Account shedule

EAZYEAZY Member Posts: 3

I am new to this forum and I have a question concerning Navision Financials.
We have version DE 3.70.

I have created an account shedule for our balance sheet. Some of our current balance sheet accounts sometimes have entries on the debit side and sometimes on the credit side (e.g. bank accounts).

These accounts must always be manually allocated new to the assets or to the liabilities, depending on the balance of the accounts. I found out that the same account can not be allocated to both sides of the balance sheet. So this does not solve my problem.

Does someone know how to allocate these accounts automatically to the proper side depending on their balances?

Thank you for your help.



  • borsicsjborsicsj Member Posts: 32
    hi Stephan,

    if you are familira with customizing the application you could do it easily. The only thing is to define a new colun in the acc. schedule which tells the system to show the calculated amount in case of debit or credit balance.
    Of course you need some modification in codeunit 8.

    If you are not familiar with this I can send the solution to you, but I have only for W1 and HU version.

    János Borsics
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Maybe... I assume the left and right parts of the Balance Sheet are two different Accounting Schedules, right? What if you put that account on both, and there is I think a setting in the line that show only if positive or show only if negative or show only if debit/credit or something like that.
  • EAZYEAZY Member Posts: 3

    I am only a Navision user, not a programmer. So it would be nice to get your solution for that. I will send you my e-mail adress by PN.

    @Miklos Hollender:

    The left and the right parts of the balance sheet are in one accounting shedule. Splitting in two shedules unfortunately nor does not solve the problem.

    The settings in the show-column are only: YES, NO, and IF ANY COLUM IS NOT ZERO. Show if balance is only positive or negative would be fine but is not available.

    Does someone know the german add-on "OP-Plus"? The funktion I need should be in it.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    I don't know OP-Plus, but aren't you using the Kostenrechnung add-on? It is a kind of a general add-on for financial/cost accounting having typically those features that should have been added to the standard long ago. Maybe it has a proper Balance Sheet as well. Maybe not. Of course for only this feature one should not buy it as it is a fairly simple customization (for an experienced developer) but maybe the other features can make it worthvile: ... enrechnung
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