Today is the happiest day in my life \:D/ \:D/ . I have been blessed with a sweet little boy . Both mother and baby are in fine condition .
Doctors will be doing further test on the baby after a few days and as of now he is absolutely fine.
Thanks to all for the great support and prayers =D> =D> .
I have started forgetting every other thing #-o
Just a bit preoccupied with my kid and enjoying every moment with him.
Yesterday was a bit of dampener as doctors have diagnosed 3 VSD of varying size ranging from .56 mm to .24 mm. The risk has increased significantly but the doctors are confident that they will cure it with medication and surgery will be the last option which they believe will not be required.
I have been also away from the forums the last couple of months so I missed this. This is a wonderful blessing for you and your wife. I wish you wonderful times with your son. My daughter Elizabeth is 12 weeks old today, so I know the joy you are going through right now.
I wish you all the best health, and trust that your son's heart will be strong like his father's.
(Update Time)
My wife and Son are in great health. He seems to care little for his medical condition and plays/enjoy whole day.
I want to upload his pics so it is available for all. At present it is on orkut which requires login. For orkut users the link is :
Any pointers....
I am really thankful to all the user who had held me thru difficult times.
Oh Sandeep this is so wonderful. Its great to see him all healthy. What is his name?
(PS very cute denim jacket).
Thanks David. His name is "Yash" (in english it means Glory).
How's Elizabeth & her mother. I am getting more and more occupied with my son and his cute little movements/steps. Just wondering is it same with all :-k
Go with the flow, just let it all happen, don't fight it
Great pictures Sandeep, it is wonderful to see that it all worked out for you and your family
I am interested in knowing some place where I can upload the pics so it becomes available to all.
A special thanks to you Daniel. You are a great motivator =D> =D>
I am interested in knowing some place where I can upload the pics so it becomes available to all.
Probably easiest is picasa . I have now created my own web site for photos, but in the beginning picasa was easier to use and set up. Since you already have a gmail account its easy to do.
How's Elizabeth & her mother. I am getting more and more occupied with my son and his cute little movements/steps. Just wondering is it same with all :-k
Yes we are all doing great. Having a baby is the greatest thing ever. And yes it gets very involved, especially the little things that just never seemed important before. My advise is to take as much time off work as you can and spend it with Yash, these will become the most important days of your life. Enjoy them. Please send my best wishes to Yash and his mother.
Thanks David. His name is "Yash" (in english it means Glory).
Did you know that the guy that created Navision in the UK and then brought Navision to India was also called Yash. I guess it a Navision thing.
Not intentional but .
That day me and my wife were wondering, which will be the first word of Yash? Will it be Mummy or Papa (Indian word for daddy) or NAV or may be laptop. My wife is also a NAV consultant so the last two options have more chances.
How's Elizabeth & her mother. I am getting more and more occupied with my son and his cute little movements/steps. Just wondering is it same with all :-k
Yes we are all doing great. Having a baby is the greatest thing ever. And yes it gets very involved, especially the little things that just never seemed important before. My advise is to take as much time off work as you can and spend it with Yash, these will become the most important days of your life. Enjoy them. Please send my best wishes to Yash and his mother.
Thanks for the good wishes. I am following your advice religiously and enjoying
And yes it gets very involved, especially the little things that just never seemed important before.
It will only get more involved as time goes along. Less time maybe but more involved on a whole different level, still great to have them though. My kids are 16 and 12 now.
Last 4-5 months there have been a regular visit to "MAX Hospital, Saket New Delhi". Multiple VSD and other holes in the heart were detected (more than 8 identifiable and n number small) and all of them healed except for 2 (0.8 cm and 0.5 cm). Together they were creating pressure on the lungs. Though Yash was wonderful in all activities and even started to sit on his own there were lot of problems inside. Doctors advised for surgery and day before yesterday he was admitted to hospital. Yesterday surgery started at 9:00 am and ended at 16:30. Doctors have told that it is a successful surgery and only 0.19 cm gap is left behind which is normal. The lung pressure is now under control. His condition is now stable and he is on life support system. Doctors will start bringing his functions on body parts from today and we are keeping our fingures crossed.
The next 3 days are going to be critical and May I request you to please pray for his good health.
A terrifying thing to take your child to the hospital (my son has back surgery number 5 next week). Keep it up and hope that everything will be alright.
Doctors will be doing further test on the baby after a few days and as of now he is absolutely fine.
Thanks to all for the great support and prayers =D> =D> .
thats a good news. \:D/ =D>
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
Thanks David
Thanks to all. Will be updating the photos and the test results soon.
Savatage would make a great middle name :-$
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
I have started forgetting every other thing #-o
Just a bit preoccupied with my kid and enjoying every moment with him.
Yesterday was a bit of dampener as doctors have diagnosed 3 VSD of varying size ranging from .56 mm to .24 mm. The risk has increased significantly but the doctors are confident that they will cure it with medication and surgery will be the last option which they believe will not be required.
I am happy there was a happy end!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
so, now i'm back. did i missed something?
I have been also away from the forums the last couple of months so I missed this. This is a wonderful blessing for you and your wife. I wish you wonderful times with your son. My daughter Elizabeth is 12 weeks old today, so I know the joy you are going through right now.
I wish you all the best health, and trust that your son's heart will be strong like his father's.
(Update Time)
My wife and Son are in great health. He seems to care little for his medical condition and plays/enjoy whole day.
I want to upload his pics so it is available for all. At present it is on orkut which requires login. For orkut users the link is :
Any pointers....
I am really thankful to all the user who had held me thru difficult times.
(PS very cute denim jacket).
Great pictures Sandeep, it is wonderful to see that it all worked out for you and your family
Thanks David. His name is "Yash" (in english it means Glory).
How's Elizabeth & her mother. I am getting more and more occupied with my son and his cute little movements/steps. Just wondering is it same with all :-k
I am interested in knowing some place where I can upload the pics so it becomes available to all.
A special thanks to you Daniel. You are a great motivator =D> =D>
Did you know that the guy that created Navision in the UK and then brought Navision to India was also called Yash. I guess it a Navision thing.
Probably easiest is picasa . I have now created my own web site for photos, but in the beginning picasa was easier to use and set up. Since you already have a gmail account its easy to do.
Yes we are all doing great. Having a baby is the greatest thing ever. And yes it gets very involved, especially the little things that just never seemed important before. My advise is to take as much time off work as you can and spend it with Yash, these will become the most important days of your life. Enjoy them. Please send my best wishes to Yash and his mother.
Not intentional but
That day me and my wife were wondering, which will be the first word of Yash? Will it be Mummy or Papa (Indian word for daddy) or NAV or may be laptop. My wife is also a NAV consultant so the last two options have more chances.
Thanks for the good wishes. I am following your advice religiously and enjoying
Last 4-5 months there have been a regular visit to "MAX Hospital, Saket New Delhi". Multiple VSD and other holes in the heart were detected (more than 8 identifiable and n number small) and all of them healed except for 2 (0.8 cm and 0.5 cm). Together they were creating pressure on the lungs. Though Yash was wonderful in all activities and even started to sit on his own there were lot of problems inside. Doctors advised for surgery and day before yesterday he was admitted to hospital. Yesterday surgery started at 9:00 am and ended at 16:30. Doctors have told that it is a successful surgery and only 0.19 cm gap is left behind which is normal. The lung pressure is now under control. His condition is now stable and he is on life support system. Doctors will start bringing his functions on body parts from today and we are keeping our fingures crossed.
The next 3 days are going to be critical and May I request you to please pray for his good health.
Yash is obviously a fighter having bounced back each time so far - so keep the spirits up.
We'll include you and your family in my familys prayers
Dynamics Nav Add-ons