I have the procedure to duplicate an existing document into a new one, but I am unable to copy the attachments to the new document. I have done some tests, but some attachments are duplicated. What is the way to do this?
OriginalDocAttach.SetRange("Table ID", 38);
OriginalDocAttach.SetRange("No.", OriginalPurchaseOrder."No.");
if OriginalDocAttach.FindFirst() then
NewDocAttach."Table ID" := OriginalDocAttach."Table ID";
NewDocAttach."No." := NewPurchaseOrder."No.";
NewDocAttach."Attached Date" := OriginalDocAttach."Attached Date";
NewDocAttach."File Name" := OriginalDocAttach."File Name";
NewDocAttach."File Type" := OriginalDocAttach."File Type";
NewDocAttach."File Extension" := OriginalDocAttach."File Extension";
NewDocAttach."Document Reference ID" := OriginalDocAttach."Document Reference ID";
NewDocAttach."Attached By" := OriginalDocAttach."Attached By";
NewDocAttach.User := OriginalDocAttach.User;
NewDocAttach."Document Type" := OriginalDocAttach."Document Type";
NewDocAttach.ID += 1;
until OriginalDocAttach.Next() = 0;
If you want use additional fields, you can use additional table to save them and capture events from standard Record Link table to apply your additional data.
And it worked perfectly! I appreciate your help