Flowfields in Navision 3.70 SQL

zeninolegzeninoleg Member Posts: 236
Good day, everybody!
I face an interesting problem. Here is a scenario:
I have a table with following fields:
Number, Field_1, Field_2

Number is a Normal Field
Field_1 is a Flowfield Lookup Description in the Item Table WHERE Item No. = Number
Field_2 is a flowfield Lookup SomeOtherField in OtherTable WHERE Field_123 = Field_1

Is everybody confused yet? :D
In other words I have a flowfield with the CalcFormula that uses another flowfield.
So as the result I can see that data is shown correctly on the form and in the table BUT when I try to do filtering on the second flowfield I end up with the blank list. #-o
My guess is that Navision flowfields were not meant to be used that way.
All I am trying to do is to avoid doubling the data(updating the fields) across Navision but still give users an ability to filter by the new fields.
Any ideas?
Best Regards,


  • bruno77bruno77 Member Posts: 62
    As an option you can create a SQL view and link it to a Navision table, then our filtering should work fine.
  • 2tje2tje Member Posts: 80
    The advice is not to filter on flowfields and not the use flowfields in properties of other fields. Remember flowfields are only calculated at the moment they have to be presented on the screen!
  • zeninolegzeninoleg Member Posts: 236
    Thanks, for the response
    I just thought there might be a trick...
    I quess I will have to work around it.... :whistle:
    Best Regards,
  • 2tje2tje Member Posts: 80
    I guess you have to use some code to calculate the values.
    Depending on where you need it (form, report, dataport), you could try some code in the OnAfterGetrecord trigger (don't forget the CALCFIELDS when you use values of flowfields).
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