
Upgrade Nav 2017 to BC 14 with custom Extension : Issue Archived Data not restored

I'm working on migration of NAV 2017 DB with (Extension XYZNAVX Version installed in it) to BC14

Steps I followed as per the guidelines https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/upgrade/upgrading-the-data

As a prerequisite I prepared app file XYZAPP version using VS Code that is similar to XYZNAVX Version with same name same app id. Upgrade Codeunit is there with triggers per Company Per Database

Steps followed

1. Uninstalled all extensions from NAV 2017 DB

2. Dismounted Tenant

3. Change BC Licence

4. Stop the service

5. Delete all objects except Tables

6. Convert DB to using BC 14

7. Imported Upgrade Toolkit Objects and BC 14 application object

8. Connected to BC 14 instance

9. Mounted Tenant DB

10. Run Sync-NAVTenant

11. Start-NavDataUpgrade

12. Published and Sync-NAVApp System and Test app

13. Used finsql to generatesymbolreference using command promt

14. Published XYZAPP version

15. SyncNavapp XYZAPP version

While try to run Start-NAVAppDataUpgrade error appeared Previous extension is not present. (Though XYZNAVX version still there. Archived data still present in SQL for the old extension

15. Used Install-NAVApp XYZAPP version . I can see fields related to App file in the DB but without Data

Could you please let me know if I missed any steps?


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