I have a tabular type form with a field to Import Documents. The pushAction property for this is set to RunObject - which runs the Form Documents.
I have a request to change the check box option on those to look like a radial button. Is this possible?
I added a radial button to the form. But I realised that I need to add 2 columns, one that is yes and one that is no. So now I have 2 Columns
No Documents Imported and Import Document.
I am trying to set it so that when the user click on Import Document radial button the pushaction property is triggered.
I have kind of managed this with C/AL code. However, the problem is that when the user clicks on a Radial Button for Import Document all the records get checked. How can I avoid that?
Thanks for any help
Yes, you can use a radial button (option button) instead of a checkbox. Just remember to set OptionValue = Yes for one of the buttons and OptionValue = No for the other button.
I can't understand why all records gets checked if you check one record unless you are using a variable as SourceExpr. Are you using a variable as SourceExpr or a field from a table?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
IF (MyFlag <> xrec.MyFlag) AND (Myflag = TRUE)THEN
Or if you keep 2 the option Buttons code on form control
IF (MyFlag <> xrec.MyFlag) AND (Myflag = MyFlag::PrintRecord)THEN
The only way I can see that all records get checked is if the field is a flowfilter or a variable and not a table field, or it's your code.
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