Setup of Reporting Services - Sample Reports don't work

KappeKappe Member Posts: 64

I have installed MS SQL 2005 Express on my local machine.
Reporting Services incl. SP1 are installed - also the sample reports from MS.
Now I tried to use the reporting services report examples, but they don't work.
I got the german speaking error message:

Fehler bei der Berichtsverarbeitung.
Es kann keine Verbindung mit der NavisionRS-Datenquelle hergestellt werden.
Fehler beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Server. Beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit SQL Server 2005 kann dieser Fehler dadurch verursacht werden, dass unter den SQL Server-Standardeinstellungen Remoteverbindungen nicht zulässig sind.
(provider: Named Pipes-Provider, error: 40 - Verbindung mit SQL Server konnte nicht geöffnet werden)

This suggest me, that there is a problem with remote connection and named pipes... but in the server setup I have activated this.

So has anyboby perhaps some setup hints to get this running?
Or is it a feature in NAV 4 SP1 so that I have to install SP2?




  • KappeKappe Member Posts: 64
    Hi Black Tiger

    Thanks for your answer, but I have set up in the "SQL Server Surface Area Configuration" the remote connections for TCP/IP and Named Pipes already.
    Also the "SQL Server Configuration Manager" is already set up with all connections allowed.
    This is why I don't have a clue this message pops up....

    I think I have to reinstall it and hope of better times. :)


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