
Unable to select layout! Cannot build the page 9660, the metadata object was not found.

CelicniCelicni Member Posts: 6
edited 2023-10-26 in NAV Three Tier
Hello all. I ran across a very weird problem that was bugging me, and after finding the solution I wanted to share it with everyone, it may help someone else.

On production environment, client was unable to "select layout", whether from the "report layout selection" page, or by running the report directly and choosing layout from there. Nothing would happen upon clicking the button.

I wanted to manually open the "Report Layouts" page by editing the URL to the page (9660), but upon doing that I was presented with this error:


Cannot build the page 9660, the metadata object was not found.

That made no sense to me, it's a Microsoft base (or system or whatever) application page, how can it be missing?

Well, as it turns out, it most definitely is NOT part of either system, system application, or base application, but rather part of an "invisible" extension called "_Exclude_ReportLayouts".

This extension, as well as a couple others, need to be installed upon doing an upgrade from a lower version. But they are "invisible" and cannot be seen in the "extension management" page and there is pretty much no indication that they're missing.

Turns out that the extension management page has a filter to exclude these specific extensions.

Upon installing the _Exclude_ReportLayouts extension, everything is working properly.


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