rsrnavrsrnav Member Posts: 6
Receiving the below error when try to download Symbols on Saas Envirnoment

Error:A task was Cancelled.

Launch.Json File
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "al",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Microsoft cloud sandbox",
"startupObjectId": 22,
"tenant": "xxxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx",
"startupObjectType": "Page",
"breakOnError": true,
"launchBrowser": true,
"enableLongRunningSqlStatements": true,
"enableSqlInformationDebugger": true,
"numberOfSqlStatements": 30

"id": "6a3dc13a-6f0a-4f33-8bef-8fd770a068cb",
"name": "PO",
"publisher": "Default publisher",
"version": "",
"brief": "",
"description": "",
"privacyStatement": "",
"EULA": "",
"help": "",
"url": "",
"logo": "",
"dependencies": [
"appId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"publisher": "Microsoft",
"name": "System Application",
"version": ""
"appId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"publisher": "Microsoft",
"name": "Base Application",
"version": ""
"screenshots": [],
"platform": "",
"idRanges": [
"from": 50100,
"to": 50149
"contextSensitiveHelpUrl": "",
"showMyCode": true,
"runtime": "4.0"

Kindly let me know.


  • kylehardinkylehardin Member Posts: 257
    My app.json file has version 15 for the system application.

    "appId": "63ca2fa4-4f03-4f2b-a480-172fef340d3f",
    "name": "System Application",
    "publisher": "Microsoft",
    "version": ""
    Kyle Hardin - ArcherPoint
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • rsrnavrsrnav Member Posts: 6
    edited 2020-02-21
    Changed Version for System application to

    "appId": "63ca2fa4-4f03-4f2b-a480-172fef340d3f",
    "name": "System Application",
    "publisher": "Microsoft",
    "version": ""

    still not able to download symbols ,same Error:A task was Cancelled.
  • rsrnavrsrnav Member Posts: 6
    Did anyone got same error?
  • kylehardinkylehardin Member Posts: 257
    Are you sure your container is working? Can you download the VSIX from it? Does the web client work?
    Kyle Hardin - ArcherPoint
  • rsrnavrsrnav Member Posts: 6
    Yes webclient working
  • kylehardinkylehardin Member Posts: 257
    Don't put the port in launch.json, at least not in the server URL. The developer port and the web client port are different. Try not having a port at all

    "server": "",

    And if that doesn't work, put the port on another line

    "server": "",
    "port": 13069,

    But again, the developer port (where it publishes code and downloads symbols) is different from the web client port. So if this second option doesn't work, try both:

    "server": "",
    "port": <correct developer port>,
    Kyle Hardin - ArcherPoint
  • kylehardinkylehardin Member Posts: 257
    One other thought - pay close attention to the Output box in Visual Studio Code. That will show the exact URLs it is trying to use for downloading symbols, and you can see the ports there. Paste that output here if you can't get it work.
    Kyle Hardin - ArcherPoint
  • ShaiHuludShaiHulud Member Posts: 228
    If you have recently updated Windows (February 2020 update), then it could be the cause. To resolve it, in your "New-NavContainer" command you need to add "-isolation hyperv" parameter or "-useBestContainerOS" and update the "navcontainerhelper" module.

    You can read all the dirty details about it on Freddy's blog.
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