General Product Posting Group in Chart of Accounts?

mspellmanmspellman Member Posts: 6
What is the function of assigning the General Product Posting Group to a G/L account in the Chart of Accounts. I understand how the General Posting Setup works, but I don't understand the need for this field in the Chart of Accounts.

Thanks for any input,


  • ecclecticecclectic Member Posts: 176
    in the same line, what is the purpose of the business posting group on the chart of accounts?
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    What is the function of assigning the General Product Posting Group to a G/L account in the Chart of Accounts

    for example, your GPPG (General product posting group) is sales. you can see it appear when you use the G/L acc. no. directly using general, cash receipt or payment journal, although you must check direct posting in the G/L acc. no.. By assigning the GPPG to the G/L acc. no., it will be restricted your G/L acc. no. only for sales or purchase. you can drill down to see the G/L entries and see the posting time only purchase recorded there if you select purchase.

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