MAPIMessages - which automation variable is this?

awarnawarn Member Posts: 261

I want to attach multiple attachments to an email, which I have found how to do in a couple of spots in the forum, but they all reference MAPIMessages
which I am not sure what kind of variable it is - can someone fill me in - how do I declare this?

Thanks for any help!



  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    awarn wrote:

    I want to attach multiple attachments to an email, which I have found how to do in a couple of spots in the forum, but they all reference MAPIMessages
    which I am not sure what kind of variable it is - can someone fill me in - how do I declare this?

    Thanks for any help!


    Did you use Navision "E-Mails" attachments?

    Navision -> "Shipping & Receiving & E-Mail" -> Setup -> E-Mail -> E-Mails -> E-Mail -> attachments

    Once you setup the template, with attachments, and E-mail setup. You should be able to send mult. attachments with your e-mail.

    At our company, we send invoice, using WIN2PDF as printer to create PDF files, as e-mail attachment to our customer. We can do to, cc or bcc with multi attachments to multi e-mail address. The only thing we need to do is to create the output file name with codeunit.

    Hope this could help. :P
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    Thanks - that is a big help, I will give it a shot.

    Do you also attach the printed pdf file automatically (which would be ideal for my situation), or does the customer go through the painful process (yes I am being sarcastic) of printing to win2pdf, saving the file, and attaching that file to the email?


  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    awarn wrote:
    Thanks - that is a big help, I will give it a shot.

    Do you also attach the printed pdf file automatically (which would be ideal for my situation), or does the customer go through the painful process (yes I am being sarcastic) of printing to win2pdf, saving the file, and attaching that file to the email?



    I am sure you can get the document on how to setup e-mail. You can either attach a file or attach the output of a report as attachment. We kind of modify the codeunit to work with WIN2PDF to send invoice through email during sales order posting.
    We kind of follow steps:
    1. Set up Navision E-Mail, e-mail rules, templates...
    2. Install WIN2PDF, it will create a printer
    3. Made a duplicate invoice report and assign WIN2PDF as its printer in printer selection.
    4. Put the duplicated invoice report as E-Mail attachment in E-Mails template
    5. Finish the setup by adding proper E-Mail rules into Customer card and e-mail address

    We did add a code unit to handle the PDF creation.

    There is another way that we use the WIN2PDF without modify the code. Just print the report output to WIN2PDF printer and check the "Send PDEF" check box in E-Mail option of PDF file save option and OK it. A new email message box will appear waiting for email address. Enter the email address then send. We use it to resend invoice, sales quote, purchase order, statement, sales report...

    Hope this would help! :mrgreen:
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    OK, call me stupid, but which menu is the Shipping & Receiveing & Emails menu - is this a customization you have?

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    it's in shipping & receiving -> then SETUP and there is a E-mail option.

    I think the email setup in shipping & receiving is if you have e-ship installed.

    correct me if I'm wrong.
  • couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    Yet, you could still uning WIN2PDF printer to send PDF through e-mail without E-Ship installed. :lol:
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    OK Thanks,

    Does anyone know the answer to my original question - whatautomation vairable is MAPIMessages (so I can attach multiple files to one email)?

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    In my case I DO have E-Ship so it has not been any worries

    But I see they used….

    Here are some other posts. Searching for “Attachment” & Attachments” don’t always give you the same results.
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