Planning Worksheet on Manufacturing

AngeloAngelo Member Posts: 180
Hello master,

On the planning worksheet, navision will determine which component has to be produced first.
Do you know how navision calculate and determine which component need to be produced first?
For example we want to produce a chair.
And the chair has 4 BOM level.
Finished Good: Chair
1st level: produce AA
2nd level: To produce AA we have to make AB, AC, AD
3rd level: ABA, ACA, ADA
4th level: ABAA, ACAA, ADAA
Then how the navision will determine which first component has to be produced first on planning worksheet? is it ABAA first,or ACAA first, or ADAA first? #-o

Please help me, master...
I really appreciate your response...

thx a lot...



  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Navision manufacturing is an ERP system that handle V-type operations. (See and look for ERP book). So the priority made for subassembly working and then final assembly to make the product.
    You must check and consider manufacturing policy, is it make to stock or make to order or assembly to order.
    You must use routing for each sub assembly and set make to stock, for finished good, if it based on job order, set it make to order. You use routing for FG too.
    so, navision will consider all items who have production BOM and routing in their item cards, and then the primary product (finish good). The lower level in the production BOM is the first work must be done in shopfloor.
    Maybe CU 99000854 and 5431 are the good means to learn more.
    And also manual of manufacturing.

  • srikantasrikanta Member Posts: 6
    Dear Friend,

    In the real scenario first we should make lower assy and then we go for FG. so in navision, when you run the planning engine with MRP and MPS system will consider lower assy first then it moves to FG and in the planning worksheet u can observe FG in the first line and then level 1,2...

    In case system will consider 4th lven BOM structure first and moves upwards definitely it is is V-type process.

    Before running the same please check Manufacturing Policy and Reorder Policies.

    Functional Consultant
    Godrej Infotech
  • sblotsblot Member Posts: 21
    For me if you have some components to do at the same time, with the same reorder policy, with the same resource,....(all same)

    Navision create the production orders in the order of the code of the item : A, then B, then C, ....

    Remember that Navision manage infinite capacity.
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Sblot wrote:
    Remember that Navision manage infinite capacity.

    You must also remember, Navision can handle finite loading/capacity, to avoid overload in the machines while conducting process production.


  • AngeloAngelo Member Posts: 180
    if I use same Manufacturing Policy and Reorder Policies for all Item in Navision.Which priority will be chosen?is it possible for Navision that we can determine what the priority first as we like to choose?if it is possible,what setup should I do?
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    check this link, perhaps it relates to your problem :

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