White space between lists in Report

IvonaKIvonaK Member Posts: 115
edited 2014-06-03 in NAV Three Tier
Hi to all,

I have make a report from scratch using tables "Purchase Header Archive" and "Purchase Line Archive ". I have add 2 lists. (list 1, and list 2) . List 1 group by:
and the List 2 group by:
In the List 1 I have 2 table and List 2. In the List 2 I have just 3 tables (like picture 1).

On the List 1 I have put Filters: =Fields!Purchase_Header_Archive__Buy_from_Vendor_No__.Value > ""

On the list 2 in the filters I have put:
=Fields!Purchase_Header_Archive__Buy_from_Vendor_No__.Value > "" and
=Fields!Purchase_Header_Archive__No__.Value > ""

also in the table propertis in Filters I put the same code.
but I still have white space between lists.

Any advance,


  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    I think the filters used for list 2 have to be applied as visibility condition on row groups, otherwise space is allocated anyway.
  • IvonaKIvonaK Member Posts: 115
    I put visibility condition on row line where visibility=true , also I put visibility condition on Table Propertis but still does not work
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