Good day, everybody!
I face an interesting problem. Here is a scenario:
I have a table with following fields:
Number, Field_1, Field_2
Number is a Normal Field
Field_1 is a Flowfield Lookup Description in the Item Table WHERE Item No. = Number
Field_2 is a flowfield Lookup SomeOtherField in OtherTable WHERE Field_123 = Field_1
Is everybody confused yet?

In other words I have a flowfield with the CalcFormula that uses another flowfield.
So as the result I can see that data is shown correctly on the form and in the table BUT when I try to do filtering on the second flowfield I end up with the blank list. #-o
My guess is that Navision flowfields were not meant to be used that way.
All I am trying to do is to avoid doubling the data(updating the fields) across Navision but still give users an ability to filter by the new fields.
Any ideas?
I just thought there might be a trick...
I quess I will have to work around it.... :whistle:
Depending on where you need it (form, report, dataport), you could try some code in the OnAfterGetrecord trigger (don't forget the CALCFIELDS when you use values of flowfields).