How can i protect my customization from another devloper ?
In fact i see some protected CUSTOMIZED OBJECT at one of our clients
and when i try to open it using my development license return this Msg
"you donat have permission to read contact your system maneger if you need to have your permissions changed "
so how can i protect my customization from another devloper ? #-o
and is there any way to break this protection ?
If you copy the object, that you're not allowed to open, to an id that you're allowed to open (50,000 - 99,999), you can open it and find all the goodies, they want to hide. :whistle:
but how can i do the same thing for my customization ?
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
However, if you think about this subject deeper: the real value of business logic - oriented add-ons are not the code itself, but the industrial experience, the knowhow: after playing around with it a bit, others could rewrite it in probably 10-20% of the time you spent to develop it. Therefore it's simply pointless to protect. However, you can always fire a lawsuit if you think your intellectual property has been stolen. You can even register a patent for your stuff, if the laws in your country allow it.
There is another kind of customizations, that are not so business logic-oriented, but rather technical extensions like controlling an external machine or showing a drag & drop scheduler. These kind of developments can be easily protected by putting them into DLL's and, in .NET's case, obfuscating them.
kriki my friend i did not mean how to break but i mean how to protect my customization
couse i want to learn the way of doing this
its good to learn all ways even the weak one so can u tell me how can i doit plz thanx again.
good one =D> thanx Luc Van Dyck
nice analsys thanx