
Warehouse Item Journal Defect

sbranin1sbranin1 Member Posts: 8
I found a defect in standard NAV that was introduced in the US version 2013 and has not been corrected in any later version (I haven’t checked 2016).

When you try to register a Warehouse Item Journal, function CheckItemAvailability in Codeunit 7304 runs through the journal lines and if they have a negative quantity, it checks the warehouse entries and reservations to make sure that an adequate quantity is available to make the adjustment. However, when it does this check it does not filter on the journal you are working in, it checks every record in the Warehouse Journal Line table. This means that if an item in a different journal has a shortage, you will get a message about that item even if it isn’t in your journal.

Can anybody else confirm my findings and if so, how to I get this reported to Microsoft so it can be corrected in a hotfix or later release?



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