Problem in Deleting Original Data

upasanisandipupasanisandip Member Posts: 405
Hi all,
I want to delete all CRONUS INDIA LTD. company data (Demo).
And Import data of our new client .
How can I delete data of CRONUS (Transaction as well as Master data).
Is there any easy way or I have to go to all transaction tables & delete it manually?



  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    It seems that you still use CRONUS INDIA LTD as company name, isn't it?
    Maybe u can use Administration module --> IT administration --> Data deletion. You can also delete document there.
    Another way, if you want to delete manually, just go to setup checklist in the Administration module --> Application setup --> general
    Do you think G/L entry can be deleted..?

  • upasanisandipupasanisandip Member Posts: 405
    It seems that you still use CRONUS INDIA LTD as company name, isn't it?
    Maybe u can use Administration module --> IT administration --> Data deletion. You can also delete document there.
    Another way, if you want to delete manually, just go to setup checklist in the Administration module --> Application setup --> general
    Do you think G/L entry can be deleted..?


    Yes Johnson , i want to delete all existing data (G/L entry also) and import new data. I have created new company.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    When you create a new company , there is no data in that company. I think you have just renamed the compnay " Cronus". You probably should create a new company as it is not advisable to delete all the data in all the relevant table unless you are super expert in the field.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Hi Upsandip,
    It means all datas in cronus india ltd won't be used and the crouns india ltd company name are also unused, don't they ?
    in detail from G/L acc. no., no series, setting in the card, document2 posted deleted etc, all will be deleted.
    if you want that, just delete the company and set new company with your new setting. So there is no problem your delete cronus india and create new company. unless you still use G/L account no., setting no., no. series etc that available in the cronus india, you just can consider to use the steps I wrote before after creating new company or renaming cronus india ltd to a new name. Just use partner license that is more complete and allowable to you to delete G/L entry.

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