Summarized invoice w/ shipment orders

dulamandulaman Member Posts: 73
Dia dhuit!

I need that after using the "Combine Shipments" feature (Report 295), the Sales Invoice Report, instead of the details of each product, shows me a summary, with the numbers of the shipments orders and the amount of each one. For instance:

Instead of:

Order Nr#001
Item001 .... Amount
Item002 .... Amount
Item003 .... Amount

Order Nr#002
Item001 .... Amount
Item002 .... Amount
Item003 .... Amount

I'd like to get:

Order Nr#001 ... Amount
Order Nr#002 ... Amount

I'm just wondering if I could do something like this. The main problem would be getting a total amount for each order number, I guess. What do you think? So much complicated?

Thank you for your assistance.
-- dulaman
"I don't want to believe. I want to know." (Carl Sagan)


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I think it's not too complicated if you want it in the report. It's only depended on your report modification. You can see ageing receivables report that can be shown totally or detail.


  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    You need to have it broken out in detail when you do invoicing. Or else you won't be able to print any sales reports by item. There are numerous other problems relating to the item ledger and value entry if you do this.

    If the desired result is just to display the new format to the customer, then I suggest you just modify your sales invoice report to group them together. It's a whole lot easier this way.
  • dulamandulaman Member Posts: 73
    Thank you very much jonhson & deadlizard.
    I'm afraid I didn't explain myself very well.

    What I need is just displaying that information, I don't need (neither want it) that Navision keeps my data in such a way.

    I'm afraid I've to make a report from the start line -- I just wanted to know if I could reshape a bit the original one (report 206). In this last case, main problem would be getting a total amount for each order number.

    I should add that I am using a different No. from the standard one to number the shipping orders. So, no connection between tables 112 & 110 when I use the "Combine Shipments" feature.
    -- dulaman
    "I don't want to believe. I want to know." (Carl Sagan)
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    what if you deleted the section of the report

    Sales Invoice Line Body (4)

    that is what printes the detail

    Worth a shot
  • dulamandulaman Member Posts: 73
    Good try, but the remaining section won't display the total amount for that Shipping No. :(
    -- dulaman
    "I don't want to believe. I want to know." (Carl Sagan)
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    ok, then on that section

    Sales Invoice Line, Body (4) - OnPreSection()
    CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(Type > 0);

    to Type = 0
  • dulamandulaman Member Posts: 73
    Thank you themave but I'm still having a display as follows:

    Order Nr#0001
    Order Nr#0002
    Order Nr#0003
    Total .................. Amount

    What I need would be something like this:

    Order Nr#0001 ...... Amount
    Order Nr#0002 ...... Amount
    Order Nr#0003 ...... Amount
    Total .................. Sum of above Amounts

    The point is getting the intermediate Amounts for each Order Nr.
    -- dulaman
    "I don't want to believe. I want to know." (Carl Sagan)
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    don't have exact instructions as we don't invoice mutliple shipments like this, so can't really test it.

    but you need to create a varible for for the total of each invoice.

    Initialize it to zero on in the Sales Invoice Line Body (3)
    TotalInvoice := 0 (also make this section not print)

    then in section Sales Invoice Line Body (4) make your variable add the total of all invoice lines.

    totalinvoice := totalinvoice + Lineamount

    Make a new section just under Sales Invoice Line Body (4)
    Sales Invoice Line Body (5) and put
    Description and totalinvoice fields in this section, this is should be your

    Order Nr#0001 ...... Amount

    I think this should do it. I don't really do a lot of reports, so this is the best guess without pulling out the manual.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    You need to group your reports by Shipment No. field on the sales invoice line. So you would just display the totals based on the sales shipment.

    This is assuming that one order has one shipment per invoice.
  • dulamandulaman Member Posts: 73
    Please excuse my delay but I was enjoying a five-day vacation!

    themave, deadlizard, thank you very much for your assistance, but it is still not working at all :cry:

    deadlizard, how I am supposed to group my reports by Shipment No. field on the sales invoice line?? I guess my try is too complicated and can't be done without a very hard work -- starting from a blank report.
    -- dulaman
    "I don't want to believe. I want to know." (Carl Sagan)
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