I have encountered an annoying and somewhat spooky problem. After using DELETEALL on tables Item Ledger Entry and Warehouse Entry (on a filtered set of records, no flowfilter though) the following happends:
Flowfields Inventory in Item table and Quantity in Bin Content give wrong result.
There is positively no records (within filter as set before delete), but flowfields report there is. I tried to backup database, but still the same problem exist.
Using a program with rec.QUANTITY gives same result as visual count.
This is on Navision 370, SQL server 2000. I tested the delete program on a native database before the SQL version and that worked well.
It looks like the SQL mechanism behind Flowfields is out of order. Anyone know what has happened and how to solve this. (Unfortunately it is on a live database)
Restart of SQL server . No result
Taking backup from SQL server and restore in Native: Flowfields work OK.
This should identify the problem to SQL / Flowfields.