Transheader & transfooter

teckpohteckpoh Member Posts: 271
Hi.... recently i customize 1 of the report named "Transfer Order" rpt.
and when i add in <transfooter> it's sum all the amount at the buttom of the pages...but i realized that i took wrong amount.

Eg: Rpt generate 2 pages. Buttom of the 1st pages--> <transfooter> suppose to be 488 dollar but it appeared 490. It's more 12 dollar, and the 12 dollar is the first item of 2nd pages.

Y my transfooter sum in the 1st item of 2nd pages??


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You need to add a footer section instead of transfooter. The footers totals all the records. Transfooter only totals what is being printed on that page.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • teckpohteckpoh Member Posts: 271
    Hi aRa3n thank for ur reply...the problem is i already have <footer> that are sum the total the last pages(2nd pages) and the <footer> print the right amount for me.BUT my problem is

    I add <transfooter> and it display the wrong amount for me at the 1st pages. it's suppose to be 490 dollar but it's print 488 wherea the differential 12 dollar is the 1st item of 2nd pages... And the <footer> is right it's display the right amount at the last pages.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    why do you need transfooter? It is only used to display that the total is carried to the next page.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • teckpohteckpoh Member Posts: 271
    ya...but it's the requirement request by client, i need to fulfil their requiremnt.
  • teckpohteckpoh Member Posts: 271
    so ara3n do u hv any good idea to make the transfooter display the right amount( it's will not sum the 1st item of 2nd pages)?? :wink:
  • teckpohteckpoh Member Posts: 271
    or can i write some code inside <transfooter> to make it not to sum the 1st item amount of 2nd pages.? how?
  • Ravi_Prakash_GoyalRavi_Prakash_Goyal Member Posts: 72
    hi teckpoh,

    I also faced the same problem. But in my report I used grouping on some field then only I got that problem. I think it is a navision bug.
    you can write a code for that. create a variable and sum up the field value to this var in the body section and show this variable in the transfooter. It might solve the problem.
  • teckpohteckpoh Member Posts: 271
    10s problem solved. Wat i do is change the method of calculation then solved.
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