Need help from experts NAV here. We are using NAV 2009 SP1 Classic Client.
The scenario is like this:
1. Purchase 3 Items A at $10 on 10th Jan 2015
2. Sell 2 Items A on 15th Jan 2015. The Cost Amount (Actual) counted as $6.66.
3. Sell 1 Item A on 25th Feb 2015. The Cost Amount (Actual) counted as $3.33.
I have set Inventory Setup to Automatic Cost Adjust to Always and Enable Automatic Cost Posting. General Ledger Setup Inv. Rounding Precision is set to 0.01. Allowed Posting Date Range for G/L Setup and Users are set to 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015.
Now the system is smart enough to notice that $0.01 difference in Cost Amount (Actual) and post a rounding difference for the purchase cost in step #1 based on posting date 10th Jan 2015. All looks fine clean here.
The problem comes when I am trying to restrict posting date, closing our posting date range for January. Now the Allowed Posting Date Range for G/L Setup and Users are set to 01/02/2015 to 28/02/2015. In this case, when user is posting the sales on step#3, user will encounter issue with Posting Date is not within range as I understand NAV is trying to post the rounding entry of $0.01 for the purchase. Read from the available post, there is a way to close the Inventory Period for January, and the rounding entry of $0.01 will have posting date 01/02/2015. But this may cause more problem for my company if there is cost adjustment not yet posted to the January entry, getting posted in the wrong month. in which case, I will open the posting date range for user.
Is there any way to setup NAV to post the rounding entry of $0.01 for the Sales instead, meaning to post a rounding entry in step#3 dated 25th Feb 2015? I find it is neater if the system works this way, I may have missed out the proper setting here. Thanks in advance
NAV is not an application known well for it's huge amount of setup parameters.
(That's where we as NAV consultants come in
The only way to fix this is to re-programm this in the function that does these postings
This is an old problem that NAV creates the Rounding Entry in Value Entry table in a very illogical way.
Because it is connected to InComing ItemLedgerEntry rather than OutGoing ILE.
Therefore the RoundingEntry has fields: "Posting Date", "Doc No.", "Item Ledger Entry No.", etc. like InComing ILE instead of OutGoing ILE
This may cause that and many many other problems in accountancy. Actually i am working on the modification that would fix. If I have it done i'll past the code here.
We have still NAV version 4.03. If you have later version please do some tests. Especially check the structure of ItemApplicationEntry table (339), check if locItemAppEntry.FINDLAST; returns the right record.