Set GUIALLOWED to false

poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
Hi everyone,

Is there a way I can set GUIALLOWED to FALSE?
I have a piece of code that is creating a progress window and I need to hide it in some cases.

Thanks in advance :)


  • VhiteVhite Member Posts: 8
    edited 2016-08-22
    GUIALLOWED does not work that way, it is not a property that you can set.
    See the documentation on it.

    If you don't want to show the progress window in some cases, I suggest you write your code to create/update your progress window within an IF statement in which you test your cases to see if you can show the progress window.
  • archer89archer89 Member Posts: 337
    guiallowed is a readonly system variable.
    which process shows a dialog? a nav dialog or an external application (print dialog).
    best regards
    Franz Kalchmair, MVP
    Alias: Jonathan Archer

    please like / agree / verify my answer, if it was helpful for you. thx.
  • sjensjen Member Posts: 53
    @poppins How did you solve your problem?

    I have the same problem I dont want users the see gui messages.

    I tried the code below but it didn't work.

    ok is a boolean variable
      Ok := FALSE;
  • xStepaxStepa Member Posts: 106
    edited 2020-02-27
    this code doesn't make mutch sense - try to use function HideConfirmationDialog (e.g. in cu80) instead (or make your own)
  • JJMcJJMc Member Posts: 63
    Why don't you run your piece of program in a second session with startsession. This way you won't see any message, dialog box, etc.
    With starsession GUIALLOWED is false, and any message or error you'll be able to see it in the Event viewer
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