Matrix Form: (almost) Full Screen No Hor. Scroll Bar

DanyLeemansDanyLeemans Member Posts: 6
Hi all,

Version: Navision 3.70B and 4.00SP2HF1 (other versions possible but not checked)

There is scroll bar in the bottom of matrix form (right side) to scroll horizontally. For example in the standard Navision forms 408 or 5827 the columns on the right side of the matrix represent date periods (D, W, M, Q or Y) and the scroll bar is used to scroll through these columns.
When you enlarge the Matrix form to a certain size (full screen is not required) the scroll bar and left – right arrows at the end of the scroll bar disappear.
This can be very annoying for end users, although it’s still possible to scroll by using the <- and -> buttons on the keyboard.

Is this a known problem and is there a fix for it? My idea is that this behavior is valid for all Matrix forms…



  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    This is a known issue. I have it too on my matrix forms (even SP2). Seems that it has something to do with virtual tables with an unlimited number of data like "Date".

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  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    And there are other issues with matrix forms:

    1- No drilldown-arrow on last column.
    For example: when you open the form Items by Location (F491) from the Item Card, in a normal window (not maximized) and you click on a figure in the last column (location YELLOW), there is no drilldown arrow. But you can press F6 to drilldown.

    2- Transparant line above the horizontal scrollbar.
    Try this: open the above matrix form in Navision. Now open Word and paint the complete page red. Then switch back to Navision using Alt-TAB. You will see a small red line just above the horizontal scrollbar.
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