PictureBox/CommandButton problem

Thomas_Hviid_ThornThomas_Hviid_Thorn Member Posts: 92
Hej there,

I'm trying to copy the comments-button from Form 21 Customer Card to a customized customer card, that's a part of our Add-On product. Copy=I create a new picturebox/commandbutton on my form, but with the same properties set.

On that form, I can't get it to work :-(
I tried on new form, to check where I did something wrong - but this time it worked :?:

As I see it, the problem on my own customer form is that the picturebox is blocking for the access to the commandbutton. But I've made it the same way as on form 21.

I hope, someone could come up with a suggestion, I should try out to solve this problem !?!

I'm working in Navision 4.00 SP2 W1 (ENU language) with a 003-license.
With Kind Regards
Thoms Hviid Thorn


  • Thomas_Hviid_ThornThomas_Hviid_Thorn Member Posts: 92
    Believe it or not, but I think I solved it myself 8)

    My commandbutton had number -463 and the picturebox -485.
    So I deleted the commandbutton and created a new one, which became number -486.

    And when it worked ... #-o

    Does anyone known why ?
    With Kind Regards
    Thoms Hviid Thorn
  • andreofandreof Member Posts: 133
    Was this not a matter of just sending the picture box to the back?

    The number ID is not important here.

    Tip: Just copy the whole set (picture box + command button) next time (need minor changes).

    Best Regards
    Andre Fidalgo
    My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET

    CEO at Solving Dynamics
  • Thomas_Hviid_ThornThomas_Hviid_Thorn Member Posts: 92

    How do I send the PictureBox to the back
    - Which property can I use for that ?
    With Kind Regards
    Thoms Hviid Thorn
  • andreofandreof Member Posts: 133
    Its not a property on the control.

    Select the PictureBox then Menu Format->Send to Back/Bring to Front

    Hope this helps

    Best Regards

    Andre Fidalgo
    Andre Fidalgo
    My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET

    CEO at Solving Dynamics
  • Thomas_Hviid_ThornThomas_Hviid_Thorn Member Posts: 92
    Hej Andreof,

    That works to!!
    Thanks for the information!!

    I never use the Format-menu before, so I'm glad you made me aware of it! :D
    With Kind Regards
    Thoms Hviid Thorn
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