I add a new field "item No.2"in a table named "item journal line"
i want to get "item No2" from table "item"
how i write the code in order to solve it
when do you want to get this info?
while validating Item no. in Journal line?
check how the description field is flowing from item card.
You need to check Item No. field Onvalidate trigger.
i have write the code under "Item No. - OnValidate()"
VALIDATE("item No.2","Item No");
but it still like it is
when i run the table item journal line, "item no 2 " still empty
and this when i run the table item
how i solve it
inorder to get the" item no2" to be appear onthe table" item journal line"
while validating Item no. in Journal line?
check how the description field is flowing from item card.
You need to check Item No. field Onvalidate trigger.
or you can create a flowfield
VALIDATE("item No.2","Item No");
VALIDATE("item No.2","Item No");
but it still like it is
when i run the table item journal line, "item no 2 " still empty
and this when i run the table item
how i solve it
inorder to get the" item no2" to be appear onthe table" item journal line"
you need to same for Item No. 2
but i canit solve it
can you help me by writing the code
you just need to replace description fields with Item No2 in new code.
IF Item.GET("No.") THEN
"Item No.2":=Item."No. 2";
and the item no.2 dont appaer
IF Item.GET("Item No.") THEN
"No." in Item Journal Line is not Item No.