Field,someValue). Have said that, tool shows if field is used in a code like VALIDATE(Field, SomeValue).
  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    edited 2016-05-17
    Hi Ryckutis,
    thank you for your hint.
    Fixed this problem.
    Find the new version in the Download section or on our website.
    FinSQL direct import for NAV2015 and NAV2016.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    GDT Where Used Tool v1.0.0.7
    Analyze your NAV objects NAV 5, NAV2009, NAV2013
    All objects, functions and fields will be listed.
    See connection by "where used"

    Update to

    fixed local variables recognized
    Finsql direct import is supported

    Discuss this download here.
  • RyckutisRyckutis Member Posts: 13
    Hi, Could I add one more issue wish list. Fields ID number in front of field name would be very useful as well.
  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    GDT Where Used Tool v1.0.0.8
    Update to

    automatic Update to newest version

    Discuss this download here.
  • allanohlfsenallanohlfsen Member Posts: 7

    Love your tool, excellent work.

    Small comment

    Calls in code like this (from Table 36)

    CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::"Cust. Entry-Edit",CustLedgEntry);

    Does not show up in the where-used list on codeunit 103 (Cust. Entry-Edit).

    B.R. Allan
  • tom66tomtom66tom Member Posts: 40
    Hi Allen,

    thank you for your positive reply. “Make my day” :)

    The problem is actually the following:
    Codeunit.Run (number, Rec) is not a direct reference to the codeunit.
    More accurate:
    CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::"Cust. Entry-Edit",CustLedgEntry); = > You can still find
    Codeunit.Run(90, rec) = > more difficult, but you can find

    x := 70+10;
    Codeunit ( x , rec ) = > is a problem

    The same problem also exists in access via RecRef and FieldRef .
    Also because you can appeal to the table / field on a constant or variable .

    100 % is not possible here and views are rarely above that, we put this topic on status: wait.
    Hope you can live with that.

    Best regards
  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    Understand your reasoning Tom for vars but CODEUNIT::"Cust. Entry-Edit" is not a var. Do you detect this?

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