Running a form on Temporay Table

toshitaporitoshitapori Member Posts: 52
Hello all ,

The problem is as follows .
I am using Nav4 sp2 and trying to run a form based on temporay table so what i did was took a blank form and then on the Onopenform trigger of the form wrote my code which is calling functions from the codeunit and running the main form with filters on from the function in codeunit which will be based on temporary table.

Now the issue is when the user exits the main form which was running on temporary table there is blank screen for the blank form which i used to call the functions. Now what i want is when user exits the main form it shud not show the blank screen of the form.

Any suggestions plss . The reason why i am using a blank form is if i call the main form directly from the menu and write the code on the onopentrigger of the form it will already have records and it wont be consistent with many thing

The only issue how to get rid of the blank form in the background when user exits the main form.



  • ClausHamannClausHamann Member Posts: 80
    I can't exactly understand why you need to open a form and then run code in a codeunit that eventual opens another form, but anyway have you tried.


    This will close the form from where it is being run (the first form) and will keep the form open that was opened from the codeunit.


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