MBS-Navision NA 4.00.01 Local Critical Update 03

alex9alex9 Member Posts: 97

There is a Navision NA 4.00.01 Local Critical Update 03 for Canadian installations which was posted 3/31/2006 on MS Dynamics PartnerSource. It looks like changes from the hotfix are not included in Navision 4.00 SP2 release for Canada. The problem is some objects from this hotfix were changed in SP2 also. For example, Table 23 has NAVW14.00.02,NAVNA4.00.02 versions in SP2. In Local Critical Update 03 Table 23 has NAVW14.00.01,NAVNA4.00.01.03 versions. So, there is a version conflict and Import Worksheet suggests Skip action for this table. Of course, if I choose Skip, I lose changes made in the hotfix, if I choose Replace, I lose changes made in the SP2.

Does it mean I have to upgrade SP2 database with this hotfix manually, like we do when upgrading customized objects? I mean, compare two text files and merge them… And which version must have this upgraded object: NAVNA4.00.02 or NAVNA4.00.01.03, or both???


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    It is also possible it has been fixed in 400SP2.
    So you should check the changes in 400SP1, 400SP1.3 and see if the changes have been implemented in 400SP2. If this is the case, you can keep 400SP2. If not, and there is no hotfix for 400SP2, you will have to merge the objects manually.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    ou should find out what issue this update addresses and determine if you are having this issue. If you're not just ignore the update.
  • alex9alex9 Member Posts: 97
    Thanks for the replies. But I am still confused...

    This hotfix is a Local Critical Update. According to the description, “it is strongly recommended that these Local Critical Updates be implemented on all Canadian installations of MBS Navision NA Version 4.00 SP1.”. This update is connected with new standards of cheques images effective December 31, 2006.
    https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource ... page=false

    The changes made with this critical update have not been implemented in Nav 4.00 SP2. It is a very strange situation. You can easily update NAV 4.00 SP1, but if you have NAV 4.00 SP2 (latest version!) you must merge objects manually… Is that OK for MS Dynamics??? In order to get the correct object I have merge two versions of standard (not customized) objects myself? Wow... :shock:

    I am also interested, did somebody from Canada try to implement this update in 4.00 SP2? Or everybody is just waiting for December 31, 2006? or for HotFix for SP2? Does it make sense to send a support request to Dynamics PartnerSource?
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    To me 'all SP1 installations must upgrade' means that people on SP2 should NOT do it. If they want to apply the same fix for SP2, they will come out with a SP2 fix, and then they will say 'it is strongly recommended that ALL SP2 installations use this upgrade'.

    If you want to be sure take a look at the code and compare. If you're still not sure, get in touch with your solution center. If you're still not sure, call MS tech support.
  • alex9alex9 Member Posts: 97
    To me 'all SP1 installations must upgrade' means that people on SP2 should NOT do it. If they want to apply the same fix for SP2, they will come out with a SP2 fix, and then they will say 'it is strongly recommended that ALL SP2 installations use this upgrade'.
    I fully agree with you because this is a common sense. But I've compared the code already. I am absolutely sure that changes made in the NAVNA4.00.01.03 are not included in NAVNA4.00.02. And this is why I am asking how to figure it out...

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    The critical upgrade is for SP1, not SP2. If you are concerned that you're missing something, MS support is the best place to go.

    I'm not trying to be dismissive, it's just that MSFT is the only place that will have an official point of view on this.
  • alex9alex9 Member Posts: 97
    Thank you, Daniel. Apparently, I have nothing else to do.
    I guess nobody cares about it because so called "critical update" is for changes that becomes effective only December 31, 2006.
    Or just nobody noticed that...
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    If I didnt care I would not have replied at all :mrgreen: I do care, and I am trying to help you out. Have you called MS support?
  • alex9alex9 Member Posts: 97
    If I didnt care I would not have replied at all I do care, and I am trying to help you out.
    Of course, I meant not you but other people who is working on maintenance or customization NAV NA 4.00.02 version. I've just been thinking somebody else has encountered this issue already.

    So, I sent a request to SP2 release manager.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Amazing how harsh a statement becomes when you delete the smiley face from it.

    Anyway, I'm interested to hear what they have to say about it, so please post the answer back in here.
  • alex9alex9 Member Posts: 97
    Amazing how harsh a statement becomes when you delete the smiley face from it.
    I don't know why, but the smile dissapears when I copy/paste the quote... :? Another issue... :)
    Anyway, I'm interested to hear what they have to say about it, so please post the answer back in here.
  • alex9alex9 Member Posts: 97
    I've got an answer from MS:
    "This issue has been reported. Our Team in US is working on this right now, so there will also be an update for this to SP2. However I don’t have the schedule yet".

    So, it looks like they created Critical Update for 4.0 SP1 and just forgot to include these changes into 4.0 SP2. Isn't that a strange build policy:
    to fix something, then release new version and fix the same bugs again?
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