Lot Cost

RoelofRoelof Member Posts: 377
Is there a way to do Lot specific costing? If I use Item tracking with Lots my costs will not always apply to the right lot. I'm using FIFO as Costing Method but I would expect that at least Navision would set a lot filter when applying a lotted Item entry. But i'ts not doing that.

Any help is welcome.
Roelof de Jonghttp://www.wye.com


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    FIFO means that cost on each input entry will be calculated through whole chain. It is much more detailed than cost for whole LOT. Lot can be created from more input entries, and each entry can have different cost. It is why NAV is not setting the filter for lot, NAV is using much more detailed filter - original entry (through data about applying the entries).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    If an item tracking code for Lot Specific Tracking is used, FIFO should only be applied within the lot, as long as the remaining quantity within the lot is not smaller than the sales quantity. Only if this is the case, more than one application entry is necessary and then another lot will have to be used.

    This is code from CU 22 reponsible for this. Maybe this part has been modified.
          IF FirstApplication THEN BEGIN
            FirstApplication := FALSE;
                "Item No.","Variant Code",Open,Positive,"Location Code","Posting Date");
              ItemLedgEntry2.SETRANGE("Item No.",ItemLedgEntry."Item No.");
              ItemLedgEntry2.SETRANGE("Variant Code",ItemLedgEntry."Variant Code");
              ItemLedgEntry2.SETRANGE(Positive,NOT ItemLedgEntry.Positive);
              ItemLedgEntry2.SETRANGE("Location Code",ItemLedgEntry."Location Code");
              IF ItemTrackingCode."SN Specific Tracking" THEN
                ItemLedgEntry2.SETRANGE("Serial No.",ItemLedgEntry."Serial No.");
              IF ItemTrackingCode."Lot Specific Tracking" THEN
                ItemLedgEntry2.SETRANGE("Lot No.",ItemLedgEntry."Lot No.");
    Kai Kowalewski
  • panjampanjam Member Posts: 5

    I suggested my client to Use "Applies to Item Entry" in SO lines becausce in Navision the if LOt is used, Navision doesn't pick the Lot Cost rather it Averages the cost. If applies to Item Entry is used the Cost will be the Lot Cost.

    It will definetly be tedious for Customer to apply line by line if the Volume is big. How ever, my customer has less Transcations and it's not a Issue.
    Learning comes from Experience & Experience comes from Learning.
  • vjacvjac Member Posts: 18
    Check the Lot Specific Tracking Field for the Item Tracking Code you use (must be enabled).
    From the help-online:
    "A check mark in this field indicates that when handling an outbound unit of the item in question, you must always specify which existing lot number to handle. This means that when selling a unit of the item, it must be applied against a specific lot number in inventory. Or in other words, a lot number assigned to the item when entering into inventory must follow that item type out of inventory.

    As this particular setup field covers all possible transactions with the item, the individual inbound/outbound fields will also be checkmarked. However, the individual inbound/outbound fields have nothing to do with application across inventory - they merely define a company's work flow concerning when to assign item tracking numbers."
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