Hi guys,
I have recently relocated to the US and found a job in a company that offers the Navision to its clients.
I was a software developer where I used to work before working with VB6, VB.Net and SQL.
One of the requirements of my new job is I take the above exam and pass and also the C/SIDE Solution Development.
With time, I will be able to learn all the ropes around Development in Navision as I get to use it but for now I have to just read for the exam as I have limited time to take both exams and I find this tiring. (I prefer to know things using the hands on approach).
Could somebody please post sample questions or a link to sample test kits so that I can know the testing method and know how / what to read.
PS: Its really boring just reading through having being a coder for years.
Thanks all in advance for your help.
Like you, I had been developing for a long time. There comes a point when a loop is a loop, a variable is a variable, and you've seen it all before. The syntax is not that different.
The second book / class walks you through a project for an add-on that accepts registrations for seminars. Covers all of the basics. Don't go the route of brain dumps. You'll be so much better off if you learn it instead of memorize it.
http://microsoft-dynamics-nav.blogspot. ... tification
Anything more means feel free to contact me......
Good luck in the job.... you WILL NEED IT.
Basically a company that asks for you to get certified even knowing that you don;t know how to develop in Navision is a disaster waiting to happen. This is not going to be a great experience, and you can expect some very difficult tasks. I feel very sorry for the clients that your company is going to screw up.
No need for the negativity. Asking for certification does not mean i will go straight away to doing clients work. This company has a very good training system ene very good evaluation processes to ensure clients get the best.
For sure I coudl be wrong, and this could be a differnet case, but the process is 1/ training 2/mentoring 3/ working under supervision with clients 4/ testing (certification) 5/ out in the real world.
In all the cases I have seen where a partner is anxious to get someone certified, its becasue they have some target to meet with Microsoft, and that means they do not have the certified people on board, meaning there is no one to mentor and supervise (training they probably out source). So sorry for my negativity, but this is what I see.
I really hope that in your case its different, but I will say that getting certified before you learn (really learn) Navision is a complete and utter waste of time. You learn nothing getting certified except how to pass an exam.
David, all those processes are in place, only that i was developing and supporting software for financial institutions and having that leverage means I can take the certifications as I continue with the Navision learning curve. In short, my employer feels that having a programming background, especially in products similar to Navision, gives me an edge.
Coding in Navision is VERY simple, slightly simpler than Pascal, but much simpler than C#. It wont take you long at all to learn how to churn out code.
The complex part is learning that Navision is NOT a programming language, and it is not a development environment. It is a business oriented ERP application that has a simple development environment and development language built in. When Navision switch from C/AL to C# it shouldn't take more than a week or two for Navision developers to make the switch.
SO if you really want to learn Navision the thing to do is to learn how to post invoices and how the GL works, and what all those tabels linked to a Sales Order are all about. The code crunching wil then be simple.
Thanks. Noted
It may not sound it, but I am actually trying to help you.
I highly encourage you to follow the advice in this thread. By all means learn the development aspect (shouldn't take you more than a week). But learn the application, starting with Finance, Trade, and Inventory Management. Then you can branch off into specializations.
Good luck.
I am also in entry level in Navision development.
@matttrax Read through the Solution Developer (2nd test) manual Where I can find this?
Thank you in advance.