I have two boolean fields. One is a normal field, one is a flowfield. In the RTC the normal field shows as a checkbox and the flowfield shows as text (Yes or No).
I don't really care which way they display as both are not editable, but I'd like it to be consistent. I don't see any properties in the table, form, or page for this. Did I miss one or is there a way?
In factboxes both will be yes/no (as far as I remember) and in lists and cards, they will be checkboxes if normal fields and Yes/No with drilldown opportunity on Flowfields (cannot drill down on a checkbox) and we tried to have Yes/No comboboxes instead of checkboxes - that really didn't come out very well.
Group Program Manager, Client
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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Group Program Manager, Client
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
The information in this post is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. This post does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer. It is solely my opinion.