Hi all,
I have one problem to access the database server in our new implementation. I am getting the following error .
The operating system cannot gain access to the file \\galaxy123\database server\database.fdb
Please check that the file type and attributes are correct.
I got access before 2 days. But now it is showing this error?
Anyone have solution for this?
type "services.msc" in the "Run" of the START window or right click "My computer" and choose "Manage" to retrieve all of the services you've installed. Then find the very one"Microsoft Business Solution-Database Server XXXX" and right click it to go the "Properties" and get the second tab"Log on". Make sure the "Log on as" option is "Local System Account".
I've solve this problem few days ago and it really works.
That's all,
Thanks &Good Luck,
MCP - MBS Navision