CodeGenius Studio 2007
The Next Generation of CodeGenius Tools
Sleek New Look...
CodeGenius Studio 2007 is the next step in Dynamics NAV development. It has enhanced features in almost every area. And ... it looks sleek too.
Enhanced Everywhere...
The great features of previous versions remain and have been enhanced. Indenting, commenting, templates, CodeSmart, you name it and it has been modified. Configuring CodeGenius Studio is easier than ever with an intuitive UI and handy features, you can put CodeGenius Studio to your own hand.
Rebuilt from Ground Up...
CodeGenius Studio 2007 was built from the ground up. No code was re-used. Everything has been re-written in C# using the latest technologies.
Backup and Restore...
Making a backup and restoring your configuration was not available in previous versions. I have implemented a backup and restore option in CodeGenius Studio 2007.
More Configurable. .
CodeGenius Studio 2007 is more configurable than ever. You can change all of the features. An example of this is CodeSmart. It was a static function library that contained all the Dynamics NAV methods and properties. They were stored in CodeGenius and you could not add, remove, or change anything. CodeGenius Studio 2007 comes with a fully loaded library of all the Dynamics NAV methods and properties that you can modify from within CodeGenius Studio. You can add other - handy - methods, snippets, keywords, or ever templates! Code Templates in CodeGenius Studio 2007 can fully integrate with CodeSmart. You can therefore make it possible to extend CodeGenius Studio 2007 the way you want it!
New Features...
Ofcourse there are new features in CodeGenius Studio 2007 as well. Every now and then you need to program something with colors. Dynamics NAV does not have any easy way to select a color and give you the colorcode in integer format for the code editor. You always need to go somewhere else to obtain that code. CodeGenius Studio 2007 has added the Color Hotkey. The setup is located with the other hotkeys. When you press the hotkey in the editor window (or property window) you can select a color or even create a custom color and when you click OK in the color dialog CodeGenius Studio 2007 inserts the color code for you. Saving you lots of work once more!
Discuss this download here.
Great tool, man!
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Hm... at first sight I said \:D/ cause I love codegenius. Now I must say that some features ... well... it worked better before.
I primarly use codegenius as templates where and hotkeys. Paste works slow now, it has a lag for a more than a second. And I cannot find a key that puts a cursor in a template where I want and cannot find documentation about that either. Before it was a | key and now it doesn't work.
AAAAAAAAAAAAand one thing that really bugs me is that I have to use mouse on every template. Press hotkey then use mouse to select field and change value and then use mouse to press Ok.
Before, everything could be done by keyboard which is far more faster...
I only use it for the shortcuts. :oops:
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Yupp... it is possible \:D/ . At least it was :roll: .
But that thingy which reaquires mouse really bugs me (to repeat again in a hope that will be changed [-o<)
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
You've noticed that some features work differently. That's right.
About the inserting of templates: Use the Ctrl+Enter. The Windows control I use does not allow me to use the Enter key, therefore I made it Ctrl+Enter. I understand that since there is no documentation (is coming soon btw) this might be confusing. I knew that a key combination would be handy.
The lag (as described) has to do with the way I have changed things. To prevent unneeded popups and questions I test the keyboard until you release all keyboard modifiers: Ctrl, Alt and Shift. This can take quite some time if you do not release them immediately. Thank Microsoft (or Navision for this nasty thingy). Before I showed a popup which would make you release all the keyboard keys, that was the reason the popup was there.
About the SQL thingy I will check this (is it SQL 2000 or SQL 2005?)
Double quotes in the company name, I guess a fix would be in place.
Thanks for your input...
Ok, I found that with arrow key you can move between fields in dialogue box and with F2 you can access a specific field to alter it.
ctrl+Enter, inserts template.
that sounds pretty much ok, just has to get used to it.
What about "cursor key" in templates that existed before ("|" key)
the (o) is gone, but ok for the other popup with the parameter, and the ctrl-enter to close it, have to get use to it..
Is it possible in the new version to put a << as text in a template?
Benny Giebens
(and I love the old one)
I get always a blanc list to insert...
[XP & 4.03]
Do I have to enter every item of the list by myself?
Greets MM
Further indent works fine but is extremely slow.
Could you please explain what you mean here? I don't quite understand what you mean with blank list? :-s
I am still working on a descent way to do this... It's just tricky making an exception rule that will not mess up some elses tag notations.
Maybe you would have some ideas on how to do so? :-k
What a bummer, I thought the beta-testers had ruled this out. I will have another look at it...
I have some ideas, but i think the change nothing mess up some elses tags, is little.
Maybe the best idea is to do it like navision for a ' in a text. Precede it with two other ''?
Or something like <<<<>> but i suppose this will be trickier to do?
One question about the new version. Is there a special reason to leave out the (0) tag's?
As we program on projects, when starting a new project we input once the project number and used this one in all our tag's. When starting a new project we reseted the parameter. Ok the ctrl-enter won't kill us, and i'm not entitled to make a lot of remarks, because i admire the time and worked spend in this, simply to make other users life a little easier. You don't find this kind of dedication frequently....
Benny Giebens
Well, in the CodeTags section of CodeGenius Studio 2007 you can setup these tags. Whenever you need to modify them you can go back to this section and modify them. The CodeTags are not asked out when inserting templates and when you edit a Code Template that contains CodeTags you will note these will appear blue.
I thought this would be a more practical way to implement "fixed" values for tags and the blue appearance, I thought, was a nice touch.
Thanks for you support and faith and I really try to keep all users happy for as far as I possibly can. I really hope people understand that this tool may seem easy and trivial, but building against a closed app like Navision really brings out some hardcore Win32 programming. And this is not that easy at all.
My problem:
When I hit Ctrl+Space (or maybe the Dot-Key) you open a list-window with the functions of navision (like FIND, RUNMODAL and so on).
In the old-version I see all these fuctions, but in the new one the window opens - but it is empty (and ~15 lines high).
My Question now was if this is right? Or is something wrong with my program? When I create a template or smart - I see what I defined on an equal window size as above mentioned.
I think that you have included the same list as before (maybe I´m wrong).
All the other guys get these list (some with leading caracters).
Hope you undersand me now
Correct me if I am wrong, but what I understand is that you have no CodeSmart items configured when you look in CodeGenius Studio. This would be strange because a defautl set of methods etc. is installed when installing CodeGenius Studio. What I can suggest is that you uninstall CodeGenius Studio and also remove the application.settings (this file is located in "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\CodeGenius\CodeGenius Studio 2007") file. After that reinstall CodeGenius Studio 2007 and this file should be installed. Also I suggest you to run CodeGenius from installer. This will force a setup sequence, it is not required, but better.
Hopefully this helps. If not, send me an email to and I will give you with the base file that is shipped with the installer.
I think that problem is in localised name of "Application Data" folder.
After instalation the file application.settings is in the localised "Application Data" folder, but it is created without CodeSmart.
I have found solution for this.
After instalation close CodeGenius and copy file application.settings from Program Files\CodeGenius Studio 2007 to Documents and Settings\profile name\localised "Application Data" name\CodeGenius\CodeGenius Studio 2007 and code smart will be filled.
Worked for me.
nop. i have standard "application data" and application.settings has not been copied over there (=> I didn't have smart tags too but haven't notice cause I barely using it.)
This will also fix some other issues. Please download it ...
I´ve tried Wog´s idea and it works fine
now I can work on again
Downloaded new version and tried fresh install. Code Smart list is full so it works.
I have found next issue. When I try to add Navision Financials 1.30 klient, CGS crashes. It is not big problem, but 1.30 it is still navision so it should be supported...
Thank you for CG. It is great tool!
The Next Generation of CodeGenius Tools
Sleek New Look...
CodeGenius Studio 2007 is the next step in Dynamics NAV development. It has enhanced features in almost every area. And ... it looks sleek too.
Enhanced Everywhere...
The great features of previous versions remain and have been enhanced. Indenting, commenting, templates, CodeSmart, you name it and it has been modified. Configuring CodeGenius Studio is easier than ever with an intuitive UI and handy features, you can put CodeGenius Studio to your own hand.
Rebuilt from Ground Up...
CodeGenius Studio 2007 was built from the ground up. No code was re-used. Everything has been re-written in C# using the latest technologies.
Backup and Restore...
Making a backup and restoring your configuration was not available in previous versions. I have implemented a backup and restore option in CodeGenius Studio 2007.
More Configurable. .
CodeGenius Studio 2007 is more configurable than ever. You can change all of the features. An example of this is CodeSmart. It was a static function library that contained all the Dynamics NAV methods and properties. They were stored in CodeGenius and you could not add, remove, or change anything. CodeGenius Studio 2007 comes with a fully loaded library of all the Dynamics NAV methods and properties that you can modify from within CodeGenius Studio. You can add other - handy - methods, snippets, keywords, or ever templates! Code Templates in CodeGenius Studio 2007 can fully integrate with CodeSmart. You can therefore make it possible to extend CodeGenius Studio 2007 the way you want it!
New Features...
Ofcourse there are new features in CodeGenius Studio 2007 as well. Every now and then you need to program something with colors. Dynamics NAV does not have any easy way to select a color and give you the colorcode in integer format for the code editor. You always need to go somewhere else to obtain that code. CodeGenius Studio 2007 has added the Color Hotkey. The setup is located with the other hotkeys. When you press the hotkey in the editor window (or property window) you can select a color or even create a custom color and when you click OK in the color dialog CodeGenius Studio 2007 inserts the color code for you. Saving you lots of work once more!
Build 3.0.2756.16729:
• Improved Check for Updates and Download functionality within CodeGenius Studio 2007
• Installer issue regarding base settings of CodeSmart
• Improved template window making it easier to enter your tags and accepting with Enter
• Special keys (so called deadkeys) should function as intended
Discuss this download here.
I have one thing that really makes me furious:
When I want to select a hotkey [in the hotkey definitions] and the value I entered is not valid, he won´t let me out of the field.
(and I have no idea why he doesn´t accept this value - but that´s my problem
when you insert a code template and call it
be sure to include the numbers
now when you try ctrl space in nav it magicly craches
** SI ** Bert Van Gestel **
Just restart CodeGenius (maybe twice) - after this it works without problems again" Don´t know why, but it works
In other words it does not accept the value that is not defined in the list and replaces it with the ; or ( and i have it set up so it pops up for the DOT. One of the solutions that I have found is to press enter after typing FunctionName and then it makes the window disappear and you can type anything but is is not very convenient to remeber to press enter every time......