Setup a new number series (Administration -> IT Administration -> General -> No. Series) and assign the number series in Sales & Receivables Setup (Sales & Marketing -> Setup -> Sales & Receivables Setup -> Numbering Page). Set Manual Nos to No for the Number Series to prevent users from using manual numbers (creating their own numbers instead of using the numbers from the number series).
Hi winterwheat
Apart from what clauss suggested you have to write a bit code as well to get your matter resolved . I hope you might hav got the solution by now but asumming not i am forwarding my post.
You can use number series to achieve this.
Setup a new number series (Administration -> IT Administration -> General -> No. Series) and assign the number series in Sales & Receivables Setup (Sales & Marketing -> Setup -> Sales & Receivables Setup -> Numbering Page). Set Manual Nos to No for the Number Series to prevent users from using manual numbers (creating their own numbers instead of using the numbers from the number series).
Apart from what clauss suggested you have to write a bit code as well to get your matter resolved . I hope you might hav got the solution by now but asumming not i am forwarding my post.