
I have a small question about the requisition worksheet.
I already searched the forums but I couldn´t find a solution.
Please imagine the following situation...
We are producing some goods in China (up to 5 levels).
We are using the Planning Worksheet for MPS/MRP (combined).
Input for this worksheet are sales orders and Production forecast quantities.
Our planning parameters are set to Make-To-Stock and Lot-For-Lot.
We generate the production orders and this is the base for our Requisition Worksheet for Purchasing.
For Purchase we use the reorder cycle which collects the demands for 4 up to 10 weeks lets say.
After we finished the planning, we create the purchase orders from the Requisition Worksheet,
we release them, print them and order them from the suppliers.
If we now get new Demands (very urgent) from the Production... the Requisition Worksheet suggests us
to "Resched. & Chg. Qty." for the released purchase orders.
But with our suppliers in China we have to keep the processes simple...
we can´t change the purchase orders very often, because maybe partial delivery already happend and so on.
So our goal is for sure to use the combining of more demands in a time range (reorder cycle),
but we don´t want to change RELEASED purchase orders... we want to create new ones.
I know how to handle manually, but I don´t want the users to change the planning result manually,
because on the next run, it will be more complicated to understand the result for them...
Is there a setting to avoid this? I hope so...
I hope I described my problem well and that somebody have a hint for me.
Thanks a lot,
Kind Regards,
NAV will suggest change on released purch.orders if there is a change in demand no matter what.
There is no setup you can do to have NAV suggest a new order instead of changing an existing one.
I agree that this can cause problems you can't change existing purch. orders all the time.
There is one addon I know where you can do setup to change the way NAV handles action messages. It's an addon made by To-Increase.
Or you can do custmization to change this, but the code in the planning engine is rather complex.
NAV Freelance Consultant
I made init value in the purchase line table for this field to be None because that is our defualt.
you could modify the PO order so that when you released it, it would change the field to None. Lots of different options depending on your needs.
Also in the requisition worksheet, it has the same field, Planning flexibility, it by defualt is set to unlimited, I also made it default to None, then it carries over to the created PO's
If you don't want to have it default one way or the other, you could just show it on the purchase order, and have your users change the field manually,
But be aware when you use planning flexibility that if you're demand disapears for examle a customer cancels the sales order then you'll not get an action message telling you to cancel the purchase order. But that might not be so common
Good suggestion to modify so that the planning flexibility is changed when you release the purch order.
NAV Freelance Consultant
i will try this out... so the system will also not cancel the purch order any more...
hm, should not be a very big problem for us, because we can cancel manually also...
and if not we will reuse the raw materials in the next planning run...
but what if a sales order due date changes...
then with planning worksheet (MRP) the dates for the production order will change...
but what about the requisition worksheet?
will it suggest me to change the date of the purch order or not?
and does None mean "not change released orders" or "not change orders"?
i will also investigate more in this topic...
Thank you very much for your help!
Kind Regards,
the result is the following...
1st run of requisition worksheet
initial demand from production 100 pieces
carry out messages and release the purchase order (+setting planning flex. to none)
new demand from production 50 pieces
2nd run of requisition worksheet
now the system don´t want to change my first purchase order,
but it also doesn´t handle it as "replenishment entry/object",
that means the planning suggests me now to create an
additional purchase order with quantity 150, because it does not find purch order 1 somehow.
that will lead me to the situation that i would have 100 pieces to much on stock after the production.
my colleague which is responsible for purchasing will kill me
anybody an idea?
thanks in advance!
kind regards,
NAV Freelance Consultant
now it works!
thank you all for helping to solve this problem!
kind regards,
If you're still around, I'd be very curious to know how you got the Planning Flexibility to work you. We are having the exact issue you originally described, where MRP is suggesting two POs for the 150 instead of just 50 to cover the new demand.
Please share!
we were having the exact same issue with purchase lines marked as Planning Flexibility None not counted against existing replenishment plan.
The result was creation of new planning lines to purchase missing stock (the 100 PCS and 50 PCS scenario above).
We were able to solve the excess purchase suggestions by temporary modifying the "Expected Receipt Date" of old Purchase lines marked as Non Flexible. The date has to be less then TODAY in order to standardly count this line as available Qty. This way new purchase quantities are not suggested.
You still retain the info if the purchase is late, as the new suggestion will be marked with an Attention warning.