How to correct Net Invoiced Qty on Item

bjartebjarte Member Posts: 5

Navision 3.70 SQL server
I have a situation eveloped from manufactoring, where someone has posted several times in the Output Journal, causing negative Net Invoiced Qty.
I would like to know how I can correct this.
I don't think I can use the Item Journal since this would change both the Inventory and the Net Invoiced Qty, while I only want to change the Net Invoiced Qty.

This is what I see:
I open a Released Prod. order to make say 1 Boat
I post the consumption journal, and then post 1 boat in the Output Journal.
Then me or somone else reopen the Output Journal and post 1 more Boat on the same production order, before we change the status of the released prod.order.
This results in Quantity=1, and Invoiced Quantity=0 in Item Ledger Entries for each posting.
We have now posted 2 boats, while the production order only have 1 boat.

I now know to check the Quantity and the Remaining Qty fields on the production order before changing the status, but the problem is related to those prod orders now being finished prod orders - having posted too much in the Output Journal, and now being unable to post negative qty in the Output Journal to correct this.

Is there by the way anyone out there with an idea how to prevent posting too much in the Output Journal ?



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