Purging Data - Date Compression

RChurchillRChurchill Member Posts: 55
Hi All,

Has anybody ever written their own purging routines to reduce the size of a database rather than use the built-in Date Compression routines?

If so, can you post your reasons for doing so?

Do you feel that the Date Compression routines are perfectly adequate?

A while ago a colleague wrote their own purging routine for Customer Ledger but I can't see much difference to the Date Compression alternative apart from obvious areas due to customisation within a database. :-k

Many Thanks



  • RChurchillRChurchill Member Posts: 55
    Hi Black Tiger,

    That's the point I'm trying to find out - do the Date Compression routines work adequately especially if there are many customizations or is it best to write your own - maybe loosely based on the Date Compressions.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    The date compression routines work fine. To handle the customizations, it depends on what the customizatin is. If it's just fields on cust. ledger entry for example. they will be deleted, If it's additional table , it won't touch them.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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