Could not create an instance of the OLE control

Hi all,

Need help from here....

I got error "Could not create an instance of the OLE control....."

is there any step that i can use?

ole.jpg 26.3K


  • abhi1901abhi1901 Member Posts: 102
    Need more information on process. NAV version etc.

    Logically use Create() to init the automation var before using it.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,152
    The component is missing (not installed or not properly registered) on your machine.
    Follow your inhouse procedures to set up a new machine for use with NAV. There should be a record of what additional components need to be installed.
    If you don't have this, then try to google the GUIDs or determine from the code, where the component is used (use the debugger to find it) what it might be.
  • black222black222 Member Posts: 2
    i have found the solution...

    its because of LS Data director.. i have re-install back the LS DD..

    the no more errors.

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