I am using Navision 3.7
I am getting an error when trying to expand my current database by just 16kb
The error say the following: Your server returned the following message - not enough disk space".
I have 16GB of diskspace left. How can this be?
Also not sure if this is worth mentioning but a FAT32 file systems is being used.
Please can you give me some light on this error and explain how to resolve
So you should split up your database in separate files of 4 GB each.
And remember: Search is your friend: http://www.mibuso.com/forum/search.php
Just one small problem, I am fairly new to Navision and not too how I go about splittung the database and what the repurcussions would be.
Your help would be greatly appreciated
http://thundercloud.net/information-ave ... -vs-fat32/
1) If you have a hard drive over 40 gig in size, be certain to choose the option NTFS.
2)Your hard drive may not appear to be as big as it really is when using FAT32; so when given a choice, use NTFS.
3)NTFS is more reliable and secure!
4)It is best to format your hard drive and choose the NTFS file system, instead of converting an existing drive from NTFS without a format.
5)If your hard drive is larger then 32 GB, use NTFS for best performance.
I just think it would be easier & better for them to switch rather than going thru a database split which you are going to need more drives anyway.
Did I already mention you can search this forum? Hint: try "split and database" as search keywords, and you find, among others, this topic: How To Split A Database
You can expand your Navision database by creating extra database files.
To Create a New Database File:
Click File, Database, Expand and the Expand Database window appears.
Click Advanced and the Expand Database (Advanced) window appears.
The "proper" name of the database is written in the Database Name field. This is the name that will be referred to in the future from other places in the program. If you need to use the name of the database to open it or to make a backup of it, use this name and ignore the fact that the database actually consists of more than one file.
Each new database file must be set up on its own line.
In the File Name field, enter the name (with the full path).
If the database name is My db.fdb, for example, and it is located in c:\fin\, you can call the new database file My db part2.fdb and put it on another drive: d:\fin\.
A third database file could be called My db part3.fdb and be located on yet another drive.
In the New Size(KB) field, enter the size of the database file.
At the bottom of the window, you can see how the entire database grows as you add kilobytes with each file you create.
Click OK to save the information. You can continue working in the database.
In order to expand your database, you must have adequate space available. (You can see the space you have available in the Licensed Size(KB) field.)
If you do not have permission to expand the database, an error message will appear when you try to expand it.
There is no advantage to be gained by expanding your database to the maximum size because once space has been allocated to the database, it cannot be reclaimed again and you can't use it for anything else on your computer.